Oct 27, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 27. Oktober 2014 CET

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, for min lemfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelthen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed finder sted. Alle budskaber er kanaliseret via spirituelle mennesker, som er i stand til at hæve sin frekvens,  energi, vibrationer til at modtage. Update: Vedlægger videoer, hvis de eksistere på nettet. Det er nogengange nemmere at modtage via lyd, frem for tekst. 

1. Archangel Michael
2. The Arcturian Group
3. Hilarion's Weekly Message
4. Montague Message
5. God Newsletter
6. Angel wisdom

Ærkeengelen Michael fortæller os, istedet for at vente på ændringer, manifestere dem selv i nuet, vent ikke længere på de sker for dig.
Arcturians - snakker om, at vi skal værdsætte alting også små ting i vores liv. Vi er udviklet nok nu til at elske og tilgive alle væsner, også dem som gør menneskeheden ondt. Gamle kosmiske forhold kommer frem nu, de anset som kosmiske bånd, der involvere en personer(er) som man føler sig ude af sync med, ikke kan lide eller afviser på en måde. Mange gange er det familierelationer, som er selvvalgt ved fødsel, for at hjælpe hinanden med aktivere og komme af med gammel rest af smerte og vasana.            
Montague fortæller os at det kommer til at fremkomme 20 fremtids Centre, hvor Irland bliver den første og sandheden om Irland og dens betydning, bliver snart afsløret
Angel Wisdom
Affirmation: "Jeg er omgivet af kærlighed, lys og visdom fra de store mestre af Universer, og jeg er klar og åben til at modtage oplysninger og forståelser, der vil hjælpe i denne store opvågning af menneskeheden. ( du kan læse mere her: Affirmations - bekræftigelser:)

cosmicgaia.com samt GoldenAgeOgGaia.com er gode opsamlingssteder for ugentlige kanaliseringer og budskaber. Meet The Master's of The Council of Light

Archangel Michael: Waiting and Living 

Kanaliseret af Daniel Scranton  25-10-2014 
© 2014 Danielscranton

“Waiting for your ship to come in will leave you in a perpetual state of waiting. That which is on its way to you is on its way to you whether you call for it, beg for it, or wait for it. But when you spend your time waiting and wondering and wishing for something to come, for change, for a new life, you’re not enjoying the life that you are living.

And it is that enjoyment that you seek. That is what you believe exists on the ship and in the goodies that it carries. So how can you enjoy your life as it is, ship or no ship? We recommend giving yourselves that which you seek, that which you believe can only come to you from an outside source.

If you are waiting for a lover, then love yourself. If you are waiting for the perfect job opportunity, then create that which you wish to do. If you are waiting for the perfect bodily vehicle, then look upon your body through new eyes and see it as perfect just as it is. No one can give you that which you deny yourself.

Be willing to look foolish as you live a life of joy in circumstances that defy that feeling. You are all capable of living the lives you want to live right now. You just have to stop waiting and start living. And when you do, you will find that the ship was there all along and that all it took for you to see it was to change your perspective.

We are speaking literally here, and we want you to know that. We are not giving you a trick to fool the ship into arriving. We are asking you to see it and know that it exists within you.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”... slut...

The Arcturian Group Message

Kanaliseret af Marilyn Raphael 26-10-2014 
© 2014 Onenessofall 

Billede af Arcturians iflg.

Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.

Greetings dear ones.  

In these present times of confusion for so many we see great light shining forth.  Much is happening that  you are unaware of for chaos is acting to bring forth a change of consciousness for many who otherwise would not be open to change.  The human condition fears change, finding a sense of security in sameness regardless of how uncomfortable, painful, or outgrown it may be.  

Those experiencing chaotic situations have for the most part, all given  permission before incarnating to be a part of some experience that may be needed to help to shift world consciousness.    In doing so they are completing personal karma as well as serving to help awaken and shift world consciousness.  Not every chaotic experience is  pre-planned.  There are times when a soul becomes so overwhelmed by life on earth that he forgets his pre-birth contract and lashes out in ways harmful to others and self.....(fortsættes)

Hilarion's Weekly Message

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff  26. Oktober - 2. November 2014 
© 2014 The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

Lightworkers around the world are holding and anchoring the Light like never before! Each person is endeavoring to nurture themselves each day by doing kindnesses unto themselves, little rewards that make them feel acknowledged and seen. You are all learning that self love is a necessity in order to move forward on your spiritual path. Love of self is a vital component in one’s overall spiritual development and it keeps a person in balance and in harmony, both within themselves and in the world around them. As the distractions of the outer world continue to bombard the senses, this practice keeps one steady and grounded. Never forget how wonderful you are and that you are deserving of all the good in the world......(fortsættes)

Montague’s Message

Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen 26. Oktober
© 2014 Montague Keen

Hver søndag, bringer Montague gennem et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, der er villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og Deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.    

My dear, it is our dearest wish to guide and support humanity through the many changes that must happen before the New Age begins. I am very aware that many in your world do not want to prepare. They are in fear. They still cling to their 3D beliefs and way of life. It is necessary to understand that when the Cabal is removed, then all the infrastructure it controls goes with it. It cannot be otherwise. This is a fact that all must come to terms with. Forewarned is forearmed.......(fortsættes)

God: If Life Were an Orange 

Kanaliseret af Gloria Wendroff 26. Oktober

© 2014 lovingenergies

God said:

Lean back. Forget about what’s on your mind. Let your mind be free and your heart full. Life is

not an ogre that you must run away from. Life stirs your heart. Let life stir your heart clockwise, not counterclockwise.

Life may keep you on your toes, yet life succors you. You may often feel that life is after you, and you wish life would mind its own business and be on the sidelines. The truth is that you are on the sidelines. You just haven’t learned this. Although you do set up your life and point it in certain directions, life isn’t for you to boss around. Life is not meant to be a call to arms. Life accommodates you as much as it can. Even when you feel steamrolled or railroaded, life isn’t steamrolling you or railroading you. It’s just that life has a different agenda from yours. In a manner of speaking, you are not meant to take life personally........(fortsættes)

Angel Wisdom: The Masters

Kanaliseret af Sharon Taphorn 26. Oktober

© 2014 playingwiththeuniverse

You are on a most important journey in your personal evolution along with the very planet upon which reside and you are being asked by the Council of the Masters - a group of high beings from across the Universes - to step up your game and focus your attention on becoming the best possible you. This does not mean that you are perfect, it means to do your best each day and to also be kind and gentle with yourself as you discover your great potential. These beings of light and love are trying to get your attention as you have an important project or task that will not only benefit you, but also all of humankind. This will help with this great shift that is happening on your planet in ways you may not completely understand, but to trust that what is unfolding is for the good of all. 

The world may not seem completely ready for all the information and knowledge that is being downloaded into your energy field at this time, however it is there for you to use and retrieve when you feel that the time is right. Those who seek it will know where to go and so be patient with the unfolding process and keep moving forward as you feel guided. Allow the pathways to your spiritual heart to be open so that you are more receptive to the messages they send to you as well as to feel the love for you and all that you do to assist in this great awakening. It is not always easy to be one of the wise ones, so know that you are not alone and have the support of powerful benevolent beings of love. 

Affirmation: "I am surrounded by the love, light, and wisdom from the great Masters of the Universes, and I am ready and open to receive the information and understandings that will assist in this great awakening of humankind." .... slut....