Jun 2, 2024

👨‍💼⭐👈 (#FreeDonaldTrump) Is Trump hatism death rubber stamps? Does hate stem from fear and uncertainty about the future? Why are people afraid of change? ~ June 2, 2024 ~ |


Is it time for 1776 yet? CGI, clone, real world leaders out? Trump is ‘single most dangerous threat’ to the US, warns Republican Liz Cheney (and all Cabal countries including Kingdom of Denmark, follow suit and agrees). War, AI and more war. Can Bilderbergers set off more false flag alarm bells in Madrid?....

Editor's Note: Tarot by Janine on May 30th 2024-World News says:'Trump's SOT, Steven Mnuchin, producer and actor, for Mad Max: Fury Road, Edge of Tomorrow & Wonder Woman was filming the Trump "movie" (shitshow) we are watching for the first 6 years... Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 1, 2024; Suzanne Spooner is a world-renowned explorer of human consciousness etc., has declared that Donald Trump is a Ascended Master in disguise playing a very important role for HUmanity (despite his many personal character flaws)... Same does Yogis... What my DK Holistic ND (and SoTW) believes in is that, the (Time Travelling) Trump, is protected by Galactic (Confederation) of Worlds (protected by Archangel Michael royal blue, purple and golden light, as I have heard it).... |

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