Sep 13, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 13. September 2014

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, i stedet for min letfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelhen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed.
Denne gang har Kathryn E., Wes Annac, Marlene Swetlishoff,  transkriberet og kompileret, fra Creator, Sanat Kumara, Archangel Gabriel. Tidsnød gør det svært at oversætte, derfor den uredigeret engelske version. Husk Google Translate giver nogen gange en forståeligt sammenhæng, og jeg kan bruge dage, på at oversætte til dansk. God fornøjelse.

Creator:  Our History, Your Destiny

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 12, 2014, 3 am.  New York

I want to give you this message now, because the Revaluation of Currencies will be announced

First, we want to congratulate you on the progress you have made over the past year and nearly nine months, since the historic Dec. 21, 2012 transition began. Many thought at the time that "nothing happened,"  but that could not be further from the truth.  From a cosmic point of view, everything changed. 

The Lightworkers among you pushed hard to pull the ship off the sand bar, you might say, and your concerted effort, although it didn't carry you all the way Home, certainly started the process going in a big way.  You set sail with all flags flying for the first time. This was evidenced by the fact that although many of you woke up in your 3-D beds disappointed, you did not give up and turn on us for not lifting you directly into the heavens at that moment.  After a few days or weeks, you came back to begin anew, with greater fervor, because you felt the truth of what our channelers and spiritual teachers were bringing to you.  You are indeed here to ascend, and it is the great adventure in your future. 

You have persevered in your studies, and you have reached deeply into your own Selves - your Earthly incarnations - and seen that there are dark corners of leftover anger, disappointment, resentment and fear that you needed to ponder, identify, wrestle with, and resolve.  You have struggled with forgiveness, and you have seen the multiple layers of possibility for deeper and deeper understanding of what true forgiveness means, and how intimately you must know yourself in order to reach true forgiveness and peace of mind.

You have worked along with the others who read these messages and listen to the radio programs, and you have used these tools to reach for higher and more subtle understandings of what Love means, and how you can find it in your heart to feel unconditional Love.  You have moved with us, through lesson after lesson, as we brought you step by step toward the greatest understanding of all - that We are One, and by that we mean you are a part of the great group consciousness that is Life. 

Our goal for you - the one we designed together when you were with me before your present incarnation - is what has been called Unity Consciousness. This is not an Earth-shaking demand, something you must turn yourselves inside out to learn.  No, I assure you, my dear children, that you are very capable of this, since humankind has experienced this wondrous state in earlier civilizations, before you descended into lower dimensions to experience this separation and individuation behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.
shortly, and our channel will not want to be sitting in her chair for hours while others are out trading their currency.

Some of you have referred to the journey from higher dimensions into the 3-dimensional state you have inhabited in this current civilization as "The Fall."  I would like to speak about that now. My Beloved Ones, you did not fall.  You descended.  We have tried in these pages to explain the Lucifer Project, which was a consciously planned, daring experiment.  Our beloved Light, whose name truly describes him, volunteered to leave the safety of my embrace to descend to the lower dimensions to accomplish three things. 

First, it was decided that humankind would benefit from the experience of life in a lower-dimensional body. There are myriad reasons for this, including but not restricted to the ability to experience intense sensations and emotions which you must then learn to manage.  Second, the daring experiment of living without memory of why you came, and not knowing that your family in higher dimensions was constantly with you and awaiting your return to their loving arms, left you to draw on intuition and innate wisdom in such a way that you will never doubt your inner strengths. Third, and most importantly, you agreed to come to Earth to overcome the races of dark entities who had come to our Universe from elsewhere.  Their purpose was to destroy all that was of beauty and perfection in our Universe. I will use the general term "Archon" to describe the dark ones who inhabited the lower dimensions, below the lower 5th dimension.

Some of you have become aware of the struggle which extended beyond your planet.  It has involved your Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies beyond yours, but the focus of activity has been in your area. You see, the intruders whose goal it was to find a center of operations here, where they could spread their destruction and chaos, was to take over our dear Terra, because of her quiet location in the far edge of the galaxy, and because of her beauty, which was a great part of the allure. 

