Oct 5, 2022

💱 ('QFS super-advanced “out-of-this-world” techn. Dark Cabal does not have.') Rev Dennis Shipman: The New Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Financial System (2020) ~ 5. October 2022 ~ |


Written by Reverend Dennis Shipman - Revised September 1, 2020

Introduction: It's a fact of life: We live in a quantum world. Everything in our lives is moving deeper into the quantum level because it already exists in nature – as well as in us – and more importantly, I suggest to you that this is what Ascension or The Great Shift in Consciousness (aka The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness) is all about: To become one with the quantum level.

Today, quantum physicists know that nothing is solid, and everything is energy. Below the sub-atomic level there is pure intelligent energy. Physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Atoms are made of energy that are invisible to the human eye, and are not made of tangible matter.

Physical things (including the human body) are composed of invisible forces that manifests in what appears to be a solid, physical structure. We are more than we perceive ourselves to be, yet our senses tell us that matter is solid. Or, is it solid because we have been taught to believe that matter is solid? Metaphysics tells us that our invisible beliefs create our reality through perception. Quantum physics tells us everything in the universe has its own vibrational frequency. And, vibration creates matter. The invisible creates the visible.

We Are All Connected at the Quantum Level

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Tesla is credited with discovering the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. Tesla is considered the foremost electrical engineer genius of the twentieth century, and possibly the greatest inventor the world has seen.

The spirit guide Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, has said: “Everything in the universe is vibrationally-based. We could use the word “energy,” and there are many words in your language that accurately apply. Your air, dirt, water, cars, physical matter, and your bodies are vibration in motion. You are living in a pulsating, vibrational universe of advanced harmonics. And, all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction.” Source: The Universal Energy of Frequency and Vibration / YouTube Video

The spirit guide Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, has been telling us for years that humans are quantum, multi-dimensional beings of pure consciousness in human form. Kryon: “The first civilization on the planet was called Lemuria . . . Existing from 35,000 years to 15,000 years ago . . . Their quantum DNA was at 90 percent, compared to 30 percent that yours is today . . . Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life . . . A quantum DNA, working at 90 percent, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe . . . Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information . . . Lemurians knew all about the solar system, about the galaxy in general, about the stars . . . This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have . . . They never saw war . . . One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It’s not an accident.” Source: Kryon: The Gaia Effect by Monika Muranyi, pages 23-26.

Global Quantum Financial System (QFS)

The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a super-advanced “out-of-this-world” technology that the Dark Cabal does not have. It has the capacity to hold massive amounts of data. It’s power source is not electricity. It is not dependent on any electrical grid, and not even crystals. It is powered by the limitless energy source of life itself (consciousness). The very source of limitless energy that powers the human individual also powers the Quantum Financial System.

It can only operate in the light, and rejects darkness and evil intent. It reads into all organic lifeforms, and understands growth patterns. The way it’s programmed, it is not possible for the Dark Cabal to steal money or wealth from another person or another nation any longer. The system does not recognize any royal line, only the line of “Source of Consciousness” which is present in all of us.

It knows intention by reading human brainwaves. It knows a person’s intention because intention is locked in the DNA (living DNA) sequencing of the individual. Not one individual, but all. In the case of nations, it is RNA of the original source of the asset. It calculates true trade values based on REAL production, not what the Dark Cabal wants the world to see. True production of commodities and their respective values will begin to unfold.

QFS Functions and Characteristics
Taken from a YouTube video that was taken down for censorship.

  • No fiat currency is legal in QFS. Banks are no longer in control. Banks are now obsolete!
  • QFS puts an end to corruption, usury and manipulation within the banking system and Central Banking system.
  • QFS is completely independent from existing centralized banking systems; makes all other transfer systems obsolete.
  • QFS is not crypto-currency. After REVAL (re-evaluation) all sovereign currencies will be asset-backed.
  • QFS activation ends “Central Banking System” that perpetuates what some refer to as “Debt Slavery.”
  • QFS is alive with controllable Artificial Intelligence that creates financial security and transparency.
  • A country’s sovereign currency will have the same value as another country’s sovereign currency.
  • Each QFS account throughout the world will be solely owned by the account holder, not owned by banks or governements.
  • QFS replaces SWIFT with new transparent CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System).
  • QFS runs on a new Photonic Computer – based on 24 GPS orbiting satellites (protected by the new U.S. Space Force). All funds are GPS traceable forever.

QFS Documentary Video
The following YouTube video is the same one I found on Bitchute. If it's taken down for censorship, click here for the Bitchute video.

Chronology of Events

UPDATE: September 12, 2020 - On Thursday, 1 October 2020, the Quantum Financial System and asset-backed USN (new rainbow currency of the United States) would be fully online for the start of the Restored Republic federal government fiscal year. Source: Restored Republic via GCR, Operation Disclosure.

