ANIMALIA: 2023 Burning Man Manifesto – Shepherds Heart |
The Bible describes this a different way in Revelation 13. That this beast (G2342) is a dangerous wild venomous animal beast that rises out of the sea spewing blasphemy (vilification) of God. Due to its self-healing nature it appears to contain properties of Synthetic Biology. But that is a tale for another time.
The theme of the 2023 Burning Man was celebrating Animalia. Animists offer sacrifices, prayers, dances, or other forms of devotions to these spirits in hopes of blessing upon areas of life (crops, health, fertility, etc.) or for protection from harm.
The Bible strictly ... of the animists. "A man or a woman who is a medium or a wizard shall be put to death; they shall be stoned with stones, their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus 20:27). The practice of animism opens a door for demons to enter into the lives of people who are deceived by the lie that is animism. The Bible condemns those who practice spiritism.
In their own words: "The Black Rock Desert can appear at first glance to be lifeless—other than, of course, the silly humans who build a city there every summer—but this is far from the truth. Anyone familiar with the high desert knows that even out on a dry lakebed, the skies carry soaring ravens and buzzing insects, the fairy shrimp slumber below ground waiting for rain, and countless other species roam the transition zones where the playa edges into scrub and wetlands."
"The imagery painted for this year's Burning Man is fraught with environmentalism-a land where no humans live and the ravens soar and life has been reduced to insects and some aquatic creatures from which man, in evolutionary eyes, emerged from the primordial soup."
The Prophet Isaiah paints a contrasting picture of the desert landscape where Burning Man was held:
The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. Isaiah 34:14
"But all that life pales in comparison to the endless menagerie of imagined animals we bring with us every time we come to Burning Man. The mythic beasts we carry with us in our minds—imagined or idealized (manifestations), objects of fear or fancy, the animal spirits that populate our dreams and are so often brought to life on the playa: boars and horses and bears, wild geese and giant bison, snakes and squids and space whales, oh my!"
Dragons, unicorns, mermaids… all the famous creatures of myth and legend are to be found in the Torah and other ancient texts. But what are we to make of them? Do they really exist? Did the Bible scholars of old believe in their existence? And if not, why did they describe these creatures?
There is a book called, Sacred Monsters that discusses the ancient understanding from a spirutal but also zoological perspective. I became acquainted with the author R. Natan Slifkin, the famous “Zoo Rabbi,” in biblical classes I attended discussing creatures such as werewolves, giants, dwarfs, two-headed mutants, and the enigmatic shamir-worm. Sacred Monsters explores these cases in detail and discusses a range of different approaches for understanding them.
Aside from the fascinating insights into these cryptic creatures, Sacred Monsters also presents a framework within which to approach any conflict between classical biblical texts and the modern scientific worldview.
Why would modern man turn to mythology? Surely, with our technology we have better things to occupy our minds with than mythological creatures. However, this is not the first time in history this has occured. This peculiar mythological cycle is intimately associated with the Solar Minimum and Solar Maximum. Ancient literature often confused catastrophic events with a mixture between fantasy and non-fiction, as they attempted to understand catastrophism and Solar Minimum activity. Ancient people were adapted to their natural environment, paying particular attention to changes and phenomena seen as unnatural, which cannot be said for modern man who has distanced himself from his environment-not knowing what is natural, normal, or a mutation.
The creation of paradigms by ancient people to describe unnatural phenomena, such as destructive weather phenomena, is presented in mythological epics, creation stories, biblical literature, and through ancient symbolism. Mythology and symbolism provided ancient people with a rapid understanding of past unnatural catastrophic events. Analyzing ancient paradigms, such as those found in ancient literature used to describe mythological events, presents details of how catastrophic events were remembered by ancient people, but were undated following cyclical periods of solar minimum activity. So, while mankind considers itself an advanced civilization it is really returning to this niche of mythology in response to the cataclysmic period that we are entering.
This year's Burning Man theme took the 2019 of Metamorphsis-the merging of human and animal to the next level, now merging these abominations with the spiritual realms of darkness. The drivers of the agenda intend to manifest a world filled with mythical creatures, the predators of nightmares.
"And, of course us humanimals, a species of ape noted for complex language, advanced tool use, and lording it over the rest of the biosphere like we’re special."