Now, allow your minds to expand to conceive of the unthinkable, Dear Ones, because I am going to tell you things that your human minds may try to put into a box of known events and possibilities.  I ask you to remain completely open minded and free of pre-judged concepts. There are layer upon layer of Truths that I will try to give you a glimpse into. 

Understand, I will not withhold any information from you that I feel is in your Greater Good, and I will do the best we can, given your limited previous knowledge of the Universe and its history.  All of this will be revealed to you when you reach a higher dimensional connection with your Higher Self.

I will begin with the principal concepts and primary events which describe the history of this cosmic struggle. First, please understand that our Galactic Federation of Light is an overwhelmingly powerful military force which has protected you and will continue to do so, by mutual agreement of all concerned. We will not allow the dark ones to take decisive military action against any planet within our Universe.  Now, let me try to explain what that means.  We do not engage them in war if there is any possible way to defeat them without simply using our most powerful technology to wipe them out. This is not our way.  We are Love.  We will do everything in our power to win them over through the power of Love and Light, because this is who we are.

For eons, we have walked the thin line of allowing these beings of free will to survive, but not to defeat our beloved children on their soul paths to Ascension.  They were successful in large measure in their infiltration of Earth, because they "wisely" used psychological rather than military means to gain power over humankind. By this, I mean that they were able to convince many of the humans they came to defeat that war was a viable way of settling arguments amongst yourselves, and they were successful in creating conflicts in which you would insist on killing yourselves and each other.  This was a tremendous success for them.  They did not step over the strict line we had set for them, that they could not invade militarily in order to take over any planet.  They were clever in their attempts to use humans as their proxies by teaching their insidious and suicidal thoughtforms to my beloved human children.

Time and again, they countered the efforts of our great Lightworkers who came to Earth to stand against their destructive ways.  I will give you one example you might recognize.  Your St. Germain, during the 18th Century, was a founder of the secret society of Freemasonry, originally intended to foment revolution against oppression, which was co-opted to become the Illuminati who stood not for illumination, but darkness.  At each step of the way, it was necessary to use fast footwork, and every time a battle was lost in the arena of winning hearts and minds, a new tack would be developed by the Company of Heaven to level the playing field once again.

You see, this was the purpose of the Lucifer project - to "beat them at their own game," you might say.  All of you signed up to be the warriors of the Light, to bring your creativity and great capacity for Love and Forgiveness, to use your great powers of Light against their far inferior, but illusory powers to convince you that their darkness was greater than your Light.

Although the dark ones who have caused such chaos in our Universe are not the children of my soul, they are the children of the Greatest Source of All, our Creator of All Creators.  It matters not that it was an act of creation gone seemingly awry.  We cannot know if this is truly the case, or if their apparent abhorrent and despicable behavior is a part of a Greater Plan.  A child of Source is a child of mine, and yours.  Together we will move to embrace those who have gone astray, to rescue every soul from destruction, for that would be the inevitable end for those who must be absolutely contained for the protection of our Universe.

You saw this devastating truth with the destruction of the errant Reptilians who refused to come to the Light on August 22, 2013.  By mutually agreed galactic design, the Reptilian leaders agreed to this pact, in which all of the previously malevolent members would surrender and be brought to the Light, to be allowed a kind of cosmic amnesty and enlightened and released from the prison of their own making:  the DNA changes they had engineered eons ago in order to remain separate from me, from Love, and from the Light.  Those who came to the Light were welcomed and joyfully rehabilitated as they requested, and are now among the strongest mentors and friends who will share their experience and wisdom with all of you.

