Apr 30, 2016

(Reblog) Essensen af ubetinget næstekærlighed til alle medmennesker - også til dem som er udenfor familiecirklen - 30. April 2016

Kærlighed til dyr og børn er
uforenelige, men næstekærlighed
til andre, er en anden sag 
Udgivet første gang den 27. Juli 2014, af Verdensalt.dk 

Lad os først kigge på tilstanden; Ubetinget Kærlighed der rummer så meget positivt energi og så kraftfuld og transformerende, at følelser som sorg, vrede og magtesløshed kan bruges som våben til forløsning, der pulverisere i mødet med denne enorme kraft.

Det er ubestridligt vigtigt, at udvise ubetinget kærlighed til alle mennesker på jorden lige nu

Hvad er essensen af ubetinget kærlighed til andre, end os selv? Min definition på Ubetinget Kærlighed er, at bekymre sig om lykke for et andet menneske, uden tanke om, hvad vi selv kan få ud af det. Det er ubetinget kærlighed, når andre mennesker bekymrer sig om vores lykke - betingelsesløst. Det er et fortolkningsspørgsmål,  hvad kærlighed og ægte kærlighed er for en størrelse, dog er det sådanne at, ubetinget kærlighed giver dig mulighed for at elske dig selv først, så du har styrken i ​​hjerte og sind til at give det samme til en anden person.

Venner og familie kan være helt åbne og ubetinget med deres kærlighed til dig, men det er temmelig sjældne; vi er programmeret til at være betinget, at forvente noget til gengæld for vores kærlighed. Tør næsten sige med sikkerhed, at vi begrænser os selv til en vis betingelsegrad på næsten al vores kommunikation og interaktion. Vi er helt konkret konditioneret til kun give kærlighed, når det er gengældt, og oftest i henhold til, hvem og hvordan vi mener, fortjener vores kærlighed. Ubetinget kærlighed er ikke et lån, som skal tilbagebetales, men er en gave af hjertet - en gestus, hvor kun du, kan yde og få fordel direkte.  

Hørte Radio24Syv's udsendelse 25 Juli 2014 (Uenigheden) , hvor Gertrud Højlundtog tog emnet konflikter op, Kristeligt Dagblad beretter, at hver tredje dansker har oplevet konflikter med deres forældre, som har påvirket relationen.
Det er vel nok en af de største betændte områder, som kun skaber mere debat, når vi træder ind i den diskussion, jo længere Gertrud forsøgte at træde vande og gøre emnet spiseligt og neutral, var der allerede sms beskeder fra lytterne som tændte bål og stjerner.

Jeg har selv mistet en datter som følge af moderens had, smålighed, hævn, indoktrinering, kontrol og foragt og min egen afmagt, opgiven, tøven og ubeslutsomhed. Kender også flere, som når de støder på problemer i familierelationer eller venner, så kutter de forbindelsen, forbi man helst vil være foruden. Vi har nok i os selv, vores ego, INGEN skal have lov til dømme, trodse eller modsige os, det er ikke længere en nødvendigt, at have relationer til vores biologiske familie.Vil ikke kommentere hvorfor, fordi alle har en mening om hvorfor. Vil hellere tage et udgangspunkt i vores sind og hjerte, hvis vi handler efter den, skal vi ubetinget tilgive og overgive os til kærlige intentioner og dermed overgive os at afgive vores afmagt og fortvielse, lad tvivlen komme den anden part til gode - uanset hvilken konsekvens det medfører, har du nu givet din ubetinget kærlige intentioner ud mod universet.

Se det på denne måde, vores handlemønstre, dybe fælles træk, stammer fra vores arvemasse, som vi aldrig kan løbe fra vi nedstammer fra vores forældre, vi kan elske det eller hade, men ligefrem droppe vores relationer til dele eller helt til familien, skaber vi store ringe af negative spor efter os, da det faktisk går ud over rigtigt mange andre i og udenfor selve familien. Tænk over det.

Jeg mener, familie, venner og andre relationer, som vi alle omgiver os med, bliver tiltrukket af, er sat i denne verden med en blueprint, en master plan for give dig den værdi, skubbe til dit højere jeg, eller give dig viden, for du selv kan lære nogen ting og komme videre med din egen master plan. Når vi bliver ved, med at fornægte os selv, smide menneskeslige relationer væk som det var affald, mister vi noget værdifuldt som alligevel kommer op til overfladen i form af, afmagt, dårlig samvittighed, og en følelse af identitetstab og samhørighed - især når det er familien.  

Tænk på kærlighed som en handling, ikke en følelse. En følelse er noget, vi får fra nogen, og når vi stopper at få det, ændre vi ofte vores adfærd, på en eller anden måde. Hvis vi er nødt til at gøre noget, eller opføre os på en bestemt måde, for at modtage kærlighed - er kærligheden betinget.

