Apr 3, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Kung Fu Spiritual Warfare.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: (Sorry for my bad language it's coming out of Jordan's mouth not SoTW) .. Of course, I get a bit sad or irritated that even inside the deepest evolutional truth-movement, people are still fighting over spiritual ego and who's the wisest man/woman/gender in history. I do like Megan Rose, Dr. Salla and Elena Denaan, do not, for some bizarre reasons! I personally do not fancy Clif High and never will, but many do! Clif and Jay Weidner and his followers, had some nasty infight with James Gilliland and ECETI Ranch! Max Igan, in his latest video, saying that the bad guys own all weather manipulation devices and Corona narrative, will be back soon! WTF! There's a reason why I have left Cobra RM, but some of the spiritual, esoterically and philosophically 'truth', might be okay! Recently, Jordan Sather, is against Tarot by Janine, who promotes "McAllisterTV" quite a bit (bullshitters of a feather grift together - he says). Janine + Jean-Claude do not like Simon Parkes + Dr. Charlie Ward, like Jordan Sather (he hates everybody)! He also says, SantaSurfing promoted "BestNewsHere" and "RealRawNews" which is considered god awfully full of bullshit, Jordan says! I think Simon Parkes promotes and put out to many "sponsor" videos and to little "real news" reports. Btw, after Nicholas Veniamin found out, Janine distrusting, Michelle Fielding, he pull her off his show! Frankly, I'm so tired of all the people with 1, 2 or 3 NDA's, who's not allowed to speak, freely! How can we all move forward and convince our fellow man, that we should break free out of the 3-D Matrix, when 99% of people, wish, to stay in there, forever!. My ex-girlfriend a few years back a polish/danish citizen fresh newbie Clairvoyance from a famous danish Reiki-healer master, who told me and my blog and my office at my old house, was possessed by demons. Whaaat! I was so shocked I tested my inner Higher Self, mind and body at my 50 yrs experienced holistic ND and there was NOTHING!. I have no Demonic Attachments! In reality, she was pissed at me, because I have turned this beautiful desirable QUEEN down, away from her enormous ego, bad temper getting back at me with 'revenge sex' (anyways she was at least good at that). In the meanwhile, she is and has always been cheating on The Danish Welfare State for some minor backpain in over 25 years. That's right, even some in the hardcore "spiritual communities" are messed up, because they refuse to look at themselves for traumas "cleanup", but are able to save everyone else. The spiritual ego is a product of spiritual materialism - that is, using spirituality to serve the ego, instead of approaching the spiritual path with the intent on trying to move beyond the ego... |

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