“Wag the Dog” quotes (1997): “We're not gonna have a war, we're gonna have the appearance of a war.. A bomb falling down a chimney. Let me tell you something: I was in the building where we filmed that with a 10-inch model made out of Legos.” ~ Robert de Niro (Conrad Brean) AKA The 2022 Cabal & their Media
Mar 5, 2022
πππ (54-40-Or Fight - March Madness) Wag The Dog In Ukraine? Should You REALLY Trust Your TV? From COVID To War? #Ukraine #Russia #Putin (StrangerThanFiction) ~ | Blogger: No more deadly fearmongering Coronaviruses. That is over. Today a war, tomorrow, something else. If that doesn't give you a headache, nothing does. The situation we're stuck in is completely FUBAR. Not so much the Truthers, but all the "fastest sleepers" or "normies" (fearfulness and Haterism) who refuses to see what's really going on in Ukraine and The Cabal very last attempt to create their long wanted W3. When that fails to, then, large scale False Flag Cyber-Attack. When that is over, we have the Alien Invasion. THE END. The Cabal has N-O-T-H-I-N-G else left. Every WAR has been to divide HUmans and the ones creating those wars by Cabal mastery of witchcraft, black magic on Adrenochrome madness, taking the power and messing with subconscious minds of HUmans and feeding on their negativity. Until HUmans drop their fears and use common sense to discernment and lead their own lifes without letting others to tell them how to life, what to eat, what to have etc we will keep crumbling and fearing each other’s instead of loving and caring about one and another. There are not walls there are not countries there are just ONE planet. Not dropping the (fearfulness and Haterism) and open to a conscience unity mind the "normies" will keep the illusion alive because they live in duality and they don’t understand what they fear they attract what they feed they become... |
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