I stedet for, når du begynder at tænke på kærligheden som en adfærd, bliver belønningen den følelse, du får, når du handler på en bestemt måde, ikke når en anden handler på en bestemt måde(reaktiv og genstandsbetinget). Du kan nu fortsætte med at handle med denne adfærd hele tiden, uanset hvordan andre mennesker opfører sig - det bliver en handling af generøsitet.

"kærlighed er ikke kærlighed, undtagen når den er generøs". Følelser kan ikke vare ved, men du kan forny dem kontinuerligt med nye aktioner.

Næste kapital - ubetinget kærlighed og spiritualitet ..... 

Four Unexplained Phenomenon That will Leave You stunned, Just Few Days After 'Prince' Died (Nature is so powerful!) - April 30, 2016

By Strange Sounds - Apr 25, 2016 (strangesounds.org)

Just some insane new images of a crazy supercell thunderstorm that engulfed Edirne, Turkey

By Strange Sounds - Apr 25, 2016 (strangesounds.org)

And now purple sky over Hanford, California on April 25, 2016

Coincidence or not? The purple sky phenomenon was also witnessed over California on April 25, 2016… Following Prince’s death

By UPI April 27, 2016 at 8:37 AM (upi.com)

Mysterious green light in Southern California sky baffles onlookers

Several residents of San Bernardino County and the surrounding region reported spotting the mystery green light in the sky between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tuesday, and at least one resident shared dashboard camera footage of the mystery light.

A green light streaking across the Southern California sky Tuesday night. Screenshot: KTLA-TV

By express.co.uk published, Thu, Apr 28, 2016

Mystery mushroom cloud filmed billowing from Area 51 'alien' base Clinton has eyes on

The huge mushroom cloud and (inset) military keep out signs

Cosmic Vision News (※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure") - Apr 30, 2016 CET

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)

Update: Included YouTube Newscast, MUCH better sounds quality ..

Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:

10. ( 82:18 ) FINAL WORDS




Apr 29, 2016

FADE to BLACK Radio show: Jimmy Church w/ David Icke, Jon Rappoport: Worldwide Wake Up LIVE

Published on 28 Apr 2016

David Icke returns to the show...the last visit was over a year ago...he is getting ready
for his Worldwide Wake Up Tour and we cover everything...with very limited
commercials...no breaks...just two straight hours of Icke as only he can do it...this is an
amazing, very open and candid conversation. Next up, Jon Rappoport and his No More
Fake Newsroom...this week: drinking water dangers and the truth behind it.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXWV9EFyvFM

Trump and Hillary Refuse to Explain Why They Both Share the Same Address in Delaware (Everyone Is Freaking Out About the Panama Papers...no surprise, America itself is emerging as a top tax haven alongside the likes of Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Panama. ” the New York Times’ Leslie Wayne described in 2012. “It’s easy to set up shell companies here, no questions asked.”. “the leading candidates for president – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – have companies registered at 1209 North Orange, and have refused to explain why.” ) - April 29, 2016

trump clinton mailing address
1209 N. Orange Street, Wilmington Delaware
The answer to that question would be interesting, indeed. I can’t wait to hear how Hitlary lies about this one. Refusing to answer confirms activity that is either outright illegal, or that The People would find abhorrent.

And they’re in good company, there, too.  ~ BP

April 25, 2016

(ANTIMEDIA) Wilmington, DE — As it turns out, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump share something pertinent in common, after all — a tax haven cozily nested inside the United States.

This brick-and-mortar, nondescript two-story building in Wilmington, Delaware would be awfully crowded if its registered occupants — 285,000 companies — actually resided there. What’s come to be known as the “Delaware loophole” — the unassuming building at 1209 North Orange Street — has become, as the Guardian described, “famous for helping tens of thousands of companies avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in tax.”

Reportedly dozens of Fortune 500 companies — Coca-Cola, Walmart, American Airlines, and Apple, to name a few — use Delaware’s strict corporate secrecy laws and legal tax loopholes by registering the North Orange Street address for official business.

“Big corporations, small-time businesses, rogues, scoundrels, and worse — all have turned up at the Delaware address in hopes of minimizing taxes, skirting regulations, plying friendly courts or, when needed, covering their tracks,” the New York Times’ Leslie Wayne described in 2012. “It’s easy to set up shell companies here, no questions asked.”

While the legitimacy of taxes as a concept may be up to personal interpretation, what matters in Clinton’s use of the so-called Delaware loophole, in particular, is her constant harping on the need for corporations and elite individuals to pay their fair share. In other words, Clinton’s employment of North Orange Street amounts to a telling, Do As I Say, Not As I Do. And, as the Guardian notes, both of “the leading candidates for president – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – have companies registered at 1209 North Orange, and have refused to explain why.”

