Oct 4, 2021

🚦🕊️🛐 ~ ('There's hope and light for HU-manty: Simon Parkes Green Light - Kerry Cassidy Red Light. MASS exodus of corrupt elites and politician heads. 2 robots playing 007 in No Time To Die.') REPORTS OF MILITARY MOVEMENTS AROUND N. AMERICA! MARTIAL LAW COMING OR IS IT DS RECKONING TIME? (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: SoTW looove Cassidy, but agrees with Janine, that Kerry Cassidy, seems to be off-track putting out "Doom and Gloom" scenarios, where HU-manity will not survive (kinda)...That Norway and Sweden is dropping everything about Corona restrictions, says Janine (Denmark as well - but not vakkZination effort - sotw) ... Card reading tells Janine that (WH) are expecting but also anticipating some "disruptions" in October. The potential upcoming "Martial law" with military presence and build up is to protect us and not against HU-manity... According to the Cards "tell-tale sign" of a later takedown of thousands upon thousands of people facing justice that is still in power, a whole bunch of deals has been stroke for really long time, but at the end, a lot of them, will be coming down in the month of October. Some of them will not honor their deals and run for the hills... Janine also talks outside the card readings about ALL the royal family heads are now gone, so is The Vatican, a long time ago... Last question (I think it was in Simons latest video she refers too)... Is all the military groups connected to the White Hats?... Janine gets 80%, but they think 70%, is onboard the positive military, but some will go rogue in the last minute and the WH's are anticipating the move... |

"I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm a mile away but it's so much harder to detect when it's around you all day" ~ SoTW slogan 

PS: And no, SoTW is not part of any Q-movement or Guru's or Cult of anykind. As we speak, SoTW, has left some amazing and beautiful people, I though were my new bestest friends, because they all thought they where Archangels and Gods and heard voices in their heads and the "Chosen Ones" to lead the way into the new Golden Age. Well, it might be so, or it might be, that they have smoked too much weed and cultivated the 70's Peace movement. When someone tells me, that I'm a Archangel and my twin-flame is now a male homosexual and therefore, sexual orientation change, I have to dedicate the next 800 years with him, and all my former reincarnated lives, I say him in my dreams, I simply had enough. I'm a very patient man, but love woman in every aspect, mind, body and flesh, inside and out. OMG! I have been inside many so-called "cults", with all due respect, and out again. Yes, that leaves me friendless, Maybe, many of my friends has left me, because of my blog or beliefs, 5 of them has died and that leaves me sometimes alone. But I'm never alone, still have my family and guides in the sky.  I'm a very strong person, with a strong sense of justice towards protection of Mother GAIA, children, weak and neglected, 100% committed to what I do and what I say, feel and act upon. Of course I'm a Archangel  - who isn't? 😉

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