Mar 14, 2024

🧿🧘✨ (What is Ascension?) 'Ascension refers to the raising of our conscious awareness above the denseness of our own egos and separatism in the Third Dimension, or 3D, through the sub-planes of the fourth dimension into a Fifth Dimensional state of awareness, which is a state of Being and oneness with the ALL.' ~ Mar 14, 2024 ~ |

By Victoria Cochrane

Ascension refers to the raising of our conscious awareness above the denseness of our own egos and separatism in the Third Dimension, or 3D, through the sub-planes of the fourth dimension into a Fifth Dimensional state of awareness, which is a state of Being and oneness with the ALL.

Ascension can involve a person awakening to psychic or healing gifts they never knew they had, thus beginning a journey of discovering themselves in spirit and learning to connect to their higher selves, angelic or spirit guides through meditation and activation of their psychic senses. 
Humans operating in a 3D reality believe that they are separate from God and each other and that the physical reality of their existence is all there is. Third Dimensional Earth operates on duality, separatism, sacrifice, inequality, hardship, extremes in emotions, highs and lows, and connection/disconnection. It is the good, the bad and the downright ugly.

People who cannot see beyond their 3D reality can become mired in drama and negativity and can become very stuck in their story, which can keep them locked into misery, trauma and pain for years, sometimes even their whole lifetime.

In terms of light frequency, these people are vibrating at a very low level and, according to the spiritual Law of Attraction, will continue to attract misery, drama and hardship unless they can broaden their perspectives, change their belief systems and start to take back their powers of positive manifestation.


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