Aug 16, 2022

๐Ÿงช๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿฉน~ ('No govt or scientific lab on Earth has E-V-E-R isolated SARS COV 2"virus" that causes Covid 19.') THE SCAMDEMIC: COVID 19 - SARS COV2 THE VIRUS THAT NEVER EXISTED (Tremregi) ~ | Blogger: Like so many other countries, Denmark; SARS-CoV-2 has NOT been isolated... MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO SoTW have watch, for years... Just in: Financial Times says "Polio virus reappears in rich economies, exposing gaps in immunisation". And like Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, says 43 minute inside this video - POLIO VACCINE IS EQUAL TO DDT. WHO used to kill and control malaria-carrying mosquitoes with DDT. The Problem is that POLIO did not caused MASSDEAD. The Polio vaccines did because it became toxin and when govt became aware of of it they renamed it to Jonas salk serum (1914–1995). My Danish Holistic ND told me for yeeears, that apple farms using Diphenylamine is classified as toxic and also kills people... |


Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, destroys the Covid scam with proof in language even a layman like me can understand. Who benefits? Big Pharma and its owners (not shareholders), Gates, Fauci whom she calls criminals, using words like "fraudulent," "deliberate," "planned and premeditated."


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