Nov 24, 2021

⚠️πŸ“’πŸ‘‚ ~ (Most dangerous situation ever: 'Limelight Obama' calling the shots. Biden gets cancer, Harris becomes US President, Clinton or Pelosi as VP.' ~ SP) Simon Parkes & Doug Billings November 2021 ~ | Blogger: If that doesn't worrying 3/4 of Americans out in the streets I don't know what would ~ Simon.. Now, according to Simon, the Democrats are getting veeery desperate and it could be that, Biden, is declared so sick, he cannot run his Presidency. Simon goes on explaining that "Obama" is the one, who calls the shots and are manipulating the situation in the background... Much more... (SoTW) -- As you know, the "real" Biden if he was alive - at 78 - is the oldest president and has previously suffered two brain aneurysms, a heart condition which makes the muscle beat too fast, causing dizziness and confusion and he can't remember, anything from time to time. You wanna hear another crazy thing? Check out The clown king Johnson’s ‘Peppa Pig’ speech - it's the most insane Harry Potter Bathsheba babbling I'll ever heard... |

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