Aug 7, 2014

Landa Global 7. August 2014: "TRN'S ARE LIVE COMMERCIALLY - NOT PUBLICY"

7. August 2014:

We have been apprised further today that numerous commodity, bond and other transactions have gone to a high level of activity as a result of the TRN, and massive amounts in transaction funds have exchanged.

This activity bodes well for the Reconstruction Projects in the USA and indeed the rest of the world. Landa takes its corporate hat off and salutes the engineers of this and other events that have just transpired to the benefit of our Humanity.

As previously stated elsewhere, the massive effort by the Chinese Family and the agencies, treasuries, special forces, intelligence communities, armed forces and China, USA, and other governments has been extreme, stressful, and fraught with issues, and collectively they have all brought forth this magnificent result.

The trade platforms have all been cashed up for the various trades, and released credit lines have been activated for these transactions. All this activity is meant to generate very large returns for the Projects and economic development of countries. We can all expect great changes in all geographic regions as the Project side gets underway.

Land Project funds have increased in size, and we will be able to administer larger infrastructure Projects than previously imagined. Timing to Project start has of course shifted to middle of August, and we are in the middle of our own infrastructure preperations for this event.

Thank You

Red Dragon Family (Ambassadøren)  har sendt en meddelse: 6 billioner Federal Reserve Notes (F(T)RN) kan frigives i aften

Den kinetiske familie og BRIC landene har udtryk bekymring over den amerikanske Cabal (ikke Obama, ikke kongressen) men skyggeregeringen som styrer pengene. Dog vil de mange mange penge frigives til humanitære Infrastrukturprojekter (så som Landa Global) som fordeler til alle de mennesker som er i nød først. Vi vil først se en RV (Valutanulstilling) når det endelige nye finansielle system er på plads. Det betyder, ingen udveksling af valutaer så som Dong og Dinar.

Dragon familien i Kina havde en plan A og en Plan B. Plan A er at få USA med på vognen, plan B var at gå udenom USA og dermed gøre Cabal og USA bankerot. Sidste time, gik USA med på planen som snart iværksættes til fulde. 1 billion overgår til USA og alle venter nu på, at Cabal overgiver sig og frigiver pengene til alle sine medmennesker. Ingen kan gå ind i en bank og veksle TRN til andre valutaer, sådan bliver det ikke. 

David Schmidt (blev hacket inden denne nyhedsfeed af Cabal)