Dec 17, 2021

⚠️📢👂 ~ (Charlie: We are in a critical phase crazy 24 hours; the military perfect time to operate under x-mas and lockdown) Simon Parkes on the Charlie Ward Show With Dallas & Chas Carter - Must See Updates! (THE PATRIOT PARTY NEWS) ~ | Blogger: Finally some (good) news for the SP fans and us, CC members... 🙏As always guys, use your own spiritual discernment... 💞PS: I manage to go into International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness - lovely (w/ Leigh – NZ/Oceania IS/Antarctica, and Jo – Oceania/Asia)... |

DISCLAIMER: SoTW transcript - in order to avoid any possibility of inaccuracy or misunderstanding, please listen to the video. () - brackets is my own comments on SoTW...

📌Topics; Nashville “Bombing” was from Directed Energy Weapon or Star Trek Phaser weapons, as Simon is calling it... 

📌South Korean President Moon Jae-in and China did in fact reunite the two Koreas by signing a peace agreement after 69 years of war. And MSM has gone silent... 

📌Biden (and his handlers) is a vey very clever man, said Charlie. He manage to bankrupt the richest company in the world in under 12 month. Congress approval $2.5T debt limit hike is a scam.. 

📌We also knew that WH and BH has it's own HAARP (weather manipulation). No answer what happened Kentucky tornadoes... 

📌Sergio Aguero who breaks down in tears and confirms retirement because he is brainwashed, manipulated and payed to shut up by FIFA and forced to get the jab. We have 128 footballers DIES on the field of play and over 500 collapse of a heart attack, says Charlie, after he interviewed some old icon footballers (proof from Italian doctor, Christian Eriksen, Danish soccer player who collapsed, was vaccinated)... 

📌Then they talked about child sacrifice. After Alec Baldwin shooting, Charlie, has talked to 5 movie producers now and they all saying, you would never, ever, ever, ever have any live ammunition at the movie set. This was a human sacrifice in plain sight and showing his standing in the freemasonry order... 

📌Simon; this Octopus of power stretches its tentacles all over the world deeper and far greater that is why, it's taking so long time. But we are really near.. Then Charlie takes over - the head that was taking of the beast 18 months ago (The Archon Bloodline Rulers - The Manchurians). Only remains, is the Japping little dogs... 

We are facing a time of change and Simon, Charlie, and Chas explain what we can expect. Our world is evolving quickly as the winds of change blow, and the people are getting closer to taking back their freedoms and countries.

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