Apr 30, 2022

🎴🔮💖 ~ (Insane Trump rumors) MAY UPDATE: MR.T RUMORS! GLOBALIST AGENDAS FALLING APART! FREEDOM FREAKS OUT THE DS BAD ACTORS! (TBJ) ~ | Blogger: Old news? Janine's followers have seen this video a second, later it was published, but this video got 100K views. TBJ and Mystic was once censored, demonetized and terminated by Youtube. No matter, I do wonder. I understand TBJ was offended by Simon and Charlie on regards Genl. Flynn. Several others like Nicolas V. will not have TBJ on her show because of Michelle F., buuutt, what is going on with Catherine Edwards and TBJ? I do miss their shows. Dead in the water for 2 months now. Has this star status gone to her head. Latest with Julie and Jean-Claude, she was predicted 40 yrs ago, TBJ would be a worldly famous person with money like grass -- you already are Sugar, honey, honey... To the ones who don't know. Tarot by Janine is a Canadian YouTuber, started in 2011 with 157.000 subscribers 38M views. She has been reading for 35 plus years did have a large local clientele in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I think, she only do videos now. According to starstat.yt her YT Net Worth was $50K yearly - through 30 Apr 2022 $140K, which is okay but a very low estimate. I think that she also gets some tip-jars and friendly people, giving her stuff and more income. Good for her. Please bring Catherine into your life again, Janine (and do a follow-up read on what's going on with the Queen or Royals in Denmark and Scandinavia). Thank you for making my mornings, afternoons and evenings, brighter... |

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