As Rupert Neate explained for the Guardian, being registered in the tiny state allows “companies to legally shift earnings from other states to Delaware, where they are not taxed on non-physical incomes generated outside of state.”

Two Nuclear Leaks in the United States, One is Likely Worse Than Fukushima (VIDEOS) - April 29, 2016

When a radiation leak happens in Japan the whole world hears about it, but when not one but two radiation leaks happen in the United States no one does. There are radiation leak reports in Miami and New York, why is no one talking about it?

The University of Miami has found that the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, located just South of Miami, has caused levels of tritium, a radioactive isotope produced by nuclear reactors, in Biscayne Bay to spike to 200-times higher than normal levels. This would confirm suspicions that Turkey Point’s aging canals are leaking into the nearby national park. The site’s cooling canals, which are the part of the facility that appears to be leaking the radiation, are currently permitted to operate at 104 degrees, the hottest in the nation.

“This is one of several things we were very worried about,” South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard, who is also a biological sciences professor at Florida International University, told the Miami New Times. “You would have to work hard to find a worse place to put a nuclear plant, right between two national parks and subject to hurricanes and storm surge.”

Samples of the water at various depths and sites around the power plant showed elevated levels of salt, ammonia, phosphorous and tritium.

“We now know exactly where the pollution is coming from, and we have a tracer that shows it is in the national park,” said Laura Reynolds, an environmental consultant who is working with the Tropical Audubon Society and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, which intended to file the lawsuit. “We are worried about the marine life there and the future of Biscayne Bay.”

While all of this should sound alarms, nobody especially people who could do something about seems to care.

“What is happening at Turkey Point is a real danger to us, to our water supply,” said Jose’ Javier Rodriguez. “The fact that there is salt being dumped into the aquifer and the fact that there are contaminants in Biscayne Bay really should have sounded an alarm. But as of yet, we’re still waiting for state regulators to step up.”

BREAKING: Politielever smadrer løs på alt og alle. Eks-betjent: Giver 5000 kr. i dusør for oplysninger om voldelige betjente.(VIDEO) - 29. April 2016

RED STADEN - Inviter alle der støtter mangfoldighed har delt CADOK's video.

Der er ikke særligt meget mangfoldighed over Politi elevernes optræden på staden... Sørgeligt hvis det er dem her, som i fremtiden skal beskytte vores samfund.

614.798 visninger - Tryk på 'lyd knappen', hvis der mangler lyd.....

Torsdag d. 28 april 2016 kom der, for anden dag i træk, store tropper af politiskole elever og hærgede Christiania. Det hele startede med en mishandling.Pludseligt begyndte politiet at slå på alle som stod og så på. En CADOK fotograf blev slået ned og kom på hospitalet. Den anden CADOK fotograf fik slag og kameraet blev smadret.


En video af kampe mellem christianitter og politiet deles torsdag flittigt på de sociale medier. 

Af Jesper B. Larsen - 28/04-16 22:36

Den tidligere betjent, Lars Kragh Andersen, udlover nu en dusør på 5000 kroner for personlige oplysninger om de betjente, der var involveret i razzia på Christiania. En video af en politirazzia på Christiania i dag har vakt opsigt på sociale medier, fordi mange mener, at betjentene udviser en aggressiv og voldelig opførsel overfor de tilstedeværende personer. En fotograf fik smadret sit kamera og måtte sys i hovedet efter at være blevet slået med en knippel, ligesom flere andre blev ramt, da politiet trak kniplerne. Politiet selv afviser, at de har gjort noget galt, og at de tilstedeværende selv var ude om det, fordi de ikke efterlevede politiets anvisninger.

In the Name of the Profit: New RT documentary exposes dirty oil secrets, ISIS cozy ties with Turkey - April 29, 2016

Published time: 29 Apr, 2016 05:15

Exclusive eye witness reports and documents, abandoned by retreating jihadists and found by RT Documentary crew members in a region liberated by Syrian Kurds, point to a commercial scale oil smuggling operations and the terror group’s cozy relations with Turkey.

Exclusive and unprecedented footage, along with witness accounts, was filmed by the RT Documentary crew only ten days after the town of Shaddadi in Syrian Kurdistan was liberated from Islamic State terrorists. The area surrounding the town is well known for its vast oil reserves and extraction activity that for months was reaped by ISIS command to generate revenue.

Following Kurdish soldiers around the destroyed and abandoned homes, RT Documentary found documents which showed a direct link between Turkey and Islamic State fighters operating in Syria. The jihadi paperwork included an entire pile of foreign passports with Turkish entry stamps, and booklets encouraging jihad against the the Syrian government, printed in Turkey.

