Jul 25, 2015

An Hour With An Angel ~ Archangel Micheal on Communication

Optræder både i Toraen, Biblen og Koranen og kendes altså af både jøder, kristne og muslimer. Mikael har flere opgaver, hvoraf den vigtigste er at han er leder af den himmelske hærskare I Johannes åbenbaring er det ærkeenglen Mikael, som på Dommens Dag skal lede den himmelske hær mod Satan og hans engle i den sidste og afgørende kamp mellem godt og ondt. En kamp, som Gud og det gode vinder. Mikael har endvidere til opgave at frelse de trones sjæle fra Satans magt - navnlig i dødsøjeblikket og at være beskytter for Guds folk. Derfor var Sct. Mikael blandt andet skytshelgen for mange kristne ridderordner i middelalderen. Endelig er det Mikaels opgave at bringe menneskenes sjæle frem for Guds domstol.



July 23, 2015 ~ Apparently, Archangel Michael wishes to speak to us this week about communication, relationships, control and defensiveness.

He wishes to distinguish what is old paradigm and what is new.

Just as a backdrop to this, let me add that this is a time of mayhem. The Illuminati economy is being dismantled. People are being pressed in financial areas like never before as matters tighten and tighten before the Illuminati structures are completely left in the dust.

People are having what AAM calls breakdowns and breakthroughs – or no breakthroughs and people are separating from romantic and work relationships.

Going along with this is that we as a society (and this is an assertion I make) simply don’t know how to communicate. We think we do but, in my view, we don’t.

Sometimes matters that need discussing go without being discussed for years and then suddenly erupt. Sometimes people become so clogged from all the secrets, withholds and resentments they’re carrying towards their romantic or work partner that they can only drag themselves out of bed in the morning or to work.

That’s part of what AAM calls the “old paradigm.” So AAM has expressed the desire to talk about these things and I for one am all ears as to what he has to say. See you there.

An Hour with an Angel airs every other Thursday, no later than at 7pm ET. Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael and other guests from the Council of Love to provide spiritual teachings and guidance on co-creating the New Earth. Interviewed by Steve Beckow, editor of the Golden Age of Gaia. Produced by Suzanne Maresca.

Music: Pachelbel’s Canon and Mike Roland – Son of the Light.

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