I must also share with you the fate of those Reptilians who refused the offer of amnesty, and chose instead to be "un-created," dissolved and dissipated into the stream of Life, to be freed forever from the chain of reincarnation and transition they saw as an impossible fate.  It was not "impossible" of course, it was simply the experience you have all lived and accepted as your path, the path of soul growth and elevation.  It was a sad day for us in Heaven.  You may remember the difficulty with which Mother and Father God told you of their departure.  Even though it was of their own choice, and even though they were children of another God, we mourned their loss. 

It was the end of one chapter of darkness, and no invading beings will ever again be permitted to disrupt your Ascension, for you are being protected by the Galactic Federation of Light under the watchful eye of Commander Ashtar.  But there are still dark thoughtforms, implanted into the energy, encoded into your bodies and minds, which you must now disperse before you will truly experience the Paradise on Earth you are envisioning. 

These are the clearings we have encouraged you to accomplish with absolute clarity and decisiveness.  You must take command of your consciousness and your will, to dispatch these shadows of the dark propaganda that you absorbed as truth through centuries of past lives.  We have instructed you through the book, Who Needs Light? and through the many channelings of our beloved Lightworkers, and we have told you: Only you can clear away the darkness within, because only you have dominion over your Selves in this free will state.  Just as the Reptilians were given the opportunity to choose for themselves which path they would follow, you too have been given the same choice.

It is time now for all humankind to awaken, to accept responsibility for your own thought patterns and energy emissions, and to understand that you alone can create the inner peace and deep connection with me that you long for.  I stand with open arms, radiating the Light which will lift you into my welcoming embrace.  You need only release your hold on the precious but dark ideas and concepts which are holding you to your 3-dimensional life patterns.  These specific ideas have been discussed at length in previous messages by the Company of Heaven and by me, in our carefully crafted lessons over the past two years.  You need only open your hearts and minds to accept our guidance and our Love.

I want to stress to you all, who have felt so misused by the whole plan, that it was you, in your optimistic and heroic dedication to achieving the ascension of Light over darkness, who continued on this path of suffering whatever was necessary, giving one life after another, to discover together the final answer within yourselves. 

Have you found that answer, my dear children? Do you know in the depths of your being that you must turn always to the Light to accomplish your goals? Do you understand now that only with the power of your combined ability to generate the energy of Love and Light will we at last overcome the illusion that evil is power?

This is your destiny, my dear humankind, to be the answer to the question in the minds of all who have suffered a brush with evil:  Are you stronger than the ones who created the Matrix?  Are you able to find your way through the maze of deception and illusion, because you have not forgotten that you have the nature of the alchemist, the sorcerer and the angels within you?
My Beloved Ones, you joined with me to carry the torch of Love to illuminate the entire Universe.  You must first turn away from your fascination with darkness, to understand that once you deny your attraction to all that is not of the Light, it will vanish from your world.  Do you remember the clever saying, "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" 

We wish to complete the underlying thought which Berthold Brecht missed.  Nobody came, means nobody.  If the people of the world refused to see their brothers as the enemy, if men and women refused to think of each other as alien species, if parents refused to see their children as animals in need of "training" and humankind awakened to see the animals around them as brethren and Mother Terra as their true and loving mother, then, ahhh, then "the world would be a better place, yes, the world would be a better place for you, and me, just wait and see!"  You may recall that the song by Jackie DeShannon begins with "Think of your fellow man, Give him a helping hand, Put a little love in your Heart!"  Yes, I do love your pop songs.  The lovely ones express our simple Universal Laws so beautifully.

I will ask Kathryn to play my favorite songs on her radio shows so that you can be treated to a taste of the humor and playfulness we hope to bring into your lives as you move forward to complete this wondrous project which will prove the triumph of Love over darkness, Light over all. 

You cannot triumph over the greatest challenges that Life on Planet Terra affords if you cannot laugh with abandon and sing with all your might.