July 10, 2018: Benjamin Fulford, an independent geo-political journalist at BenjaminFulford.net, reported that “As things now stand, according to U.S. Pentagon sources: The asset-backed quantum financial system is ready, but awaits the Trump-Putin summit (July 16, 2018), the global financial reset, mass arrests and geo-political resolutions.” Source: Benjamin Fulford Report: Quantum Computer

July 7, 2018: Alternative news source Operation Disclosure published a report that briefly described the capabilities of the Quantum Financial System (QFS). I’ve also included capabilities I’ve found from additional alternative news sources. These capabilities include, but are not limited to: Source: Various Alternative Intel Sources and Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for July 7, 2018

  • The QFS is “alive” with consciousness, and can identify your DNA and frequency of your brain waves. The quantum energy field is alive with super-intelligent consciousness. Because the quantum energy field is located within the consciousness of each human being, it can be contacted by each human being. The quantum energy field knows who you are, and what you are doing. Because you are part and parcel of the super-intelligent, multi-dimensional, quantum energy field - as is all physical matter in creation.

  • QFS can read your mind and knows your location at all times through frequency waves. This connects back to earlier discoveries by pioneer physicists Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, and modern quantum physicists and spiritual sources that say we are all connected at the sub-atomic quantum level through our unique energy signature, vibration and frequency. As well as our thought-energy.

  • QFS was gifted to us by the Galactics – According to the book “Messages from the Hollow Earth” by Dianne Robbins, benevolent, highly spiritually advanced human civilizations of Agartha in hollow earth use amino-acid based computers (highly advanced Artificial Intelligence that is “alive” with consciousness) that impact every area of human endeavor. All of the sub-cities are linked by this highly conscious computer system. It monitors inter-city and galactic communications, while simultaneously, serving the needs of individuals at home.

    For example, it can report a person’s vitamin or mineral deficiency or when necessary covey pertinent information from the akashic records for personal growth. The akashic records are the living library of your soul life. This writer believes that it’s reasonable to assume the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation of Light have shared their super-conscious, quantum computer technology with surface humanity, and the QFS interfaces with the computers in hollow earth and with the Federation’s starships.

  • The quantum computer system cannot be hacked or misused. The Dark Cabal loves to steal money, digitally. However, hackers are doomed to break into the QFS due to its highly advanced technology. Several hacking attempts have been tried by the Dark Cabal, and all attempts have met with failure. In fact, in an alternative news report, it said that once the quantum system has identified the location of the hacker’s computer server, the QFS has the ability to send a signal back to the hacker’s server and destroy it. It has been reported that all assets, wealth or funds stolen by the Dark Cabal will be returned to every human being on the planet via the QFS.

July 24, 2018: The Galactic Federation of Light reported: "We have provided the Alliance with a new "computer" system, the Quantum Financial System, which will eliminate any way to steal or manipulate money. It is designed to be the death of the central banking system, which is the means by which the cabal keeps you in debt slavery. You are meant to live in the Light, basking in the divine Truths given you freely by Heaven. In this new reality, we are to shepherd you back to your fully conscious selves. Together, we are to bring greater Light to every corner of this galaxy." Source: Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle.

July 2, 2018: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and humanitarian funds. On this date, a YouTube video was published that involved a hypnosis regression session that talked about the Quantum Financial System and humanitarian prosperity funds. The following are excerpts from the published video:

“The funds that are coming forward, they belong to the energy of the Earth as given through Source. Those that are supposed to receive the funds will receive the funds. And, yes it’s done through the action of your DNA. When people go to the exchange, they will be energetically scanned, and they will be given the money, or not, based on their DNA and brain waves which tell of their intentions.

There are others who have just learned about the program that want to make a quick buck for themselves, but do not intend to do any humanitarian work. It is written in their DNA. That (DNA) is the true quantum system. They will attempt to receive funding, but if the quantum system works as it is designed to work, they will receive very little, and in all likelihood, it will not stay in their hands. It’s like the lottery winner who wins big and is broke within a short period of time.

There has to be a common denominator that moves people to that place of higher consciousness. While the higher consciousness doesn’t use money, the third dimension does. It’s the way we have been programmed. In order for everyone to raise their vibration, we must bring something to the masses that everyone universally understands and finds of value.

The funds that are coming are meant to take care of people in need. To create the programs and structures to move forward. When you move to the New Earth, you won’t need money. This money is only going to be used for a short period of time. To help people live in the way they should live, in a way they can release the burdens of their lives to be creators on planet Earth, to help lift the consciousness of those who want to ascend. Once we are in a higher vibration of joy and love, people will be able to ascend and move to the New Earth.” Source: Financial Reset, Quantum System, July 2, 2018

Disclaimer: This article attempts to introduce the visitor to a general understanding and benefits of the QFS. It’s not meant to be a definitive or comprehensive report. According to these reports, the QFS exists, has been in place for quite a long time, and is currently working on a global scale. It’s capabilities are mind-blowing. And, we – humanity – are the beneficiaries of the QFS. As always, readers are advised to use their discernment as some of the sources and information from the alternative news media cannot be verified as accurate.

Rev. Dennis Shipman received a first-class education in the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. From 1996-2001, he worked with Kahu Fred Sterling, head pastor of the Honolulu Church of Light, who is the channel for Master Kirael, a senior member of the Guidance Realm in the seventh dimension. There, he met Sheldan Nidle, channel for Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light. He is the author of two free eBooks, "Oneness - The Awakening Experience" and "The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness".

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