Dec 12, 2023

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (To understand BF's 'Trump = King of Israel', you need to read the full report) The US is headed for gunfight at the OK Corral – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ~ Dec 12, 2023 ~ |


(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford is the former Toyko Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine, who claims to have insider connections. He issues weekly reports that Stillness in the Storm has been reposting for years. See the section below his newsletter for our commentary on his reports.

The following is only half of the full report, in honor of Ben’s wishes. The remaining portion will be updated to this article on early Thursday morning, along with being posted as an independent article.

Source Benjamin Fulford

by Benjamin Fulford, December 11th, 2023

The undeclared civil war in the US is headed for a showdown that will involve lots of nighttime shootouts. On one side the Satanists have used Google etc. to compile a list of Americans who they want to kill in order to stay in power. On the other side are patriots with a list of over 1 million sealed indictments they want to act on in order to liberate the US from Satanic rule.

First, let us talk about the Satanists’ plan. German intelligence warned us last week of a planned genocide of 15 million Americans.

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