Read more: https://www.rt.com/news/341317-isis-oil-profit-rt-documentary/

Apr 28, 2016

EL: Topkarakterer til F-35 lugter af »bestillingsarbejde« (Hvad havde du regnet med kære Eva Flyvholm? Lars Løkke og forsvarsindustrien har allerede underskrevet en aftale med vores puppetmaster USA for langt tid siden. Nøjagtigt ligesom 911 - Someone Must Tell Them: "1 + 1 ≠ 3")

Eva Flyvholm (EL) mener, at anbefalingen af Joint Strike Fighter ligner bestillingsarbejde.

Ifølge Enhedslistens forsvarsordfører ligner det aftalt spil, hvis det holder stik, at Forsvarsministeriets kampflykontor på alle parametre vurderer F-35 som en vinder. 

 kilde: http://www.politiko.dk/nyheder/el-topkarakterer-til-f-35-lugter-af-bestillingsarbejde

Israel – A Nation Founded Upon a Monumental Lie (It's not breaking, Veterans Today has covered it must brilliantly, nonetheless very important to understand...) - April 28, 2016

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, there was an extraordinarily evil kingdom. A land ruled by a wicked king who filled his court with practitioners of ancient Babylonian black arts, and occult oligarchs. A land inhabited by an aggressive demented race of thieves, murderers, and highwaymen, who would prey on travellers, steal from them, murder them, and then assume their identity. The citizens of neighbouring lands lived in constant fear and trepidation of this menacing realm, its criminal population, and its warlike tendencies.

Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that the above opening is the prologue to a mythical fable from times past, but such a sinister country, complete with its equally terrorizing inhabitants did exist. The country was called Khazaria, and its populace Khazars. A land to the north of Georgia and the south of Bulgaria, between the Black and Caspian seas.

The history of the Khazars, has been almost completely excised from history books and public records, and many hours of intense research were required to reconstruct this purposely hidden secret history of the Khazars. The following is the true history of Khazaria, its evolution, and its present day influences on our society.

The Khazars originally were an Asiatic Mongoloid nation. From time immemorial the homeland of the Khazars was in the heart of Asia. It was a very hostile nation, constantly at war with its neighbours. The Khazars were finally driven out of Asia by neighbouring countries in Asia with whom they were continually at war. The Khazars fled their Asian homeland and invaded eastern Europe to escape further defeats in Asia.

The very hostile Khazars did not find it difficult to subdue and conquer the 25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying approximately 1,000,000 square miles in eastern Europe. In a comparatively short period the Khazars established the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and probably the wealthiest also.

Between 100 and 800AD an incredibly evil society evolved in Khazaria. During this time, Khazars become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travellers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

BREAKING: New BLACK Chemtrails Reported Worldwide! April 28, 2016

Word of chemtrails has been pacing the internet for years, but if you were a person saying that they are fake, there will be no denying this. Black chemtrails are all over the skies, it is a new phenomenon with reports increasing world wide. You will not believe your eyes!

In the video below you will see other chemtrails not making a shadow directly beside one that is making a shadow, so the theories about shadows cannot be correct. The fact is, clouds cast shadows on the ground, not the sky, therefore, we do not see chemtrail shadows on the ground and we do not see cloud shadows in the sky. They spray a line of black and then go directly over the line and spray with white, making a shadow effect! It is absolutely crazy!

What are they spraying on us, and why has it become black instead of white? Please do not say that it is a passenger jet because it is much too big to be a normal passenger jet. Please watch the following video below, and you will not believe what you are seeing.

source: http://awarenessact.com/new-black-chemtrails-reported-worldwide/

Check google search

MUST WATCH TRAILER! COMING IN MAY WITH THE BIGGEST GIVEAWAY OF 2016!! (The Final Roman Emperor, The Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican’s Last Crusade)

Published on Apr 19, 2016

Coming, exclusively from SkyWatchTV, for a very limited time starting May 31, 2016, when you purchase the new book and FINAL REPORT from Tom Horn and Cris Putnam “The Final Roman Emperor, The Islamic Antichrist and the Vatican’s Last Crusade” you will receive the largest giveaway of 2016… an unprecedented value of over $200.00 in free books, DVDs, Audio Files, and a data library with tens of thousands of pages of ancient literature no longer available, as well as movies, Wikileaks files the government does not want you to see, and more for your library or to give away as gifts!