Will you join with me to create the New Golden Age out of the essence of creation, which is Love?  Will you defeat war by not showing up or sending your beloved sons and daughters to die for a cause which could only be won by forgiveness, reconciliation and Love?  Will you join the cease-fire, and make the resumption of any war impossible because it cannot be waged above the sound of your singing?  Will you overwhelm those who have behaved so badly with your own  powerful energies, combined with mine, to form waves of Light so blindingly exquisite and irresistible that no being can forego the invitation to dance, embrace and be embraced by the Greatest Love of All - the Love of One.

In your heart, as in mine, is the Love of One. It is our divine plan, our destiny, and our freedom.  Join me, Beloved Children, to celebrate anew the Unity which is your birthright.  Let us raise the flag of freedom, which is white, with a golden sun at its center. 

Begin the march, Dear Ones, as the great ones before you have done.  Let your spirits soar, as you march to the sounds of the Angels singing in your soul, as you feel my breath on your cheek, as we walk together with hearts filled with joy.  It is our time.  We will not bow to darkness nor to evil, for they are but a fleeting illusion, a figment of imagination.  You are my Heart, and I am yours.  Together, we are One.

I am your loving Creator.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 12, 2014, 3 am.  New York

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Oversoul Teachings Q&As via Wes Annac: Sanat Kumara and the Gosford Hieroglyphs

Wes Annac 12. September 2104

The work you do for humanity’s evolution is more important than we can express, and you’re

We’ll generally encourage you to make spirit a part of everything you do, and if you let it, the divine can completely fill your perception and paint itself onto everything you do and experience.

Your experiences will become much more enjoyable when you allow the divine to permeate every aspect of your existence, and the greatest recommendation we can give on this day is to encourage you to expand your perspective and the work that results, for in doing so, you’ll expand the amount and purity of love you’re able to feel within.

Enjoy Your Lives

As our scribe’s starting to realize, it’s also important to get out and enjoy the beautiful bounties Gaia provides you. Get out to nature and explore or enjoy a good meditation, or do something else that fills you with a sense of peace, serenity and joy.

You’re encouraged to find and pursue the things you enjoy the most, and as long as they don’t work against your ascension path or spread a negative or damaging vibration, you can feel free to pursue them with as much passion as you’d pursue your creative work.

Many of you are starting to find that your creativity is far more expanded than before, and the result is that you can pursue a wealth of different creative routes on any given day and enjoy them as much as you’d enjoy any recreational activity.

While ‘work’ as it’s currently seen on your planet is something that drags on one’s sense of enjoyment, the work you have the potential to do will be far more enjoyable than you would’ve ever imagined possible.

We continue to watch you work as hard as you can to bring yourselves and the rest of your planet into the light, and while there are some avenues the conscious public continues to falter in, you’re soaring in others and we couldn’t be happier about this.

We – your higher selves, guides and the rest of the Company of Heaven – watch and appreciate all of the hard work you’re doing, and we encourage you to keep your work freshened and lively.

This is in part why we mentioned that you can explore other creative routes if the idea resonates with you, and you can even be creative in nature; enjoy your creativity in a less inhibited setting than your homes.

There’s nothing wrong with being creative in your homes, of course, and this is where many of you are creative by default, but there’s also nothing wrong with getting out to an expanded setting and using the good vibration Gaia provides to strengthen and enhance your creativity.

In time, you’ll find that your creative and leisurely time merge. This is what’s happened for a lot of musicians who willingly pursue their music because they enjoy playing and writing it, and as time goes on, you’ll cease to know the difference between work and fun.

You’ll enjoy everything you do, and you’ll never want to abandon your work in favor of finite physical things because they won’t satisfy you anymore.

With all of this said, we’ll answer the first question we’ve been provided on this day.

Question #1: Information about Sanat Kumara

“Can you give me some information about Sanat Kumara and the role He/She had for the Earth and us here. I was told once by Sananda, that my origin is from Venus and that I am a Kumara. Is it possible to get more clarity of what a Kumara is and IF that info is correct? I have got a bit confusing info about Sananda as well….”

Sanat Kumara is focused on many of the spiritual aspects of your ascension; the aspects that lead you to not only rediscover the sacred love that sits within, but the greater, more intensified etheric perception that comes with this love.

