Feb 1, 2022

📅 ~ 💗 ('Focus within on that light you have, ask to be connected to the divine, to help you following your spiritual truth') February 2022 Predictions: Fight for Freedom! (Joni Patry) 💕~ | Blogger: PS: As my Higher-Self told me on SoTW; April, will be the spiritual Kickoff that will set EVERYTHING in motion, for at better future. Hang in there... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

 "Brightness on the horizon. Since things are especially heavy in February, I did want to include a positive note about what we have in store for the spring. In the coming months the planets (astrologically-speaking) are all about to change which will greatly and globally improve our moods. Rahu and Ketu will shift signs March 16th into Aries and Libra. This will put our focus in an entirely different direction. But the major transformation is happening in April with the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction sliding into Pisces. An amazing awakening around the world is coming with a positive boost to the economy and a rallying stock market!" ~ Joni...

To my Dear Friends and Community,

Can you feel it? Things are getting serious

As the planets congregate in the sign of Capricorn, a heavy and deeply somber energy is cast upon the first half of February.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the sign of business and government while Saturn is the planet of responsibility, setbacks, delays and endings. Since the New Moon is currently conjunct Saturn during this time, you will pick up on a feeling of depression in the air directly resulting from the world in turmoil—the economy, stock market, business, work and even the threat of war in the Ukraine.

Additionally, Mercury is turning direct with Pluto, which only exacerbates this feeling of defeat and dissolution. Mercury is the ruler of all things communication and how we process information and Pluto is the planet of power and control. This combination manifests as frustrations over government controls around the world are reaching peak intensity.

But don’t despair. We are on the edge of a major transition and hope is on the horizon.
February 16th is the day things start to improve. The New Moon in Leo brings about a shift in power with Venus and Mars conjunct at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Venus and Mars represent war and peace while Sagittarius is all about justice, so the world may start to look a bit brighter once the battle for truth and what's right finally sees some calm resolution.

Around February 27th Mars and Venus conjunct at 0 degrees Capricorn combined with Pluto, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn. That’s six planets all in the serious sign of Capricorn! As a result, there will be some major reorganization of governments and policies around the world. Covid-19 and lockdowns have taken their toll on the economy and we are now facing a long clean-up.

So, while things may feel bleak and uneasy now, we are truly on the brink of positive change. This is a time for a spiritual awakening. Often it takes difficult times like these to appreciate a brighter future. Hope and gratitude are what give us the ability to withstand the challenging moments but if you’re struggling with the dark gravitas of the present, remember the only way out is within.

Instead of dwelling on the outward turmoil, re-focus on the Divine inside of you—also known as your inner spirit. The Universe, or the Divine, communicates with us on Earth via signs. These signs indicate that we are on the right path or that our prayers are being heard—so, ask for one and be on the lookout! Signs can be messages on a billboard, songs on the radio, birds or insects that give you the answers you need. There is so much positive planetary energy currently that can lead to a great awakening in consciousness. In times like these, when the spiritual light is the strongest, duality is more powerful and light can truly extinguish the dark. If you take advantage of this major shift, empower and live in the light, the outcomes will be positive and rewarding.

So, looking forward…below are some key dates to watch. We will be sending these weekly so you’ll have everything you need for the seven days ahead. A special thank you to Goutam Gupta for all his help!

Important dates for the week of February 1st:

February 1st: New Moon at 19 degrees of Capricorn.

The New Moon is occurring in the nakshatra of Sravana, also known as the symbol of the ear and referred to as “the Star of Listening”. As we embark on a new month, take this opportunity to really listen and learn from other people. Over the course of the pandemic, many felt that their voices were unheard and unaccounted for. If we take the time to listen to those who feel forgotten we can help transform the world into a better place. But that change starts from within. The New Moon is a great opportunity to tap into our inner guidance as meditation can unlock the Divine spirit. The spiritual presence is strong during this time of the New Moon as the darkness of the night makes way for great wisdom if we listen.

February 4th: Saturn conjuncts Sun at 22 degrees of Capricorn.

This is a rather difficult conjunction as Saturn and the Sun are bitter enemies, but it only happens once a year. Issues surrounding authoritative figures may present themselves during this time. Do not get into arguments with your bosses or superiors and wait a couple of days before having any serious discussions related to your career. Since this conjunction is in the sign of Capricorn, frustrations around government control start to boil over. Worldwide, people are fed up with constricting policies and will want to channel their outrage into major change.

Brightness on the horizon…

Since things are especially heavy in February, I did want to include a positive note about what we have in store for the spring. In the coming months the planets (astrologically-speaking) are all about to change which will greatly and globally improve our moods. Rahu and Ketu will shift signs March 16th into Aries and Libra. This will put our focus in an entirely different direction. But the major transformation is happening in April with the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction sliding into Pisces. An amazing awakening around the world is coming with a positive boost to the economy and a rallying stock market!

I will be talking extensively about this extremely exciting shift in the Universe and how we can all prepare on February 12th at the Arlington Institute Transition Talks conference in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia! Tickets and more information are available here, so make sure you sign up. Can’t make the trip? I will also livesteam my talk so you can watch from the comfort of your home.

Click here for tickets and more.

I hope to see you there!

With gratitude,


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