JUBILEE JOLT: Agenda 2030 Plans for Total Human Enslavement Now Rolling Out Rapidly( 17 Goals, just signed at the UN. They are very similar to the 2030 Agenda goals that Ranger Mike translated. It'll mean top down, communist style central planning of the entire world and lowering everyone to the basest level... so we can all be equal. There is some hope, though. Around the world there is an awakening. ) - April 28, 2016 CET

Post can be found on DollarVigilante.com: HERE
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The UN 2030 Agenda was announced last September, on the cusp of Jubilee 2016. In the past week, two additional agreements have come into further force. One was the formal signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The other involved signing 17 Goals to Transform Our World.

They even brought out the new pretty face of global tyranny, Leonardo DiCaprio, again at the UN, who was granted his coveted Oscar trinket in exchange for selling his soul and being the smooth talker who herds the sheeple into their cages.

Additionally, at the beginning of April, the UN launched a campaign, the Oceans Treaty, to take over the world’s seas at a single stroke. In a series of conferences, the UN set up a global timeline to designate as much as 30 percent of international waters as “no-go areas.” Part of the UN’s intention is to determine the economic benefits of “marine genetic resources.”

I wanted to wait before I did a write-up of the 2030 Agenda to see what else would flow from it. But my questions have been answered in the past weeks by the announcement of this astonishing Oceans Treaty, the signing of the Paris Accords and, similarly, the signing of the 17 Goals.

There is really no way to describe the darkness surrounding these initiatives. They are a perfect expression of Jubilee 2016. In fact, much as the 2030 Agenda is an extension of UN Agenda 21, so Jubilee 2016 is an extension of Shemitah and Shemitah Trends.

In the video "SUPER SHEMITAH: Elite's Jubilee Year Plan to Crash World Economy by October 2016", I fully predicted the laying of further groundwork for the New World Order. And, since, we’ve seen further movements toward World War III, the ongoing destabilization of  the Middle East, one of the worst starts ever to equities at the beginning of the year, a further move to a cashless society and most recently the unprecedented hack of  the Panama Papers that has led to a global tax crackdown run by the IMF and G20.

Each and every word of describing these 2030 Agenda initiatives is based on a lie. Together, they create a kind of spiritual black hole that will swallow up tortured millions and then billions of lives. If those standing behind these documents have their way, each of us will be mutilated by vaccines, poisoned by genetically modified foods, banned from partaking of the bounty of the sea, taxed, surveilled, controlled and spiritually dehumanized into beastliness.

Matt Kahn – A Message to All Innocent Hearts - April 28, 2016

The difference between a lightworker and a victim has nothing to do with the situations faced, but how one responds to the circumstances at hand.

A lightworker uses their world of experiences to become the change they wish to see, while a victim is hurt by the actions of a world, while waiting for the change they have yet to become. On a spiritual level, a victim is a lightworker in training.

Throughout each chapter of life, the inevitability of loss and the suchness of change are survived to bring forth a new consciousness for the benefit of all. This means victimhood is not a pitfall one escapes, but ongoing stages of spiritual growth and energetic expansion to call forward the lightworker in you.

Whether contracted in fear from the hostility between countries, heartbroken by the actions of terrorist attacks, at war with yourself in your own mind, disappointed by the behavior of others, or overwhelmed by the heaviness of the collective unconsciousness, each moment of victimhood acts as an invitation to step across the threshold of despair to become the lightworker you are destined to be.

Dr. Michael Salla Update with Corey Goode (Inner Earth Beings Take First Step to Openly Reveal Themselves to Humanity) - April 28, 2016 CET

Sphere Being Alliance's Profile PhotoPosted: 27 Apr 2016 08:58 AM PDT

Corey Goode - There have been meetings and significant developments that have occurred since this update. DW or I will be releasing an update soon.


Inner Earth to Reveal themselves to Humanity

Several ancient civilizations hidden in the subterranean regions of Earth have taken the first steps towards revealing themselves to surface humanity, according to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. In the April 26 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Goode provided more detailed information about an encounter with Inner Earth civilizations, which he initially described in a January 14 update on his website.

Goode began by citing his early January 2016 visit to a futuristic underground city belonging to an Inner Earth civilization, and for the first time he identified them as the “Anshar,” who have existed a staggering 18 million years. Goode said he could feel the excitement among the city’s inhabitants over the news that their leaders had decided to change an established policy of strict separation, and make preparations to openly reveal themselves to surface humanity.

The changed policy, Goode stated, emerged out of a December 2015 meeting held at a secret base in the Kuiper Asteroid Belt, where representatives of an alliance of seven Inner Earth civilizations met with a representative of the Sphere Being Alliance

On previous occasions, Goode has described the Sphere Being Alliance as sixth to ninth density
beings – Type III civilizations according to the Kardashev scale – which have transformed relations between different secret space programs and extraterrestrial civilizations operating in our and adjacent solar systems.

