Feb 14, 2019

Verdensalt | Arkiv | ~ Feb 14, 2015 Copenhagen shootings (Krudttønden: The gun barrel - meaning "The powder keg" - Gunpowder Plot - first of The British Empire plots of 1605) ~ | Blogger: [🏩The Truth Behind St. Valentine's Day St. Valentine's Day is the world's "holiday of love."?! The Flip side of the Coin = Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions🏴‍☠️] ... {Long before today's Valentine's Day of heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, there was Lupercalia, an ancient Roman day of bloody goatskin thongs and animal sacrifice. You know, the good old days} ... Sorry to bring this up, it's an important day... 🔫 💣🔥 I am not crazy... I am not a nut job... I don't wear tinfoil hats... QUIT Calling me names... If you think verdensalt.dk is a cartoon character from looney tunes, that's fine by me 🤪... The all-seeing eye that understands nothing, but i don't believe in coincidences ... (Black Operation or False Flag) - Islamist terror plots has CHANGED to white angry men, but still consist of drills, before LIVE event happens ... Sorry, do NOT want you to 'shout' at verdensalt.dk or by muscle reflex, switching the channel, but MAYBE you ""might"" wanna reconsidering the corporate media's blasphemy and baloney narrative about terror incidents. It's not always, by de facto, carried out by a muslim-male, yelling 'Allahu Akbar' (this is for Allah) ... Normal template of a 'staged' TERROR INCIDENT(bogeyman:) --- 👳Immediate comprehensive narrative & national news coverage, including a convenient culprit (easily identified by saturation media coverage) - once again a “lone wolf” male attacker - recently CONVERTED TO ISLAM (or WHITE SUPREMACY - on psychedelic drugs). Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar - likely radicalized inside US (wherever) and STRONG supporting Islamic State (IS) 👳 --- ... I'm still stunned, that about 90 percent of Scandinavians, still believe the MSM media reality of terrorism... Example is: - 2015 Copenhagen shootings (Krudttønden - meaning "The powder keg" - Gunpowder Plot - first of The British Empire plots) and 2011 Norway attacks (Oslo and Utøya island) ... Did you know, that Netflix has made a movie about the 2011 Norwegian attacks (Anything Else but the Truth - right?)... More and more citizens are beginning to question the validity of recent bombings, shootings,and other horrible events. History teaches us that often different types of disasters are used by governments to influence citizens to accept certain goals or plans of the governments or non governmental organizations. Over and over I hear the mainstream news parrot government warnings that certain future events are not a matter of IF but WHEN.. 🚩 PS: NEW EVIDENCE - WAS the terror incident of May 2015 in Garland, Texas in fact a COPYCAT???... It's a indisputable facts, that The Danish Home Guard (Danish: Hjemmeværnet-HJV), The Danish Police and maybe, PET (Danish National Intelligence and Security Authority), had a drill just before it happened.. O-M-G!!!!! OHHHHHHHHH 😱😱😱... I just looked this up on wikipedia: DENMARK - ""Swedish artist Lars Vilks is often described as the main target because of his ""drawings of Muhammad""(Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein swore fidelity to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) ... TEXAS: ""The incident was the jihadist attack on the "“Draw Mohammed” free-speech event in Garland, Texas, in 2015"" (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack plot) -- HERE IS THE LINK I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YEARS!!!!... |

Before It's News | Mar 24, 2018 | ~ The FBI Not Only Allowed a Terrorist Attack to Occur, but Encouraged It - Must See Video and Documentation ~ |

- Politikernes nye værn mod borgerne - politiets militarisering og "fatamorgana -effekten", tager til, mod alle som ikke retter ind i samfundetsorden 


... Da trolden hørte den lille Bukke Bruse, råbte den: ”Hvem er det, der tripper på min bro?” ”Det er bare mig, den lille Bukke Bruse.” ”Nu kommer jeg og æder dig,” sagde trolden. ”Uha, nej! Jeg er så lille og tynd.... Hvad vil du være når du bliver stor?. 