Darwinian evolutionists such as Dr. James Giordano, Link, consider humans as merely toolmakers, especially when it comes to technology. They see no problem that this technology will usher in the transhumanism. What is the transhuman? Here are some thoughts that we need to keep in mind according to Dr. James Giordano, a prominient driver of evolutionary policy in America:
"Think if we were to realistically take a look at that what we would see is that the human is in fact species in transition. The trans human is that transitive species that is indeed evolving."
"We're becoming the architects or the engineers of that directive change."
"We're determining what those variables and factors are and we're engineering those changes to ourselves as well as in our environments so as to be able to prompt the directionality of that transition."
"We are in fact the engineers of our own evolution irrespective of whatever one may say human nature is."
-Dr. James Giordano
This is what the Bible says about these efforts of fleshly vainity:
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalm 2:1-4
We have allowed the howling spirits of the desert their say. Is the desert always a habitation of jackals and demons? We must remember that it was desert, owned by no person, where God came to earth and gave us the Ten Commandments amidst thunder, lightening, and awe. The desert can be a place of holiness or abomination, a neutral environment forged by God Himself:
Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire. Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. Exodus
This was such a supernatural event that the people saw the words that were spoken by God. This is a rare phemomena that some people on occassion experience today although the biblical account was a community experience. It is called synesthesia.
"This year’s Burning Man theme will celebrate the animal world and our place in it—animals real and imagined, mythic and remembered—and explore the curious mental constructs that allow us to believe that imagined animals are real, real animals are imagined, and that somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary, mankind is somehow not part of the animal kingdom."
“When animals behave like humans or when humans behave like animals, don’t be surprised, because in every animal there is a human and in every human there is an animal!” ―Mehmet Murat ildan
We can clearly see from the above statement that there is a blurring of the lines between the fantasy and reality. If you do not have knowledge of what is normal in the kingdome of animals the techno-wizards of evolution, can and will, play god. What does the Bible say about these wild and venomous animals?
I will send wild animals to attack you, and they will take your children away from you and destroy your cattle. They will make you so few in number the roads will be empty. Leviticus 26:22
Here is the Directed Evolutionary rationale, the return of elevating animals into gods:
"Animals that speak and act like humans inhabit a throughline in our collective mythology, from ancient myths and fairy tales to modern television. From the not-so-distant past, when the lines between men and animals and gods were not at all as certain as they may seem today, we inherit a body of fabulous characters like the wily talking hare Adanko of the Akan people, who survives in modern lore as the hero Bre’r Rabbit. Native American traditions are also rich with these sorts of creatures, from the trickster Coyote, sometimes portrayed as Man’s creator, to Raven who stole the sun, inadvertently giving humans the precious gift of fire. All around the world we see stories in this vein, about creatures with both human and non-human attributes, from the animal-headed gods of ancient Egypt to the Aztecs’ Tezcatlipoca, who took the form of a jaguar."
"Animal deities may in fact be the first gods of early humanity. There is evidence that our Neanderthal ancestors worshiped the ferocious cave bear, Ursus spelaeus, and the ancients of the Mediterranean region may have similarly deified the Auroch, the wild ancestor to modern cattle. It’s worth noting that the cow and the bear are still held to be sacred in several of the world’s religions, and that mythology is full of stories of humans hybridizing with formidable creatures such as these, often with unfortunate results—from the Minotaur of the Cretan labyrinth to the Island of Doctor Moreau."
The notion of a human being and another animal being somehow entwined is also reflected in the traditions of tonalism, an artistic concept that harmoniously adjusts and blends values and colour which gives sentiment, richness and artistic value to a global "utopian" picture that is being painted for us and where every human is being yoked to an animal "spiritual" counterpart to which their life is linked, determined at least in part by their date of birth. Afterall, in this belief system you are nothing more than an animal, and a minor invasive pest of an animal to be erdicated in this New Age vision.
"This belief remains evident in astrology, where being born under the sign of the lion, or the monkey, is thought to somehow shape one’s innate character. It’s also closely linked to the tradition of shape-shifting or therianthropy, which is ability or affliction of individuals to metamorphose into animals or hybrids by means of Directed Evolution manifesting around the world in forms as varied as the werewolves of Europe, the Mesoamerican nagual, the Korean kumiho, and any number of cinematic cat-people and bat-people."
