Apr 18, 2024

🕯️😔🙏 (Another mysterious death - it can happen to all truthers) SoTW; What is so special in being anonymous? ~ Apr 18, 2024 ~ |


Editor's Note: Well, for one thing, my blog, verdensalt, do not get targeted by an AI algorithm on Cabal's (Lord Archons) SoME platforms and have 100K + followers. I'm fully aware what I post and what I do (as a spiritual intelligent being). I'm no threat to the inhumane and destructive intelligence communities and not famous for posting videos, commenting on anything or exposing my picture everywhere on the WWW.

Lastly I do protect myself on daily basis via Declare and Decrees and ask for the presence of the unconditional love with my Spiritual Guides, benevolent Light Beings and Divine Angels who live in the Celestial Kingdom. 

Yes I have been targeted by Direct Energy Weapons (or demon like malicious entities) when I went to specific UFO and Spiritual conferences in US and in particular was part of C.O.B.R.A. R.M. worldwide. After 2015 I was lucky to attend Rob Potters summer conference in Mt. Shasta, and I/we just knew back then, we were protected by Venusians after blessings from Omnec Onec - The Woman from Venus... |     

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