... tjooo tænkte verdensalt, jeg har altid ville være politibetjent, men blev vraget grundet ord- og farveblindhed (sagde de). Aftjent min værnepligt, som MP'er hundefører (PlutoPilot) og kender soldater som har slået kvinder, børn ihjel, og det der er værre ☹️ (godt jeg hverken blev pro. soldat eller politibetjent). Nu hvor jeg hører om massiv mobning i politihundesektionen hos Københavns Politi, så er jeg dælme glad for jeg ikke tog den reting... 

Kan nu ikke genkende Danmark, mere.. Politiet nu om dage, bliver misbrugt af Statsmagten som Deres indsatsstyrke. 

Det er blevet et udrykningsklar militariseret politikorps, der KUN adlyder de hjernevasket partisoldater i Rigspolitiets top, PET og Politigårdens særlige kommandocentral (cyber- og frygtcenter) .. HVER EVIGT eneste gang der bliver råbt "BOMBETRUSSEL", "MISTÆNKELIG KUFFERT", "KRIMINELLE FLYGTNINGE" eller "BANDER & HASHSALG", så rykker politisoldater aka PET's aktionsstyrke ud og tager hele holdet af kampklar battle-enheder fra lokale sheriffer, som slår en jernring rundt om villakvarter og byer (Og alt skal være hemmeligt). 

99.9 procent af gangen, vender politiet tilbage tomhændet med en besked om, at der var IKKE noget at komme efter. Den eneste gang, som Danmark gik ned med flaget, var under Terrorangrebene i København 2015 (Krudttønden kan oversættes til Gunpowder. Noget som Kevin Barrett fra VT today nævner på hans video, sammen med Ole Dammegard...

Den FØRSTE FF Ops som opbyggede The British Empire, var baseret på et Gunpowder Plot), men et hav af beviser antyder, at det var et Falsk Flag, og at der på Nørrebro station, ganske tæt på begivenheden, var plastret et skilt op fra hjemmeværnet, hvor der stod: 


Og hvis man nærstudere plakaten, så er politiet også indblandet m.fl.. OG NEJ - det er ikke kun i USA, hvor man må stille spørgsmål til såkaldte terroristangreb, og skoleskyderierne m.m. og nu skal vi også forholde os til den nye film i Norge om Utøya-tragedien, der skaber debat i Norge (Ja, fordi den var også falsk - en slags iscenesættelse ala "Operation Gladio"). 

OG inden du bliver sur på verdensalt.dk, selvom man har et regeringsvenligt, og nøje planlagt filmsæt, så kan det naturligvis forårsage 'collateral damage' (følgeskader) og folk bliver slået 'rigtigt hjel' 

.. Jeg har med egen krop set uskyldige folk og journalister, bliver brutalt angrebet, fordi de tillod sig at være tilstede ved de hundredvis af frontalangreb på Christiania. 

Har haft 2 totalt kampklare lokale sheriffer ude på min bopæl, fordi min ukrainske x-kone, var ved at splitte huset af, mens jeg forsøgte at beskytte hendes datter på 5 år. Har en bekendt, som er officer i specialtropperne, hvordan beredskabsstyrelsen, Sundhedsvæsenet, Udenrigsministeriet, Beredskabskorpset og Forsvaret, VILDLEDER og PLANLÆGGER operative indgreb i Danmark og i resten af verden (har desværre ikke kontakt med ham PT - han er gået under jorden). 

Det er vores bevidsthed som er manipuleret med i flere tusindvis af år. Desværre, er danskere så loyale mod vor autoriteter og den fjerde statsmagt, medierne, og det de fortæller os... 

Verdensalt.dk har simpelhen mistet tiltroen til, at det danske politikorps som bliver misvedligeholdt af højere generaler i ledelsen, kan optrevle noget som kommer i nærheden af en ÆGTE FARLIG HÆNDELSE i Dannevang. For der SKER jo INTET og hvis der gør, er det en NØJE PLANLAGT 'SLAGS' ØVELSE og heldigvis for det (AMEN) 

.. Centraladministrationen har SKABT et SKRÆKSCENARIE, som skal gøre folk bange, hvor politikerne kan træde til og redde os alle, via det militariseret politikorps og danskerne, falder pladask for stuntet, HVER GANG. 

