Jul 9, 2022

🏜️☀️🌡️🥵 ~ (Extreme Weather Worldwide) Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop (Geoengineering Watch) ~ | Blogger: Short 6 minute Dane Wigington video of importance and also Jason A World News. It provides much needed information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source and global heatwaves / floodings ... However, SoTW, think the "Dark Alliance" has lost much of their control over the Global Weather-Warfare. Major wildfire erupts in southeast France and EU has seen unprecedent heatwaves (again and again like last few years during summertime). Strangely, MSM, is now reporting, that Australia floods, was because of "cloud seeding" claims spread online. What I have heard from many sources on SoTW, and in particular, from Ismael Perez is, Australia, was intentionally flooded to clean out the Gigantic C.A.B.A.L. evil lairs of D.U.M.B.s... |

Skies turn green in South Dakota — RT World News
Major wildfire erupts in southeast France (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) — RT World News
Australia floods: Unfounded cloud seeding claims spread online - BBC News


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