As other channeled sources have said (and as he himself has said), he’s agreed to oversee humanity’s entrance into the light by helping each of you find and act on your flowing inner love.

He’s working on helping each individual seeker find a sharper, more intensified perception of the etheric energy you’re being given in increasingly pure doses, and he’s working very hard on helping every soul – conscious of spirit or not – rediscover their sacred center and flow from there.

The seekers who are blessed with a particularly potent creative flow can thank Sanat Kumara and his team for helping provide it, and while this flow has always lived within and can be accessed by any seeker who’s willing to enthusiastically pursue it, Sanat Kumara and his team have played a big role in helping each seeker reach it in an uninhibited way.

Were it not for this soul’s diligent and selfless effort, the vibration of the awakening humanity would still be lower than it currently is.

One of Sanat Kumara’s primary roles is to encourage and uplift the conscious public, and while he obviously works with the rest of humanity, his main focus lately has been on empowering each conscious individual to find their inner love and use it for a wealth of creative and progressive purposes.

Since he essentially works on bringing each of you back into your soul, he’s also focused on helping you find the things you enjoy out of your lives and pursue them. This is in part why we mentioned the importance of enjoying Gaia’s nature or other, similar things that fill you with a good vibration – because Sanat Kumara has advised us and our scribe to recommend this.

However difficult it could be to believe that specific higher-dimensional souls not only exist, but perform specific roles in the ascension of your planet and even communicate with each of your higher selves, this is so.

You’re being guided by waves of higher-dimensional souls who watch you experience the pains and trials of the earth with love and compassion in their hearts, and while many seekers aren’t yet comfortable with directly identifying us, we’re ready for you to see just how real we are and just how easily you can connect with us.

Sanat Kumara is here as we give this message, and he’s adding his impressions to it. We’re allowing his energies to merge with ours in a sense, and we know our increasingly receptive scribe can feel his presence.

Don’t deny this presence, dearest scribe, and instead, welcome it into your perception. Allow Sanat Kumara’s influence to permeate the communication you’re receiving, and allow him to influence our message to a greater degree than usual.

We’ll remain the primary speakers for this communication, but know that Sanat Kumara is very directly here with you all and his energy can be felt as a subtle presence that outlines the words and energies we’re giving.

A Spark of Sanat Kumara’s Oversoul

As far as our reader is concerned, this soul is a spark of Sanat Kumara’s oversoul who’s come to the earth to directly assist in bringing humanity back into the sacred center and finding the love that results, as are waves of other seekers who are just starting to realize their mission and start their work.

Our reader is first intended to find and remain in the sacred center before opening up to the higher self and asking to become a conduit for Sanat Kumara’s mission of enlightening humanity by helping you rediscover your hearts.

Our reader will eventually connect with other sparks on earth who are also part of Sanat Kumara’s oversoul (or who are ‘Kumaras’, as our reader was told), and a lot of seekers are on this specific mission. Our reader isn’t alone in this unfolding quest, and every one of Sanat Kumara’s sparks is encouraged to connect with him.

Sanat Kumara wants our reader to connect with him, because he wants to help our reader receive a wealth of flowing insights and revelations regarding the role each spark is meant to play, and we can confirm that our reader’s planet of ‘origin’ is indeed Venus.

This planet’s inhabited by a higher-vibrational society that exists in the etheric matter that’s currently unperceivable to the unaware humanity, and more about this society will be known as the planetary consciousness continues to rise and humanity’s focus is taken off of your planet and put onto your galaxy as a whole, which’ll happen after your planetary restoration has been completed.

We’ll say very directly to our reader: we encourage you to connect with Sanat Kumara, and in regards to any confusing information you have or will receive, we recommend you simply take what resonates with you and let the rest fall away. Remember that you create your reality, and the things you empower and disempower will manifest for you.

