Mar 29, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Happy cows Spring Dance mood! Ruling Reptilians from Alpha Draconis no more!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: It's not ONLY my Higher-Self in a real good (spring season) mood in April, many are. Including our galactic friends in the skies, Thor Han, and JeanClaude and Janine has made an astrological / tarot insight "April beyond crypto woo" video on that, as well. Since i'm "Money Zero" kinda-guy and not going to pay for anything, after Cobra RM (and to many trips around the world on conferences), took all my money - I'll rely on my intuition. As you know, laughter is the best or powerful stress-relief medicine free-of-charge and when I saw Biden-Diaper meme, I was laughing so hard (anyways). We all need a good laugh these days, when the Cabal is trying so hard to lure us all into a WIII and keep us in a constant fear-mode after the Coronacrisis, failed. Now, it's 'haterism' towards any Russians or the next agenda, lining up (The Great Reset). Luckly inside Moder Russia, polls point to unprecedented support for Putin - perhaps they are aware of what's (really) going on in Ukraine. Well, Cabal - game is over! You have no more power over HUmanity! Soon, You will see a shot across the bow from major benevolent spaceships, by Guardian/Seeders & Ashtar Command, you never though, existed and was possible, to assist Earthlings in the fight for Freedom, Financial Abundance & Prosperity... PS: Google (or Danish Security and Intelligence Service) just censored my blogpost (I believe i'm not allowed to share anything on the LIVE event from Zelensky in the speech to the Folketing - Danish Parliament)... |

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