Mar 8, 2016

“The Donald”, "The Don", "The Trumpster" "DJT" Strikes back, however how does Donald Trump Stand a chance at winning the presidential election? ( meanwhile, the liberal media may not be able to spin Hillary Clinton into the Oval Office..) Who is left then, Sanders?

Benjamin Fulford March 8, 2016 - Extract only:

This Satanic network is now being systematically dismantled in ways that are visible even in the controlled Western corporate media. The rise of US presidential candidate Donald Trump is a key example of this. Last week Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on US nation-wide Fox TV, said the Republican establishment was terrified of Trump because “He’s not one of them…he has not been through the initiation rites, he does not belong to the secret society.”

This has prompted multiple death threats against Trump, starting with Fuhrer George Bush Sr. but including others.

 Benjamin Fulford March 8, 2016 - Extract only:

Also, the takedown of Hillary Clinton is moving along quite rapidly. Hillary’s lesbian lover and aide Huma Abedin has been indicted, her IT guy has been given immunity in exchange for testimony and a grand jury is busy interviewing people to see who will be subpoenaed for her upcoming indictment. Charges will include leaking state secrets and using the Clinton Foundation like a secret government among other things, FBI sources say.....

Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President

Hillary Clinton is the only Secretary of State to delete 31,830 emails, from her own private server and without government oversight. Thus, we haven't seen all her emails yet. In fact, there are over 30,000 emails that the FBI or Bryan Pagliano might have been able to access, but none of us will see these emails. Tim Black offers a brilliant analysis of the Pagliano breakthrough, from an IT perspective, in this segment of Tim Black TV....