No matter what seems like a fixed truth, everything is constantly shifting and changing in the higher realms and this includes the perspectives of various higher-dimensional souls and their earthly counterparts.

Now, we’ll move on to our next question.

Question #2: Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Australia?

“Could you ask our guides to provide some insight about the hieroglyphs in Australia known as the Gosford Hieroglyphs? Are they real, how old are they, and did the Egyptians put them there? If not the Egyptians, who did?”

This subject motivates us to again remind you that your history is nothing like you’ve been told. Yes, we’ve said this a lot, and the evidence of its truth continues to appear around the world.

Many people who are unaware of the true extent of your history would write off these glyphs as a simple prank or some other explainable phenomenon, and it’ll be difficult for many people to come to terms with the idea that various ancient societies have visited others – in some cases, societies on other continents.

We’ll confirm that ancient Egyptian souls are responsible for the glyphs, and they came to the place that’s now Australia on a mission from Source to share the things they’d learned with the people there.

Their mission was very unlike the missions of, say, the European settlers and colonists who sailed to the new world, because the colonists weren’t interested in helping the people in the new world who they branded ‘savages’ – they were interested at first in trading with them, but later in pillaging their territories and wiping them away from the land.

This ran contrary to the missions of the Egyptian souls who are responsible for these glyphs, and while we say they’re responsible for them, they aren’t the ones who physically carved them.

They brought knowledge to the people who were once on the Australian continent of the Law of One and various other concepts, and unlike some other civilizations, the souls who learned this information recorded their freshly learned revelations.

We’re giving our scribe an image of a small group of ancient Egyptian souls reaching the Australian shore, quickly meeting with the people they intend to help and giving them a wealth of truths and revelations.

As you’ll learn when your history’s no longer distorted, various groups from ancient Egypt and similar ancient civilizations who knew similar things would embark on voyages to various other places – places they didn’t even know existed until they got there in some instances – and share the things they learned with the people there, if people were there.

These groups saw it as their responsibility to awaken and uplift the rest of humanity, and later on down the centuries, other groups who learned about them would take inspiration from them and sail to various parts of your world, spreading enlightenment and offering spirituality to the people there – sometimes, in the face of heavy punishment from the ruling leaders of their day.

You’ll learn this and plenty of other things as your history becomes clear, and we look forward to the time when the truth about these glyphs and everything else you’ve been kept from knowing is understood by all of humanity.

The Gosford glyphs will be discussed in a new, more truthful light as the planetary consciousness continues to rise, and we hope to have satisfied our reader’s quest for answers regarding them.

We’ll make our final expressions for this communication with appreciation for the truth-seeking so many of you have been doing.

Our reader isn’t alone in the quest for answers about various phenomena that point to your history being different than you’ve been told, and the conscious public has practically pioneered the practice of finding the real and genuine spiritual truths behind various mysteries that seem unexplainable.

We encourage our reader to keep searching for answers.

Don’t take our response at face value, and do some more research on the topic if you desire to know more. You’ll find that various opinions are floating around about this and every other phenomenon, and as we did our first reader, we’ll encourage our second reader only to empower things that make sense to the expanding mind and heart.

Even if our answers don’t satisfy or don’t seem correct, you can disregard them. Always take what resonates with you, and always allow for others’ opinions because you aren’t all wired to think and feel the same things. You’re as unique as the history you haven’t been told about, and your endless quest for answers will deliver that which you seek.

It’s a guarantee, because nothing else could result from your dedicated and inspired quests.

Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.

(Permission is given to spread this post far and wide, as long as the following bio is included.)

I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future. I can also be found at Oversoul Teachings, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter
encouraged to embrace your work when you could otherwise embrace material things that don’t fill you with nearly as much satisfaction.