"No less magical are the mental constructs that allow us to sort the entire animal world into a few tidy buckets like wild or domesticated, pets or pests. Our pets are of course the nearest and dearest; for many of us, they bring more love and joy into our lives than most of the humans we know."
This is by design as the powers that be demolish mankind and our culture. One of the few solaces we have left as mankind are our beloved pets, who love us unconditionally, without the injected venom of propoganda, manipulation, and the agenda-driven toxic reset.
"Feral animals, on the other hand, are the object of either fear and loathing, as with household pests, or idealized admiration at a distance, as with whales or any other poster-animal for the freedom and majesty of the Wild."
Notice the elevation of the wild animal as a symbol of freedom and majesty. It is true that wild animals have a form of being majestic, but what is not articulated is the erasure of mans freedom through God and His majesty. Just as a bear breaks the neck of its victim, this ideology in its true predatory nature, is a subtle swat at the neck of mankind to drive it into a post-human status.
"This kind of uncritical love is often an abstraction built from watching nature documentaries, is generally beneficial, as it fuels conservation efforts (predictive programming), and only occasionally dangerous when taken too far, as in the sad case of the deluded bear-hugger chronicled in the Herzog film Grizzly Man."
“A world that might have Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster is clearly superior to one that definitely does not.” ―Chris Van Allsburg
"1.5 million living animal species have been identified, but that may be only a fraction of the total, which is estimated by some to be as high as seven million. Given that two-thirds of the known species are insects, that still leaves plenty of possibilities for new discoveries of larger lifeforms. Many humans are convinced that one of these will be the legendary Sasquatch, or his Himalayan cousin the Yeti. In a recent poll, 14% of Americans said they believe Bigfoot is real. That’s only half the number who believe in ETs, and a third of those who believe climate change is a hoax, but still, how can we talk about animal tropes and memes without considering cryptozoology?"
"Bigfoot, the Yeti, the Loch Ness monster—though they may or may not exist in the real world, they certainly have legs (or flippers) in the collective imagination. There’s something ineffably romantic about the notion that they haven’t been caught because they don’t want to be caught, and that at least some corners of the animal world may still hold secrets beyond our knowing."
"In our own little corner of the planet, Burners have developed a localized mythology of exotic animals. Consider the playa chicken, thought by some to be a knee-high dinosaur interrupted at some point in its evolution into a bird."
"There are tales of talking bunnies running in packs—some claim to have seen a billion of them at once—as well as the rabbit’s high-plains cousin the jackalope, whose existence has been documented primarily through taxidermy."
"Ancient Burners tell the legend of the Java Cow, who would appear at sunrise bearing fresh coffee (but, ironically, no milk). And trash pandas have been said to raid sleeping camps by night—not racoons but real pandas. Or at least wearing real panda onesies."
Note the attribution of human-like charcteristics to wild animals, a subliminal messaging that you are a beast and nothing more. Why even the animals engage in drinking coffee and wearing onesies. No wonder indoctrinated and chemically-altered children identify as Furries. They have no idea where the boundary is between fantasy and reality."
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” ―George Orwell, Animal Farm
Now the claws really come out against God and his handiwork, man and woman. This paragraph truly reveals the hatred from global managers and their mind-controlled puppets:
"Of all the strange ideas that humans hold about the animal world, perhaps the strangest is the notion that humans are not in fact part of the animal world; that we have somehow evolved beyond our animality and now occupy a position apart from and superior to the rest. The myth of human exceptionalism has deep roots, fueled by thousands of years of religious cant, philosophical excuse-making, and scientific hoo-ha. The philosopher René Descartes, for instance, famously concluded that animals are mere automata, meat robots devoid of mind. The fact that he concluded humans may be essentially the same avoids the point: the otherness of animals runs deep in Western thought."
Bible or The Third Chimpanzee? I will take my Bible. It does give us valuable insight into their ideology of Directed Evolution:
"In The Third Chimpanzee, Jared Diamond argues that since human DNA is nearly 99% identical with that of chimpanzees and bonobos, any sensible alien scientist would quickly conclude that humans are members of the chimp family. He then proceeds to systematically dismantle all the sub-myths of human exceptionalism, from art-making and tool use to language and war-making. Argue all you want about which species you feel closer to (for my money it’s the fem-forward, free-love-loving bonobos) but nevertheless, the proof is in our genes: we are apes, descended from other apes, and before that from any number of hard-to-ignore-in-the-record lifeforms that walked, swam, crawled or slithered over the planet during the past few hundred million years. Sixty percent of human DNA, interestingly, is identical with that of an aquatic animal called the acorn worm, and fifty percent is the same as a housefly’s. We’re all made from the same funky starstuff, as Carl Sagan might have said, and we’re all part of a staggeringly vast web of life."