In addition to creating a “frequency fence” or quarantine around the Solar System, the Sphere Being Alliance has helped a more ethically principled “Secret Space Program Alliance” achieve technological parity with less ethical space programs and extraterrestrial groups.

Continue Reading at .... http://exopolitics.org/inner-earth-beings-take-first-step-to-openly-reveal-themselves-to-humanity/

Workshops med Qigong Master Robert Peng i KBH 27-30 maj

Vestegnens Fest- og KursusCenter, Tårnfalkevej 17, 2650 Hvidovre
Organized by : alun.dk
Vi vil langsomt udvide gruppen med blandt andet videoer, e-bøger, specielle begivenheder kun for medlemmer osv. men aller vigtist så er denne gruppe oprettet for vores besøgendes skyld, så al ris og ros er meget velkommen.

Activities Hvidovre / Description

Kunne du tænke dig at opleve øget energi og vitalitet, bedre søvn om natten og mindre stress? Og hvad med en bedre føling med dit kald og indre fred?
På disse fire forskellige workshops vil Robert introducere helbredende Qigong-teknikker og meditationer, som han har lært af sin mester Xiao Yao, en legendarisk munk med bemærkelsesværdige evner indenfor healing.
Robert vil give instruktioner, inspiration og vejledning for at øge helbredelsespotentialet hos den udøvende og for at udvikle udøverens evne til at bruge Qi for at beskytte sig mod patogene faktorer og for at beskytte mod syg Qi.
Eleverne vil lære forskellige healingsteknikker fra Qigong (begge hænder på og fjernhealing) og vil få øget og forstærket deres healingsenergi.
Qigong er en træningsmetode, som både er GRATIS og sjovt at udføre. De simple øvelser er noget, som alle kan udføre, og det kræver kun nogle få minutter hver dag.
Ved slutningen af workshoppen vil eleverne være i stand til at gennemføre en session med mærkbar effekt på venner og familiemedlemmer.
Er du klar til dit livs oplevelse, som både kan gavne dit helbred og øge din lykkefølelse?
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Apr 27, 2016

Message from Montague on Sunday Apr 24, 2016 (Refuse to continue to be part of the EU, which has been set up to destroy your individuality, your race, and your humanity. The OBAMAs of your world do not serve humanity, they only follow the orders of their masters within the Cabal. Their false promises, gestures, and their displays of caring for the masses, are done to fool you into trusting them. Each one of you needs to ground yourself and open your eyes and ears to the TRUTH. Stop believing the Cabal's propaganda tools, its TV and newspapers)

Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen
© 2016 Montague Keen

Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.


The struggle for complete control of your world has never been greater than it is now. The web of control has ordered its minions to ensure the masses do as they are told. The elimination of the White Race is openly happening all around you. I tell you that you cannot afford to ignore the many indications of this. You must preserve and protect your race. Look at what is happening in Europe, in order to understand what I am drawing your attention to. The control centre is showing its hand, as time is fast running out for them to gain complete control of the Earth. Because of the work that is being carried out, the Schuman Resonance is rising every day.

Here is a video explaining what this means

Soon, those in the Cabal will find themselves totally exposed and at the mercy of the masses that they have tried to destroy. The work you do each day with M has exposed just how the control system operated. It was successful for the sleeping masses; but not anymore, as the masses are waking up, thus increasing the light in your world. All those in power, are doing all within their means, to hold you in servitude to the Cabal. Their loyalty is totally to the Cabal.

Poul og Fritz - CEO medikoindustrielle kompleks: Åhhh nej... se nu der, S-politiker og næstformanden i Region Hovedstadens Sundhedsudvalg nægter, at lade sine døtre får HPV-vaccinen. Hvordan giver vi nu danskerne et hold-kæft-bolche? hmmm... Jo, nu ved jeg det, vi hyrer sgu den alvidende charmør, DR's TV-læge Peter Qvortrup Geisling, så kan han dække over vores 'fuskede' rapport vi sendte til Sundhedsstyrelsen, WHO, SSI og Kræftens Bekæmpelse, som naturligvis arbejder for os, dermed får vi igen genoprettet tilliden og opbakningen fra befolkningen, puha...vi slap igen for yderligere tiltale.. »Vi lever i nuet. Carpe diem, prøver at gribe dagen

Snobberne Poul og Fritz - CEO medikoindustrielle kompleks

S-politiker anbefaler HPV-vaccine: Men venter med egne døtre

Som politiker anbefaler Flemming Pless, næstformand i Region Hovedstadens Sundhedsudvalg, at piger får HPV-vaccinen, men han venter selv med at vaccinere sine døtre, der ellers er i målgruppen.....