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Love Known as Harmlessness

11. September 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as harmlessness.
In order to cultivate the quality of harmlessness in one’s life, one must take responsibility for one’s own ability to respond to life’s most challenging situations by being able to respond rather than react.
Harmlessness is the outstanding quality in which one speaks no words that can damage another person, and thinks no thoughts that produce misunderstanding or hurt to anyone. It means to not harm or hurt physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
It is a discipline in which one recognizes the oneness and divinity of all life – a recognition that God lives in each and everyone and in all things, and is omnipresent in all life.
The quality of harmlessness springs from true understanding and guidance of the personality by the Soul, which leads to one’s spiritual expression in everyday life. By practicing this quality in one’s daily life, one attracts only that which is beneficent.
One uses the beneficent forces one attracts in this way for the helping of other beings, and brings about the understanding of one’s fellow men.
By employing this quality of love, one takes actions with a full awareness of what one is doing or saying, and keeps a close watch upon its application in one’s daily life.
By observing and studying one’s daily conduct, words and thoughts, one strives to make them harmless; by thinking only those thoughts about one’s self and others that are supportive, constructive and positive, and therefore, harmless in their effects.
One studies their emotional effect upon others so that no mood, no depression, and no emotional reaction can harm their fellows. They work on the stabilization of their consciousness in their lives and recognize the basic unity of all creation. They recognize that what affects one affects all.
Harmlessness is the expression of the life of the individual who realizes his or herself to be everywhere, who lives consciously as a soul, whose nature is love, whose method is inclusiveness, and to whom all forms are but externalizations of the Infinite One.
Harmlessness brings about caution in judgement, reticence in speech, the ability to refrain from impulsive action, and the demonstration of a non-critical spirit. This brings to a person spiritual energies that vitalize their personality, leading to right action. The result is that one is at peace and others are at peace with them.
Harmlessness is the essential foundation of all spiritual practice – a non-violence to any aggressive reaction. When harmlessness and kindness in thought, word and action are practiced, applied and become part of one’s daily life expression, one can truly see others around them as they really are: other sparks of divinity.
When the heart is full of love and the mind is full of wisdom, nothing is ever done that can cause distress to others in the long run.
Harmlessness is a state of mind that does not negate firm or even drastic action when called for. It concerns motive, and involves the determination that the motive behind all activity is goodwill. This influences the mental approach with an outcome that brings about only good.
It is having a deep connection to the principle of harmlessness itself, and requires taking responsibility for one’s intentions from moment to moment. Taking action on one’s intentions implies that one is at the center of a cause-and-effect process in every moment – that one’s intentions are shaping one’s consciousness in terms of the well-being or stress in one’s own life.
By tuning into a heart consciousness rather than a head consciousness, one feels how the closing of one’s heart to another or to one’s self also closes one’s self off from one’s own well being. One becomes less inclined to follow this habit. The more one feels the fullness and vitality of an open heart, the more inclined one becomes to treasure whatever brings about its opening.
Harmlessness is felt in the heart as an opening into wholeness and peace, a letting go of pain; and is in alignment with one’s deep aspiration for well-being. The more one trusts in its power, the more the path through life joyfully opens up for them as they develop techniques of mindfulness and calm, which help them to clarify and improve their intentions and states of mind.
Harmlessness implies a loving concern for both self and others. The inner motivation for being harmless can come from one’s love of others and all living beings.
Harmlessness is one of the most potent forces in the world today, and shows up in one’s daily life when one is embodying right motive, goodwill, reticence in speech and ability to refrain from impulsive action.
The demonstration in an individual of an uncritical spirit will allow the forces of genuine unconditional love to manifest into favorable human relations.
These spiritual energies can vitalize the personality into creating the highest outcome, which yields only good in their life. It also preserves a true sense of values within them. It brings about stability and steadfastness, and a clear and directed sense of purpose in the midst of the ever-changing world in which they live.
One becomes aware that one’s feelings and emotions are harmless if they are charged with joy, love, kindness, respect and appreciation. Harmlessness is love in action. It evokes spiritual response in others: one in which even the laws of nature support and empower.
I take my leave with the hope that more of humanity begin to practice this quality of love with compassion, steadfast purpose and intent.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,