May 16, 2023

👸🎯💌 (Her True Story?) THE ROYALS & THE MURDER OF DIANA - DAVID ICKE SPEAKING IN THE LATE NINETIES ~ May 16, 2023 (SoTW; Don't you worry Diana - alive or not - you are loved all over the world) ~ |

Editors Note: P.S.: 👉Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is declared official dead, age 99 (666) on April 9, 2021 (99). 👉Queen Elizabeth, like Prince Phillip, was, royal reptilian lizard bloodline, and Queen, the head of the committee of 300 (often called the secret government of the West), is also DEAD. 👉Next problem, the succession of the English throne is gonna be a HUGE deal, especially after the chaos caused by firstborn Charles, the Prince of Wales, has become King Charles, but taken over by a Demon entity. The prince's infamous betrayal of the beloved Princess Diana still doesn't sit well with the public. 👉Buuutt, Is Prince Charles really Prince Harry’s father? One tabloid claims that new DNA evidence proves that Prince Harry is not a real royal. 👉Second problem, Prince Andrew aKa "Randy Andy" or "Air Miles Andy" & the Epstein Scandal, no way back to royal life after all the scandals (unofficial Andrew + Epstein both dead) 👉Third problem, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were on the brink of exposing the royal is all a lie; The wedding and their child, is fakery. Freemasonic Oprah Winfrey interview about a black child, Archie's skin color; all a lie to divide and separate and anger the public. 👉Fourth problem, Prince William, received the Order of the Thistle service in Scotland at St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh after a Thistle Ceremony: Which means, he's invested in the Order of the Garter at Windsor Castle aKa committee of 300. The highest of the highest over all Masonic Grand Lodge and Master Masons. 👉Head is Queen-Lizzie, after Lizzie and William, DDFO-Daisy, Queen of Denmark, is third in command (rumor has it)... 👉My H-S has told me dozens of time, next pres. of America of the New Republic will be a well-know woman, outside of any political system, approved by the People, For the People! Planetary Liberation means America must change first, Israel will go down, last, and that will cause positive ripples in water around the planet Earth!... | 

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