Hopefully, you can answer the first question asked in the 2023 Burning Man Animalia Manifesto.
"So why, then, do so many of us live in a make-believe world where humans are somehow apart from and superior to the rest of the animals in the zoo? It’s worth pondering, especially as humankind continues to make sport out of casually destroying complex ecosystems that sustain us all. The ultimate fate of the Anthropocene age may depend less on some hail-Mary sci-fi Singularity play than on our species collectively pulling our heads out into the (increasingly bright) sunlight and embracing the fact that we live in a world that is bigger than us, and acknowledging that we are part of a system rather than its masters."
You are part of Creation not some spontaneous and random system.
Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Ephesians 5:11
The Manifesto continues:
“Just as we give standing to the fictive entities of corporations and the protected entity of the human child, can we not give standing to the life forms on which we humans are utterly dependent? Oceanic phytoplankton that make our atmospheres; arboreal canopies that breathe in our CO2; the mycorrhizae that knit soil together—these entities need protocols of respect and relation by which we account for the more-than-human that makes life possible.” —Caroline A. Jones
Let it be known that this standing was granted to the animal kingdom back in the 1990's in an agreement between academia and the legal profession. It was determined at that time to throw off the shackles of the Bible where man was created in the Divine Image of God, separate from the animal kingdom, and was usurped to become subservient to the animals on the legal basis. We saw this manifest shorthly thereafter with animal (and environment) over human governmental policies that stand unto this day, and growing at an alarming rate.
"Burning Man’s Principle of Immediacy speaks to embracing “a natural world exceeding human powers,” suggesting that our humanist values don’t and can’t tell the whole story of our culture. And taken as a whole, the 10 Principles can be seen as speaking to an attitude of compassion, cooperation and respect for all life. So if a unicorn mutant vehicle and a trash panda can be friends, does that not instill hope that all of us, regardless of our totem animals, food preferences, or pet allergies, can join paws in communal effort?"
"This coming year in Black Rock City, or wherever you burn, you are invited to bring your imaginary menagerie with you. Not flesh-and-blood animals, thank you very much, but the creatures of spirit that give you confidence and courage, and that may express themselves in whatever art you choose to create. And, of course, to comport yourself like evolved humans, in the best sense of the word, with love and respect for our fellow creatures great and small. Even that pesky playa chicken."
Appreciation to all the friends who helped inform this year’s theme, especially David Normal for imagining an Urban Bestiary and Elise Fried for invoking a Post-Human Anthropocene.
A bestiary is a compendium of beasts that originated in the ancient world and became popular in the Middle Ages in illustrated volumes that described various animals and rocks. The natural history and illustration of each beast was usually accompanied by a moral lesson. The magical beasts in the Harry Potter series come directly from medieval bestiaries. The Aberdeen Bestiary, written and illuminated in England around 1200, describes the phoenix as building its own funeral pyre and then rising from the ashes. Elephants are afraid of mice, and foxes are deceptive.
As we begin to wrap up an Invocation is:
- The act or an instance of invoking, especially an appeal to a higher power for assistance.
- A prayer or other formula used in invoking, as at the opening of a religious service.
- The act of conjuring up a spirit by incantation.
Throughout this Manifesto God and religion were denigrated. As in expected fashion they show their true colors.
- What is this invocation?
- What higher power were they calling upon?
- What religious service did this particular Burning Man engage in?
- What magical formulas were used?
- What spirits did Burning Man Animalia conjure up?
Is this why Burning Man 2023 met with disaster? God does use the forces such as nature, as His tools of judgment.
Now it is your turn. Will you help to expose this darkness or just go along with the flow as the world decends into wickedness?
God bless you all,
Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine.
KeyNote Speaker True Legends, Red Pill, and Buffalo Base Camp.
Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event.
Tracking goods and people will be a part of managing the population during this convergence.
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