Læs videre: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/regionale/hovedstadsomraadet/s-politiker-anbefaler-hpv-vaccine-men-venter-med-egne-doetre

Se eller gense TV-Avisen:

https://www.dr.dk/tv/se/tv-avisen/#!/ (marker 12:00)

Rytteriet's Poul og Fritz: Poul - Uha dada..ham der tv lægen, han er sgu da for lækker, på den fede måde, ikke sandt?" Man burde åbne en fabrik, vi åbner en vaccinefabrik, ja det gør vi, uhhh det bliver bare så sjovt. »Vi laver ikke noget. Vi har jo vores penge«. Vi er begge, hvad man i den engelsktalende verden kalder for old money... Og hvor disse penge stammer fra, er vi ikke meget for at tale om: »Nej, nej. Du har slet ikke forstået det. Enten er man rig, eller også en man det ikke. Og hvis man er rigtig rig, er man også født rig. Sådan er det. Men vi har da ikke bare sløset pengene bort«, siger Fritz.

CDC Whistleblower Scientist Given Huge Bonus and Asked to Rewrite Fraudulent Vaccine-Autism Study (ECETI: CDC Corrupt Disease Contractors, and the WHO World Hell Organizers have been distributing death and disease globally enforced by their brute squad the FDA, Fatality and Death Assured. They created the autism, polio outbreak, every flu was engineered and now nagalese, thermerosal, and aluminum in the recent innoculations which destroys your immune system and your ability to fight cancer. What is next? When will the doctors, nurses, and health care practitioners educate themselves, find their integrity and say enough?)

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., issued a press release today clarifying some issues related to his past relationship to Dr. William Thompson of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Dr. Thompson originally contacted Dr. Hooker and confessed that the CDC had covered up data in a 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics that linked the MMR vaccine to autism. When the phone conversations between Brian Hooker and William Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney.

However, in spite of the confessions of fraud at the CDC by Dr. Thompson, he retained his position at the CDC, and no committee chair in Congress dared to take on the pharmaceutical cartel and hold hearings on the matter. Dr. Thompson was never subpoenaed to be questioned about the alleged fraud at the CDC. Congressman Bill Posey was the lone voice in Congress calling for hearings, and he allegedly received documents from Dr. Thompson as well as an affidavit. Dr. Thompson appeared willing to testify, but only under oath before Congress.

It never happened.

With the recent popularity of the film VAXXED, which features the story of Dr. Thompson becoming a whistleblower and revealing fraud at the CDC, more information has come forward about just why it is believed Dr. Thompson retained his position at the CDC, and just how the CDC is going to handle this story, which for the most part has been censored in the mainstream media, but been on fire in the Alternative Media and Social Media.

Dr. Brian Hooker made some comments at one of the Q & A sessions of the film’s premiere in Manhattan recently, and today he issued a formal press release explaining the basis of those comments.

Continued reading.... http://www.healthfreedoms.org/cdc-whistleblower-scientist-given-huge-bonus-and-asked-to-rewrite-fraudulent-vaccine-autism-study/

Hvad sagde jeg? Nordea-chef varsler prisforhøjelser af bidragssatserne i kølvandet på Nykredit-balladen.

27-4-2016 - dr.dk 

Efter måneder med heftig ballade og protester mod de varslede prisforhøjelser hos Nykredit, barsler Nordeas realkreditinstitut, Nordea Kredit, nu - tilsyneladende - også med prisforhøjelser.

source: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/penge/nordea-chef-varsler-prisforhoejelser-paa-boliglaan

26.4.2016 - verdensalt.dk

Læs også: Det bliver måske dyrere at være boligejer (Troels Lund Poulsen kommer med misinformerende 'forventet' prisstigninger for boligejere, som ikke er fastlagt endnu. Derfor kan Nykredit og andre benytte muligheden til at hæve bidragssatserne (money scam)...på forhånd. Vi ved, det blev fremlagt allerede i Dec. 2015 hvor Finansrådet meddelte, at den danske finanssektor står til at skulle rejse 85 milliarder kroner i ny kapital, 'såfremt nye', internationale krav bliver gennemført uændret (kan først stadfæstes om et par år). Dvs. realkreditten 'tror' de står for skud fordi Basel-komitéen i Schweiz kræver større kapitalkrav. Ja, det er rigtigt at Danmark har ingen veto ved forhandlingsbordet. Vi ved med sikkerhed, at regningen altid skubbes til Husholdningerne, ALDRIG til Erhverslivet. Det er også krystalklart, at realkreditselskabernes indtjening på bidragssatser er uændret eller stiger, samt obligationsejerne/investorerne altid får deres renter tilbage fra boligejerne. Med andre ord, boligejerne taber, altid)

