Mar 28, 2022

🎴🔮💖 ~ (Behold a Pale Horse) The Real Trump Back-in-office 2 weeks. Cooper on NWO, UFO & The Ultimate Goal Of Socialism Is Communism. Bombshell Fox News (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: If you haven't familiarized yourselves with Bill Cooper as TBJ are mentioning, it's a must... William Cooper author of Behold a Pale Horse, is a former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. In this 4+ hr video Bill shares his conclusions drawn on his extensive, varied knowledge & research and more: JFK Assassination, Film, Tells All, Video Footage, Conspiracy, Secret Society... Second video by TBJ talks about the latest Trump Rally (IMPORTANT) little video on Fox News added (which TBJ did not notice)... |

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