Aug 6, 2014

Finansielle Akronymer og forkortelser som ZAP anvender og andre kilder

Forkortelser og deres betydning som løbende bliver ajourført:

IQD - Iraq Dinar
IQN - Iraq Dinar (den nye efter nulstilling )
VND - Viet Nam Dong
VNN - Viet Nam New (den nye efter nulstilling)
RV - Revaluering
GCR - Global Currency Reset (nulstilling)
FRN - Federal Reserve Note
TRN - Treasury Reserve Note
UST - United States Treasuray (Undersecretary for Financial Intelligence David Cohen ) amerikanske finansministerium
USD - United States Dollar
A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) "RV"
IRAQ PM - Prime Minister ( Maliki ude, ind kommer Kurdish politician Fouad Masoum)
CBI - Central Bank of Iraq ( samme som FED og vores nationalbank)
PP - Prosperity Programs (uddeling af trillioner til velgørenhed over hele verden)
F & P - Fines and Penalties
IMF - International Monetary Fundation
FED - Federal Reserve System ( Privat ejet centralbanksystem - som vores statslige nationalbank)
WF - Wells Fargo ( Gigantisk US multinationalt bankvirksomhed og finansielle tjenesteydelser)
T: Trillions, B: Billions
UST - United States Treasury
PTB - Personal Touch Banking
AU - Assessment Unit
PBX - Private Branch Exchange
CL -  Christine Lagarde Direktør for IMF
GRS - Global Reference System ?
NWO - New World Order ( Cabal )
Dragon Family - Kinetiske White Dragon Samfund,  allierede til at indlede den globale valutanulstilling
KYC Packages - Know Your Customer/Client
TTM - Time To Market
SDR - Special Drawing Rights
FRB - Federal Reserve Bank
TOV - Treaty of Versailles Boxes
IEEPA - International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 (presidential emergency action permission)
UNPA - United Nations Postal Administration
SKR = Safekeeping Receipt. Dette er typisk udstedt af en bank, hvor du opbevarer dit guld indbetalingen. Tildelt dem, efter de har modtaget bevis for ejerskab og en kopi af den attesterede vurdering af guldbarrer. dvs en bank vouching for dit ejerskab af guldet.
X-Stream Trading =
S&D Index: Standard & Poor 500 - Stock Market Index som er baseret på børsværdier som kunne
figurere på NYSE eller NASDAQ


Asian Royal Elders = Del af Dragon Familierne, (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White Dragons)
The Ambassador: Skulle være officiel talsmand for Royal Dragon Familien, høj placeret familiemedlem.
Grandfather: (Elders #1) Første kinetiske Jade Emperor i den Japanske eller Kinesiske aristokratiske familier, der styrrer hele operationen omkring frigivelse og forhandlingerne med Støttefondene og nye finansielle system m.m.

“The Dark Cabal.” (Kabbalah - Secret) It is composed of and directed by hidden and secretive groups of influential and wealthy families all over the world who have for eons placed themselves above the law. From all available evidence it's clear that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is that an international cabal took control of the United States in the early part of the twentieth century and is now methodically destroying American and world institutions and values.

= (Draconian/illuminati/Zionist/Illuminazi/Jewish Masonic elite/New World Order/Demonic Cabal) - descendant of their Masters Anunnaki (Enki, Enlil) or psychologically influenced by other species like: Sentient species, some look reptilian, some insect-like or The Grays.

=Dark Alliance: Infiltrated into many groups and socialites like: Rothschild-Belmont, Queen Elizabeth II, Israeli elites, Bush Administrations and Congress, oligarchic cabal, The Federalist party cabal, The American, British, Saudi, and Dutch ruling elites, Bill Gates and many more.

= US: Rockefeller, Brown, Harriman, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan family dynasties with their "thinktanks" such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and other pretentious enclaves of pseudo-intellectuals and mandarins: Kissinger, Brzezinsky,
= UK: The Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Round Table group. Queen Elizabeth II
= Saudi royal family and The Big Three--the bin Laden family, the al Ahmoudi family, and the Mahfouz family--the richest clans in that medieval kingdom
= NL: Dutch royal family and related circles
= A large number of financial, military, telecommunications, The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, The Republican party, The corporations that bribe politicians in both parties