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By Patricia Harrity and All News Pipeline
Is the Deep State Mafia setting up a Massive Cyber Attack False flag on the American people that will disrupt the 2024 Election?
We are increasingly seeing news of potential cyber-attacks, perhaps coincidentally, or maybe not, since the Netflix release of the apocalyptic movie, “Leave the World Behind,” which was the topic of an article published just a few days ago on the Expose.
Notably, this last week we have been told that a “cyber attack” seemed to shut down half the internet, with Banks and even Rumble being affected.
This is a scenario that the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab has been warning us about. He has foretold, as heard in the first video at the bottom of this story, that a cyber pandemic that was going to be happening in the near future would have significantly worse consequences than COVID for the entire worldwide population. He is not a prophet, but knows this as it has been planned, practiced and we have been prepped to fear it.
Just as tabletop exercises were conducted before the COVID plandemic, similarly, tabletop exercises have been conducted by the United States Intel agencies on this exact scenario too.
The fear of an attack is further strengthened by the Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas who says the greatest cyber threat to America is something called Killware, a type of malware designed to kill or disable computer software.
Cyber psychopaths deploying such malicious code have one goal – to cause pure real-life destruction, advises Panda Security and Homeland Security experts, have said that they believed “killware might be the next big cybersecurity threat as more critical infrastructure facilities become targets of bad actors whose actions to aim to cause real-life damage”.
Panda Security said in 2021 that the attacks are being aimed at other critical infrastructure providers such as hospitals, banks, police departments, and transportation systems, and could also be heavily implemented on autonomous vehicles due to their boom and “Security breaches could cause devastating results if cyber psychopaths somehow manage to control and steer cars into populated areas or incoming traffic”.
I guess they mean something like the Tesla scene in “Leave the World Behind" as seen in the final video at the bottom of this story.
Who exactly will be responsible for such an attack on the people, has not been very clear. Recent news alleged that some Chinese military-linked group called Volt Typhoon, a state-sponsored Chinese hacking group has been spying on a wide range of U.S. critical infrastructure organizations, from telecommunications to transportation hubs, Western intelligence agencies and Microsoft (MSFT.O) said on Wednesday.
Reuters reported that the espionage also targeted the U.S. island territory of Guam, home to strategically important American military bases, and said: “While China and the United States routinely spy on each other, analysts say this is one of the largest known Chinese cyber-espionage campaigns against American critical infrastructure.”
So, it wouldn’t be America attacking America then, would it?
Disinformation Campaign – The Empire of Hacking
According to a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning on Thursday, it is not China either, “the hacking allegations were a “collective disinformation campaign” from the Five Eyes countries, a reference to the intelligence sharing grouping of countries made up of the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK.
According to Mao, the campaign was launched by the U.S. for geopolitical reasons according to Mao, who claims that the report from Microsoft analysts showed that the U.S. government was expanding its channels of disinformation beyond government agencies. “But no matter what varied methods are used, none of this can change the fact that the United States is the empire of hacking,” she told a regular press briefing in Beijing.
It was not immediately clear how many organizations were affected, but the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) said it was working with partners including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK, as well as the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to identify breaches. Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand warned they could be targeted by the hackers too.
Who Is To Blame For Pushing Us Into WWIII?
Microsoft analysts said they had “moderate confidence” this Chinese group, dubbed ‘Volt Typhoon’, was developing capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises. “It means they are preparing for that possibility,” said John Hultquist, who heads threat analysis at Google’s Mandiant Intelligence.
The Chinese activity is unique and worrying also because analysts don’t yet have enough visibility on what this group might be capable of, he added. “There is greater interest in this actor because of the geopolitical situation.”
We expect nothing less really than this usual pantomime, adding to the confusion as to who is attributed to these attacks.
The importance of talking about attribution, according to Investigative journalist Whitney Webb, speaking in an interview with Redacted as seen in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, is that “you know who’s to blame for this catastrophic cyber attack that could push us into a World War III situation, and is much clearer to people now than it was even a few months ago.”
WikiLeaks Vault 7
Investigative journalist Whitney Webb has conducted extensive research and written about the cyber attack situation for many years now, and says that “it is also clearer to people since the release of Wikileaks Vault 7 that the CIA and Affiliated intelligence agencies in five eyes and beyond can blame any nation state they want by placing false Fingerprints of various nation-state actors in attacks cyber-attacks they actually conduct themselves.”
The WikiLeaks Vault 7 Marble Framework was Discussed in article by VIPS for Consortium News, an excerpt can be seen below:
“A leak from within the CIA, published on March 31, 2017 by WikiLeaks as part of the so-called “Vault 7” disclosures, exposed a cyber tool called “Marble,” which was used during 2016 for “obfuscation” (CIA’s word). This tool can be used to conduct a forensic attribution double game (aka a false-flag operation); it includes test samples in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, and Russian. Washington Post reporter Ellen Nakashima, to her credit, immediately penned an informative article on the Marble cyber-tool, under the catching (and accurate) headline “WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.”
All Vault 7 releases and documents: https://wikileaks.org/vault7/
We learn in the video below that Colonel Douglas McGregor had been on the Redacted show and openly pointed out that he believes that they’re they may end up canceling the 2024 election and that there will be some sort of move to push Biden into a martial law situation with the 2024 election that would be canceled in some capacity. Tabletop exercises seem to suggest that this need for martial law would come as a result of a massive Cyber attack.
"This is not a conspiracy theory, there have been many receipts left behind by those who have been planning the attack from the tabletop exercises to the plans by these agencies. They are literally planning it, they’ve got the paperwork, they’ve been running, the operations”
The scenario Colonel McGregor had discussed has been simulated for years by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) according to Whitney Webb, and as she says, “according to various police departments not just in the US, but also I believe they had one in the United Kingdom as well, and the company responsible for this is based in Boston, they’re called cyber reason they’re a cyber security company with very over ties to intelligence.”
"And essentially what they conducted in this simulation was an attack on the election but it wasn’t an attack on Election infrastructure it was an attack on critical infrastructure, and also things like, hacking traffic lights to cause accidents and kill people in car accidents hacking, self-driving cars to run over people waiting in line to vote, hacking the power grid and all sorts of things like that so why are they conducting you know uh simulations supposedly about election security but there was nothing about voting machines or you know election infrastructure at all it was about uh just murdering innocent people.”
They would never do this to their own people some may say, if so they were clearly not on this planet for the last few years.
Watch the very knowledgeable Whitney Webb being interviewed on Redacted below.
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