May 9, 2024

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’ (Israeli Golan got her own presidential motorcade security force) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ May 9, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Dove (Symbol)
Saba: "After all, I'm also in white (white stage clothes, ed.)"
MALMΓ–: it took 12 cars, 6 motorcycles and 1 helicopter to protect Eden Golan

Editor's Note: I understand if you’re upset. But remember, the yin and yang concept, or "Principle of Polarity", is a foundational, natural law of our creation here. You'll find a duality in nearly everything. Left/Right. Black/White. Hot/Cold. War/Peace. This principle has many manifestations within our body, as well. It's a crucial concept exposing the Dark into the Light... | 

Perhaps this will cheer you upπŸ˜‚πŸ‘ˆπŸ

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