Oct 5, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 05. Oktober 2014 CET

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, i stedet for min lemfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelthen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed finder sted. 
1. One (creator) : Pennies From Heaven 2.

ONE:  Pennies From Heaven

Kanaliseret af Kathryn E. May 04-10-2014 
2014 Who Needs Light

Dearest Ones, you know, every time it rains, it rains pennies from Heaven.  Don't you know each cloud contains pennies from Heaven?  Yes, many of you remember that lovable song, an old standard, as you might call it. The song is true.  Do you know what it means?  Let me tell you.
Your lives are filled with events that could be seen as terrible, or they could be seen as an inconvenience, or they could be seen as just a part of the bigger picture.  The song tells the truth of how Earth's weather interacts with humans, how it interacts with Nature, and it encourages you to consider that, globally speaking, it is really a good thing when it rains, because it allows for wonderful things to follow.
Now about the pennies.  We were whispering in the ear of the songwriter with that one.  We wanted everyone to understand that prosperity on the planet is as intertwined with one's attitudes and feelings as the weather is. Yes, indeed, all events on the Earth are affected by your internal weather.  If you are glum, frustrated and discouraged, you will not prosper.  You will look for unpleasant things to happen, and the unpleasant things will be drawn to you energetically.  If you are pessimistic - which many of you would inaccurately call "realistic" or "practical" - you will see the world in a negative way, and your world will be unpleasant.  You will not be prepared to see goodness when it presents itself, because you will be too busy hiding from danger and "protecting" yourself....

Mary Magdalene:  Fear, Your Greater Ascension Evolution and Healing

Kanaliseret af Natalie Glasson 04-10-2014 
2014 omna.org

Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the light. I honor your journey and existence upon the Earth at this sacred time.
It is my wish to bring forth the wisdom of the New Era of Love in order to build your connection, alignment and belief in love within your reality and ascension process on the Earth.
There is so much love to be experienced and embodied within your being and all around you, pulsating from the source that is the Creator.
It is time to truly dedicate and commit yourself to the Era of Love, if it is your greatest desire and wish to experience such a reality upon the Earth.
It is my wish to share with you the wisdom and enlightenment I have received from the Era of Love energy vibration while inviting you to imagine it as a wave flowing from and through my own being.
It is first appropriate to acknowledge that love is always present, and yet will not [seem to] be present for you unless you choose to acknowledge and accept the love.
This means that if you do not believe in the presence of love in your reality, or believe that you are unworthy of love, then you are resisting the love of the Creator, choosing to ignore the presence of the Creator’s love

Hilarion: Love Abounds and Permeates Everything

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff  05-10-2014 
2014 The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

Love abounds and permeates everything.

Tune into this warm and gentle but powerful energy and drink your fill each day. Experiment with different tools and techniques that will help you to do this.

An easy way for most people to do this is to imagine a time or situation in the past where you experienced this feeling that brought a smile, joy and warmth to your heart and then try to bring that feeling into your heart in the present moment.

By this practice you are drawing down the love of the Infinite and bringing it into your own auric field. It is important to keep bringing in these higher energies on a daily basis in order to bring in the new human template and anchor it firmly on Earth within your own bodies which then expands your own light which in turn expands the light of those around you.

As the living conduits for the cosmic energies, you perform an invaluable service for the highest good for all when you do this.

As Ambassadors of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to walk your talk, to BE that which you proclaim and to intend in every thought, word and deed, to serve as living examples of the divine human here on Earth, right here and right now........(fortsættes)

Archangel Gabriel 2014

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff  02-10-2014 
2014 The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as force. Love is the creative action of the universe, the force which emanates from God to individuate itself into innumerable sparks of itself, which all beings are. The love which an individual or a group manifests in beneficent action on behalf of others lifts them to higher planes of consciousness.  It also lifts those on whom they focus this force of love to higher consciousness. Love is creative in its force. This active force, when used to perceive the good in self, others, and life, modifies one’s perceptions, thoughts and reasoning, judgment and discernment and opens the channels for love to flow. It opens the door to higher consciousness and develops the heart center, increases one’s foresight and wisdom, and keeps alive those qualities that stimulate spiritual and human growth. There are many forces humanity encounters in life but it is the force of love that is at the root of all of them.