Dec 24, 2023

🐐👹👽 (More ELOHIM - God of Israel - Debate? Fallen Angels, Deception and a Cry for Biblical Truth?) WHAT ABOUT UFOS HAS TUCKER TOO TERRIFIED TO COVER IT? ~ Dec 24, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: This subject is trending. It is up for us to look at and then decide our Truth. When new information goes against everything you believe and this information rocks you at your core, may I suggest you take time to sit with it. The strong are able to look at everything with a discerning eye/heart. Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are extremely concerned about UFO disclosure and the government's involvement in the esoteric subject. Afraid to talk about the subject with their wifes and children apparently. From MH370 to the fallen angels of Genesis 6, Dustin Nemos joins Sean on the SGT Report to discuss hidden technologies, vanishing passenger planes, fallen angels, satanism, flat earth, CIA and so much more... | 

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