Feb 17, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (THE MISS-ION) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: My friend asked me today, while working (some has to work of course); Is there a change in the timeline we are on right now? I feel like having a Déjà vu of thoughts and ideas while I walk around in the basement where I pull fiber cables? (Oh man I have tried that many times as a Network Engineer with Token Ring Patch Cable / Ethernet / Fiber).. Well, I said; as a general (spiritual) rule, it's always ones own perception and on a more personally level we're experiencing things and through It serves as model for our spiritual level or spiritual growth. The energies are on high as everyone of us are passing through powerful burst of energy aligning at 27 degrees in the approaching 16th of February Full Moon astrology... The 19th of February we will all feel something astrological according to Julie (Janine, JeanClaude)... And then, there's a large karmic reset and very special energy portal on 22.2.22. That was what i have picked up as energy healer, but how the heck should I know! I'm just a wannabe city-boy, and Danish hillbilly, trying to cope with the present energies of "nothing is happening" until April 2022 (if we're lucky). As of now, i'm still surrounded by farmers and country folks in a place where my neighbors is still afraid of me, because I didn't take the "vaksine" and never heard of any "Trucker convoy" (truckers have been planning strikes on Social Media since the 1970s). We still, have a looong way ahead of us, before more people wake up (in some areas of the world)... |

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