Feb 6, 2016

Understanding ‘DIMENSIONS’ and ‘DENSITIES’ In The Evolution Of Humanity (LIVE here in the present and allow the Synchronicities that you Experience to demonstrate to you that everything already exists here and NOW) - Feb 6, 2016 CET

Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki - 19 Januar 2015

Vær opmærksom på, min forsimplende version af Det Åndelige Hierarki med pyramidediagrammet kan gradbøjes og fortolkes på forskellige måder. Min er ikke entydigt korrekt i andres vurderinger. Det er en god ide, at sætte sig ind i Bevidsthedsudviklingen, den Esoterisk filosofi og Visdom, Antroposofi samt Det Hierarkiske Princip.

Forståelsen, at alt i universet er energi, og at al energi er på forskellige niveauer af vibrationer og frekvens, angiver, at alle planeter og deres indbyggere vibrerer på forskellige niveauer

Læs også: Hvad er begrebet tid og hvorfor betyder det så meget for os i vores 3D Matrix af illusion?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu0EN7S5fUo&list=PL_4NDtebCoPxC9QJW6o3zFj5SPzIhKEQ0  - YouTube Video Bashar: Explain of 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions.

Marker 81:28
Some will hear these words an will know immediately that it feels right, and they will relate to what is being said because one is experiencing it on some level in one’s own world.

For other listeners, these words may blow your mind into next week or next month, and it may be information overload. Either way, it is perfectly okay.

As I remind listeners constantly, what is true for one in the current moment of ‘now’, may not be true for some one else. However, in a future moment of ‘now’, one may decide that something is now true, when it was not true before. One may also decide that something is no longer true, when it was true before.

That which is considered ‘truth’ is often relevant only to the individual perceiving the information, and giving that information meaning, based on the definitions that one is using to explain reality to oneself. Last week, Bashar described this idea of definitions and how one uses definitions to define one’s experience in the world.

This week, I’m going to go in a direction that many people are beginning to talk about, even though there are many others who are not ready to handle this information. If you feel you are not ready for this information, just set it aside. It may not mean anything to someone this week, but maybe in the near future, one will meet another person and this topic may suddenly come up for discussion. The individual may seem surprised that suddenly this topic has again come up in one’s world. This is the magic of synchronicity, and as one pays attention to synchronicity, and begins to follow it, things begin to speed up.

Many are already describing the feeling that time is speeding up. There are those who believe humanity is moving in a particular direction, and this feeling is based on our current 4D reality.

In the past, I often spoke about the 3D reality, which is true to a point. Although I knew this subconsicously, I was not really communicating it properly. Our current reality is in the 4th dimension. We can perceive our spatial reality in terms of length, width and height, which are three dimensions, but add the dimension of time, and we now have a fourth dimensional reality. It has also been called a 3rd density.

As our collective consciousness awakens and expands further, we step into our greater power as spiritual beings. This is the power that the global cabal is desperately trying to prevent from awakening at this time. They know that if humanity fully awakens to who and what they are, it is game over for them. This is, in fact, what is already happening. We are moving into the last dimension of physicality, the 5th dimension, or 4th density. More and more humans are perceiving things on multiple levels that they were not previously able to do. Children are coming with amazing powers and gifts, and thus the cabal wants them poisoned with bad food, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations and radiation from cell phones, wi-fi, microwaves and more.

This week, another clip from Bashar explains this concept of dimensions and densities. If you do not resonate with the source, that is perfectly okay, but try to get a sense of the words, and see if the words have any meaning at this time.

As the concept of time continues to fade away, many will be called upon to help interpret the changes that are happening now, and the audio message this week may just be helpful for you in this sense.

Also in the show summary will be a link to another popular video featuring Dr. Quantum as he attempts to explain the concept of three dimensions to a two dimension being.

Create a wonderful week, until our next moment of ‘now’…I leave you with Bashar, a message received via Daryl Anka as he answers a question relating to dimensions and densities:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWyTxCsIXE4  - YouTube Video: Dr. Quantum: Flatland.