Mar 5, 2024

🤗🏳️🙌 (ECETI News #78) Thanks James - I love this man - no bullshitter just like SoTW. I recommend you read both 77 and 78 issues of the newsletter ~ Mar 5, 2024 ~ |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

March 4th, 2024| Issue #78


By James Gilliland

Universal Handbook for Ascension “Inspired by the Beautiful Many Masters, Saints and Sages”

Many people ask me if there is a God and if so what is it. I can only convey my own experience because that is the nature of God. It becomes what you need, what you project on it according to your be lie fs. In my own NDE near death experience I went through a tunnel passing through many planes and dimensions. I saw friends and relatives yet within me I heard a voice saying keep going don’t stop to talk. As I continued to ascend, I saw beautiful realms, teachers and masters, angelic beings yet I took heed to the voice within and kept ascending. I ended up in a golden white light that is referred to as the plane of bliss. The love, joy, bliss I experienced was immeasurable. It is referred to as the cradle of God. There I was unique yet one, I was a light being surrounded by a greater light, a greater consciousness and energy. 

After bathing in the blissful consciousness and energy I asked a question. How can I stay? The answer came from within, I never told one of my children when to come or go that is free will. I contemplated the answer and asked again, how can I earn the right to stay. Again, the answer came from within, you cannot earn what is given freely and unconditionally. I had to release the religious programing and beliefs about the nature of God. There was no judgment, no wrath, no ego, just pure unconditional love, joy and bliss.

I understood what Jesus said, “Neither do I judge thee nor does my father judge thee go and sin no more. God is beyond judgment, yet there is action/reaction or karma. The next question I asked was, how can I serve. You just want to give back in awe of the experience. I heard, What do you want to do, what brings you joy? I realized doing what brings you joy is the desire of God, the more love, joy, and bliss, the closer you are to God. I answered, what I desire is to teach people about the true nature of God, dispel the images of wrathful gods and bring unity to Earth. I heard; As You Wish and was back in my body. I was being pulled out of the water by a lifeguard who asked me if I was alright. I said yes go help the others then passed out on the beach waking up to a lifeguard calling my name. 

I share this story only to awaken others as to the true nature of God. It is the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse which in its most unlimited expression is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. 

That started a 40 year quest to understand and recreate the experience studying with the elders of all nations to find the unifying threads that bind all teachings together. I was told by a Lama, go out into nature, meditate on love, joy and bliss until you become it. It’s called at oneness. God is the unified field of consciousness and energy in which we all reside. It’s time we remember the true meaning of Omnipresence.
I wish to share a prayer that was shared with me. It comes from Joshua bin Joseph who many call Jesus which is the Greek name for son of Zeus. In his travels he was known by many names. There were many ancient powerful beings on Earth, many called them gods. Their offspring were demigods. There were the Greek gods, Roman gods, Egyptian gods, Hebrew gods, gods of every culture in Earth’s history. Many represented aspects of God or attributes. We have to ask who created them? This is the God of which I experienced and of which I speak. This was the prayer shared with me to reunite with the all that is beyond the historical images of man. It is a Universal Prayer for Everyone.

Oh Cosmic Birther
Father/Mother God
The one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse
The unified field in which we all reside
That which is within, that which I am
Come forth, come forth, come forth.
Shine your light and love through me in service to all Creation
May all who choose, become one as we are one.

Always remember to always maintain humility and be in service. The ego will try to separate, thinking it is special. God is love, love serves. It is like the Sun just keeps giving.

After the Come Forth line you can ask for healing, restoration, abundance, whatever you need. Always remember you cannot trespass on another’s free will. You can however pray for what is highest and best good for all concerned and always come from the heart. Your soul sits right next to the heart and that is your connection to God/Creator/Great Spirit. The temple is within, the spark waiting to expand in consciousness to become the full flame. Always beware of the trappings of images of external gods. It is disempowering. Each individual needs to make their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection.

It is important to realize intent is 99% of the law. However you pray the intention creates the connection and the experience. The mind with which you seek is the mind with which you connect. Wounded people attract wounded entities. This is why we all need to rise to the occasion and focus on love, joy, bliss in service to Humanity and the Earth. One thing I might add is there are many doing ceremonies who fear if they do not do them perfectly they will be punished by God or the Ancestors. That very belief will attract lower level entities that can be unhealed, controlling and manipulating. They are not ascended. We need to set our sights higher, heal and clear entities and ancestors before any ceremony.

