Dec 31, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Trading Places) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Second year i'm alone on this day, but so much hate on us, unvaccinated, unmasked and PCR test-less... Wishing everyone a very happy no fear new year.🥳🤩💪🌎🎉🙇‍♀️ Thank you for the old 20/20 vision and many of us agreed that 2021 couldn't be worse than 2020 - gosh we were wrong. Let 2022 Age of Aquarius (started in 2012) count!. As we enter 2022, let us choose the path of unity consciousness! Take a second to think about how blessed we are... To my readers and (friends left): I'm humbled and grateful for all your support in 2021 and for your love... Be the change and light you want to see (in others) and may all your spiritual wishes come true by loving manifestations and proper intentions... I am passing the light of peace, love, abundance and prosperity... be well.. be save... and expect the unexpected... |

Best New Year's Eve Dinner so blessed and thankful

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