Nov 29, 2021

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’ (We're born & wrapped up in a spider web that creates our reality by 3D Matrix of Illusion) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ πŸ’• | Blogger: [🌟BREAKING OUT OF THE MATRIX ~ Lorie Ladd🌟] ... I talked to a Danish friend that suggested looking into the latest of LL's video, it's really good. He told me about his wife was to leave him this month, because, they have lost to many friends and neighbors due to his spiritual views on Facebook about being vaxxed and many other topics. After 4 hours of "debating" he decided to leave FB (forever) and his wife of 35 years of marriage was amazed that he would do that for her, and he said to me, he had never felt so much "alive" now, than before. So much more time. Not a single soul has returned of his many FB-friends or family members asking him, why he left social media... We are living in crazy times, let me tell you... |

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