Safeguards and Understandings

There are many misunderstandings concerning the multiverse in which we live. Some say it is all good, some say all bad, some believe it is a mix of both. Some believe we live in a hamburger universe with heaven above, hell below and we are the meat in the middle. It is much vaster than we can imagine. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of both sides of the coin without denial of the dark as well as our own shadow side. Denial is not a form of enlightenment. There is a saying on the path to nirvana or enlightenment the demons will rear their ugly heads. There are forces that do not want you to awaken to your divinity. These forces have many forms. There are discarnate spirits, demonic, serpent beings, royal reptilians, reptilian, tall greys, the djinn, even human hosts doing their bidding just to name a few. They do not have your highest and best good, at heart. They use Flattery, Fame and Fortune to entrap the masses. At this point they have done a very good job of entrapping and enslaving the masses. Their reign is coming to an end.

Humility, Service to Others, never surrendering your soul which is your connection to God/Creator/Great Spirit are ways of avoiding these pitfalls and entities. Many come from the alter ego not the soul. The path away from God begins with ego, then spiritual ego followed by narcissism. Total abandonment of empathy. You will find this in many of your religious, political and business institutions. The higher you go the darker it gets. If you want to climb the ladder of success you have to sell your soul a little at a time. This is not success, it is the downward spiral which will eventually collapse. There are consequences for turning away from God/Creator/Great Spirit, the diminishing of love, joy and bliss is one. Poor health, multiple accidents, negative encounters in worst case scenarios influence or possession. Suicide always involves the influence of multiple unseen negative entities. The misuse of drugs and alcohol also opens doors to unseen negative influences. These can be easily healed and removed. The technique will be given later.

There will be a separation of the wheat from the chaff. Those that chose fame, fortune and money, a self-serving life are not the wheat they arrogantly believe themselves to be. The religious institutions perpetuating an external God separate from man/woman and nature, a jealous wrathful punishing God are doing a grave disservice to humanity. Fear, guilt, unworthiness are all barriers to uniting with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Those who perpetuate the manufactured lack, enslavement through dependency, those who amass great wealth at the expense of humanity and the earth will have a karmic backlash. Those blessed with abundance who do not assist others to reach their highest potential are also on the downward spiral. The greater the separation, the greater the division, the greater the fall. The further away from Universal Law one becomes the less power they achieve because love is the ultimate power in the Universe.

Universal Law is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. We are entering a great reset, a return to Universal Law. Now is the time to move in that direction. Anything out of alignment with Universal Law will not be sustainable. The Awakening is upon us.

This is the healing prayer we use to assist in removing these unseen negative influences. It is very ancient and very powerful. Do it until you feel clear. You can do it with others, before you begin any gatherings, use it to clear your family, homes, businesses. This prayer does not trespass. You can use it to clear others because the entities affecting them are already trespassing. Remember there is always free will. Love of self sometimes demands we remove ourselves from those choosing to live and act outside of Universal Law. Again the intent is more important than doing it perfectly. God/Creator/ Great Spirit always knows your intent. Always remember love is the ultimate power in the Multiverse. It is the manifesting force behind all Creation, the Cosmic glue that holds everything together. We have the ability to channel that love through our hearts into every situation.

Begin with connecting with the Father/Mother God/Creator/Great Spirit or Ascended Master of your Choice then repeat the words.

Healing Prayer
We welcome all entities, all ancestors in love and light
You are all healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened,
healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened, healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
You are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
We ask the Beautiful Many to take you to your perfect place.
Go in peace.

Remember what you speak into their nonphysical realm manifests. They are actually filled and surrounded by the light, a bubble so to speak and taken to their perfect place. Those who are clairvoyant can see it happening. If you cannot see it just know it is happening.

If you have a very negative entity that does not want to go, ask it if it comes in the name of the Christ or God/Creator/Great Spirit if not we insist that you leave. Evoking Archangel Michael is good for removing entities that resist healing. There are a host of others, there is always more to the story. We live in a vast multidimensional Universe. These are the basics to get you through and safeguard information and energies are coming from the highest realms.

We all have to do our part to create heaven on Earth. Together we can clear up these unseen negative influences. In the end God wins. We do regular clearing circles every Saturday Night after the show during our season (May 5th to September 9th) at ECETI Ranch. Please join us. You can contact us at for more information.

Check out the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, The Ultimate Soul Journey, Anunnaki Return, and the latest UFOs the Origin of Religion and Man.

Permission granted to pass this far and wide.

God speed,

James Gilliland

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