Sep 26, 2023

💲2️⃣1️⃣ⓣ (Phil’s “21T” intel + Q&A) GAOG: Phil Godlewski ~ $21 Trillion ~ Sept 26, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Btw, Just because Beyond Mystic show and Tarot By Janine thinks Phil is the king-shit-of-the-town doesn't mean thy're right. It's tarot card guys. My H-S told me to trust the best tarot card readers in the world with 60% truth. Anywho, i'll seen both videos and Phil (a bit arrogant) might be absolutely right with the leaked official govt documents and " the 21 Trillion dollars that was given to the U.S. Treasury in 2017 with the instructions to use it to pay off the world’s debt.". He will show us evidence and his source soon in another show. )... | 

September 25, 2023 by Suzanne Maresca

I haven’t been posting here about what Phil’s been up to of late. We have at least one reader who’s upset that we would post such a (fill-in-the-pejorative term). The truth of the matter for me is that his personage is far less important than is the information that he brings to the table. My source has given him the thumbs-up, and Janine has pulled cards on him a number of times, generally getting a ‘yes’ on his intel.

In fact, following this post is a Beyond Mystic show in which Janine reads on Phil’s “21T” intel: the 21 Trillion dollars that was given to the U.S. Treasury in 2017 with the instructions to use it to pay off the world’s debt. The fun part is that Phil actually produced and screen-shared the unredacted documents supporting this bombshell information in his ‘Live’ of September 19th. Phil’s sunburnt face shows up at 16:00 minutes in.

Click the following image to watch…

This next video was posted by Phil on the 23rd. In it, he clarified things about the documents with a Q&A. Next week, he’ll be having as his guests both the creator of the recent very excellent production, The Greatest Show on Earth, and the source of the ’21T’ documents.

What he’s been reporting of late ought to be quite interesting to all of us, whatever one’s view of Phil is.

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