Nov 14, 2022

⚔️“🛦” 💥 ~ ('Bloomberg reports U.S. military aircraft not ready for combat missions.') F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, B-52 Stratofortress, B-2 Spirit, B-1B Lancer and others - American military aircraft have been unable to pass combat readiness tests for 10 years ~ Nov 14, 2022 (SoTW; F-35 $1.7 Trillion-Failure. Crash and burn baby! USAF dogfighting and provoking nuclear war with China & Russia in midair - c'mon now - what a joke. As ex-RDAF MP soldier, I'm not surprised at all. I've 100s of blogposts depicting F-35 JSF- worst f-aircraft ever build in US mil. history. 6th and 7th gen fighter manned, opt. manned and unmanned jets is on our doorstep - US NGAD - equip. w/ DLWS, AFC, Hypersonic & Untraceable. Talking abt slush funds - I think F-35 is/was a money-laundering op. for "black projects" to keep feeding the always hungry, SSP. 1980s 'Solar Warden fleet' must have cost a fortune. To keep a lid on SSP in NASA LIMITED SPACE, going on since 1930's and their Nazi-'mercenaries' with a steady paycheck or they leave or spill the beans. Oversold $37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats. Pentagon's missing $2.3 Trillion or was it $21 Trillion? - R U kidding me - just my humble opinion) ~ |

F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, B-52 Stratofortress, B-2 Spirit, B-1B Lancer and others - American military aircraft have been unable to pass combat readiness tests for 10 years (
$37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; : suppliers to our military just won't be oversold - Los Angeles Times (

44 of 49 US Military Aircraft Types Not Ready to Fly, Watchdog Warns - 12.11.2022, Sputnik International (

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