Ved du ikke hvad en shit-storm er? Find en tilfældig kommune, så som Gribskov kommune. Tænk dig godt om inden du flytter dertil med børn eller skal finde bolig (Først var Buster ved at blive kvalt i sand, og så blev Christoffer glemt på stranden. Så smed skolebussen et børnehavebarn af udenfor hjemmet uden opsyn. Dernæst ville de spare skolebussen væk, indtil de blev sagsøgt. Lige efter gik Prebens Minibusser konkurs. På Gilbjergskolen blev 12-årige Viktor holdt tilbage af fem lærere - beskyldte drengen for ADHD. Børnesagerne steg med over 300% i Gribskov kommune. Så fik BUPL nok, pædagogernes fagforening rettede stærk kritik mod det politiske kaos på børneområdet. Men det stopper jo slet, slet ikke her. Over 10 år har man ignoreret, at en livsfarlig mobilmast, er placeret direkte inde i Ramløse Skolebygningen. Sidste skud på stammen: 82-årige Ejvind som blev nægtet en ny bolig, kommunne granskes om ansattes ytringsfrihed. Alle er tvungen digital post, mens 14 ud af 23 byrødder har fravalgt at få dagsordenerne leveret i papirformat. Kommune gav privat opgave til egen chef.... og jeg kunne blive ved og ved og ved..

Test: Find en tilfældig dansk kommune som er pletfri. Findes ikke, vel?










Den officielle forklaring: Kristian Jensen og Mary besøger Burkina Faso, hvor de skal sætte spot på kvinder og pigers rettigheder (Den u-officielle forklaring: EU og Bilag-Lars har sat alt ind nu.."Vi skal være der, hvor flygtningestrømmen begynder"....Det var budskabet sidste gang Kristian Jensen besøgte Afrika tilbage i December 2015(Kakuma – og Kenya)..Samme budskab som DF: Stop flygtningestrømmen ind i landet, men ingen tør sige det offentligt...)

Kronprinsesse Mary er i al hemmelighed rejst til uroplaget afrikansk land

Sammen med udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen er kronprinsesse Mary nu på vej rundt i Burkina Faso. For knap tre måneder siden måtte kronprinsesse Mary og udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen udsætte en rejse til Burkina Faso på grund af terrortruslen. Men nu er kronprinsessen og udenrigsministeren ankommet til landet i det vestlige Afrika, hvor 29 mennesker i januar blev dræbt under et terrorangreb. Rejsen denne gang har været hemmeligholdt af sikkerhedsgrunde. Men nu vurderes situationen stabil i landet, siger udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen (V). - Der var lige kommet ny regering, der skulle træde til og vænne sig til nye poster. Det betyder, at de har mere styr på systemerne dernede. Der er ikke det her magtvakuum, som der var for tre måneder siden, og derfor er det mere sikkert at tage af sted nu, end det var dengang, siger Kristian Jensen.

Læs hele historien: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/kronprinsesse-mary-er-i-al-hemmelighed-rejst-til-uroplaget-afrikansk-land



Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 27. April 2016 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

We come on this joyous date to inform you that various blessings are currently in the last phases of delivery. Soon these blessings are to be with you. Things that the dark has employed to block these funds are gone

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

1 Ik, 15 Kank’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! Great progress is being made to get your blessings to the correct bank accounts. The dark has continued to try to delay this operation and it has mostly failed. A number of key developments did nevertheless occur. China began the process of moving to a gold standard with the announcement of the gold Yuan in Shanghai. The young royals in Europe approved the shift of vast sums of monies and the ancient families in China transferred a number of last remaining gold depositories into their final positions. As you see, the final preliminary steps needed to deliver your blessings are accomplished, as provided by a series of special agreements signed by all treaty nations last spring. All is currently on a divine timeline and our fleet is watching this complex set of actions closely. We expect that all of the required procedures are to be completed in a timely way. Until then, be patient and know that many of these funds still require some additional steps to be finalized. The dark is finally on the ropes and their long reign is just about over. Your victory is in sight!

Cannabis Oil Replaces 22 Pills for Little Boy With Seizures (Blogger: I almost cried when I watch this video for the first time... In Denmark people are 'beginning' to realize how evil this system really are, being on medication, taken HPV-vaccines etc. We still have a long way ahead of us. By design, medical–industrial complex makes us ignorant, indoctrinated, naive, truthfull to the 'system' that kills us for profit...)

Posted: 25 Apr 2016 10:00 PM PDT

Jayden David started having seizures at the age of four months. For the next 5 years, he continued to have up to 500 seizures PER DAY.

by Raven Fon

Doctors prescribed him a dosage of 22 pills a day in hopes to find what was wrong and to help sedate the episodes.

Can you imagine having to ingest that many pharmaceutical drugs at such a young age, and then to not have them work?

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