Hvorfor tror du, at kommunerne og politiet har skabt en platform, hvor man anonymt kan angive andre, som whistleblower eller anmelde vold? Fordi vi som borgere, skal være ih-åh-så-bange og gøres til offeret, at overlade og overgive vores sjæl, til statsmagten. VI, som borgere, skal hele tiden være kampparete til at anmelde naboen eller andet mistænkeligt, så 'nogle' kan komme os til undsætning og REDDE os fra Trolden under broen ...

 JA, JA - engang imellem optrevler politiet en narkoring, bandekriminalitet eller pædofilisager og det skal vi naturligvis være taknemmelig for (men det er jo ikke 'terror' eller 'bombetrusler') ... |

Copenhagen: ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? CITIZEN CALLS IT ON FACEBOOK! (Video) Running the same template, Police Terrorism Drill Plan In Full Effect: First Dublin, Paris, Copenhagen and then Italy acc. Ole Dammegård. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today - The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencie

Lets make something completely clear, Ole Dammegård's theory about false flag event in Copenhagen, is based on conspiratory. My first gut feeling when i heard about this event that toke place in my capital - its NOT REAL. Why, after Paris and the indisputable evidence presenting from tons of alternative media and knowing how Cabal or the Zionazi operates, the scene is clear. People has no CLUE whats going on in their world anymore. Do Yourself a favour, listen to what he has to say in this interview..... our Danish mainstream media both on telly and radio has 24/7 non-stop exclusive broadcasting on the TERROR IN DENMARK, Muslims attacking Jews or free speech, everyone is buying into this. Like David Cameron, like our own Helle Thorning prime minister, "we need to unite in this type of crysis, an attack on all of Denmark, "We have tasted the ugly taste of fear". Even our Queen in Denmark "We must stand together", Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks, ..However, there's something fishy going on...NOW, i'm personally awaiting on Benjamin Fulford and his take on the matter......
Sunday, February 15, 2015 22:50 beforeitsnews
(***) - 2015 Copenhagen shootings - Krudttønden attack - later deleted FB post about a danish drill,
poster on Nørrebro train station, 20-30 days before it actually happens, LIVE

List of ""known"" terrorist attacks where terrorist Emergency Drills/Exercises, was held at the same day:
  • 1994 - The Estonia disaster 
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 2001 - 9/11 (**)
  • 2004 - Madrid train bombings
  • 2005 - London bombings (7/7)
  • 2011 - Norway attacks
  • 2012 - Aurora shooting (Cinema shooting in Aurora USA)
  • 2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • 2012 - Boston Marathon bombing
  • 2014 - Shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa
  • 2015 - Copenhagen shootings (***)
  • 2015 - Charleston church shooting
  • 2015 - November Paris attacks
  • 2016 - Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando (cannot be sure)
  • 2017 - Stockholm attack
  • 2017 - MGM Las Vegas massacre
  • etc.


On 9/11, an agency of the Department of Defense and the CIA was conducting a terror scenario in which an imaginary airplane from Washington's Dulles International Airport was to crash into one of the four towers of the suburban campus of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) in Chantilly, Virginia, just a few miles from the Pentagon. The plane that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 77, departed from the same airport at 8:20 a.m. on 9/11.

When the terror scenario became real in New York and at the Pentagon, the NRO exercise was cancelled and nearly all its three thousand employees, the people who operate the nation's "eye in the sky," were sent home.

As the agency that operates the nation's spy satellites, the NRO personnel come from the military and the CIA. When the attacks occurred, however, most of the three thousand people who work at the agency were sent home. Why would they do that?

The fact that the spy agency had planned such a drill was casually leaked in an announcement for a Homeland Security conference in Chicago in 2002. In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement said:

On the morning of September 11, 2001, M
r. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day.


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