Jul 16, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀🙌🧾(Hip hip hurra HKH Dronning Margrethe længst regerende danske monark nogensinde) Prøv-li-å-hør-her: Gemt væk af en tyk tyk tobakståge da hun kvittede smøgerne efter 66 år og et røgslør i Grundloven, "Af Guds Nåde", som er indført i middelalderen. »Vi Margre-the den Anden, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning«, er det reneste fup og fidus og har ingen, gang på "jorden." Hun er en "Land-grabber", som lever ude på "Kongeskibet Dannebrog" og kan ikke bestemme over dig og mig. ~ 16. Juli 2023 ~ |

Free Guy (fortsat)... Dvs. Kongeriget Danmark, som er et "skib", har KUN jurisdiktion, 200 sømil fra Danmarks territorialfarvand (eller Christiansborg - Borgen). Men det heddet sig, at HKH Dronning Margrethe, bestemmer over "Landmasserne" (Frimureriet, Folkekirken, Forsvaret og Folketinget m.fl.) Det siger jeg, på SoTW. Og jeg er/var ikke alene. Frimurer-jægeren Knud Jacobsen fra rettenpaavrangen, sagde det samme (R.I.P.). Og Knud, vidste, fra Orla Møller, at Jens Otto Krag, Anker Jørgensen og mange af de folkevalgte røde S-akrobater, gik til hemmelige frimurermøder. Kender man ikke til TRUST; at erklære sin egen suverænitet, global ophævelse af signaturer, Maritime Law, Admiralty Law, Common Law og 'levende mennesker', så har man sig et benarbejde, at gøre sig. Sagt med andre ord, vi, folket, styres af "fremmede pirater" og "babylonske banksters", men, hvorfor? Fordi, Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'), som ligger på Slotsholmen i hjertet af kraftcenteret i København, har ingen JURIDISK "territorial jurisdiktion eller regeringsførelse" over landmassen eller luftrummet omkring Danmark, som de" lovligt "kan dømme og herske over. Ved godt jeg har tyvstjålet lidt af Acephali'erne (Anders Bak - Folkedomstolens notar), men de, har fat i den lange ende...

P.S.: Man burde måske spørge sig selv om, hvordan, kan DDFO-Daisy holde sig så "frisk"? Tror ikke der findes én eneste dansker med så mange operationer, kunstige kropsdele (og hormonbehandlinger + Adrenokrom cocktails) som stammer fra Bavarian illuminati, tyske nazistfamilier og reptiler. Hun fik også fjernet, livmoderen, æggeledere og æggestok, hvilken gør hende til et intetkøn (men passer godt med hun rygtes født drengebarn og fik sig et kønsskifte iflg. Tarot by Janine). Hvis man tror på den slags (nonsens)... |

PIC above - A joke yes of course - but, funny that Danish Royal family is related or direct descendants of the d'Este clan...
The Danish monarchy is a popular institution in Denmark and is one of the oldest in the world.
The current monarch, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II, can trace her lineage back to the first
Viking kings of Denmark over 1000 years ago.

Above Majestic (2018) Movie Script

"... We furthermore see in the case of the Mongolian conquerors that there were reports of them having weird elongated skulls. And, most recently, even in Europe, we have found tombs of the nobility, the wealthy people who preserved their bloodlines, such as in France, and they also have this bizarre elongated skull feature. It wasn't until insiders started talking to me that I thought about the fact that in the Vatican, you see people wearing these miter hats, and those hats would very nicely conceal an elongated skull. These people with elongated skulls would look like us in their faces, and the hat would conceal the only thing that would make them appear to be different. My research also turned up data on an Italian noble family from the 14th century known as the d'Este Clan, and the d'Este Clan had very close ties to the Vatican. What's so bizarre is when you look at a painting of Prince Leonello d'Este and someone who is either is sister or his wife, the scholars don't really know, they usually call her Princess d'Este, they both have freakishly elongated skulls in this painting. The story gets even more interesting when you trace the descendants of the d'Este clan, the lineage that they left behind, for what you find is, that King George I, who began ruling in 1714, was a direct bloodline descendant of these people who obviously had the elongated skulls in the 1400s. And then you find out that a variety of earlier British consorts, meaning nobility, also were direct descendants of the d'Este clan. Then it gets even more outrageous when you discover that the royal families of Norway, Sweden, Spain and Denmark are all descendants of the same elongated skull d'Este clan. And let's not forget that only recently, we found royal tombs in France and other countries in Europe in which the nobility, again, had these elongated skulls. And if you think this only has to do with divine right of kings in European nobility, you would be wrong. In 1988, an article in the New York Times traced fully 13 out of all of the 40 US presidents at the time as having a direct bloodline connection to European nobility. In 2012, a 12-year-old girl named BridgeAnne d'Avignon actually did a much more complex genealogical study of the US presidents using the power of the Internet and computers. On the "School Watch" tonight, the story of a seventh grader from Salinas who claims to have made a major discovery about President obama. She and her grandfather say that President Obama is related to all but one US president. And she found that 42 out of 43 US presidents all had a common ancestor in King John I from England. And this is not just any old king, this is the guy who actually chartered the Magna Carta which became the defining element that turned into the British Constitution.." ~ Movie Script from the movie.... 

Mænger sig med de kongelige: Så tætte er de – Ekstra Bladet

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Illuminati | Alt om det hemmelige selskab – før og nu | Historienet.dk
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