Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 20, 2021
Compiled Wed. 20 Oct. 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
The Hidden War,
Nick Fleming
“We here in the United States, have been involved in a hidden war for control of God’s Country. What they don’t understand was that God always won. For every harm committed there would be an even greater correction. For every theft committed there would be/has been an even greater correction. This went for every innocent ever harmed, enslaved, or oppressed. An even greater correction was in the queue ready to fly into action. This time the correction would be a Clean Sweep, eliminating every bad actor, bringing (suppressed) new quantum technologies to the fore.”
God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video
Judy Note: According to a Global Currency Reset insider, on Sat. 16 Oct. monies from Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 became liquid and bonds were paid out for the GCR to go forward. On Mon. 18 Oct German Bonds and Yellow Dragon Bonds likely went liquid, but there was no confirmation. If so, it would turn on a green light and 26 Master Accounts would release funds to Paymasters.
The General Public Tier 5 would follow in about three days, or around Wed. 20 Oct.
The exact timing was unknown for notification of Tier 4B to set redemption/exchange appointments, we just know it’s very soon.
Summary of Tues. 19 Oct. Update:
May 16, 2020 POTUS said 2021 will be amazing; that we would transition in 4th Quarter.
• 4th Quarter: 10/01 – 12/31
• 4th Quarters were when games were finished and won.
- The DS has had control of the US Taxpayer Dollar since inception of the IRS and Federal Reserve in the early 1900’s. This Illuminati-controlled Cabal has used up all the monies to where a fiat dollar has existed since the 2008 “Mortgage Crisis” when they were unable to even pay interest owed on their original loan of gold from the Chinese Elders.
- As of Sun. 17 Oct. 2021 the DS faced their bankruptcy that had been finalized. Now this Cabal was trying to save it’s neck by activating a new monetary system that no one wanted, through digital currency (Bitcoin) that had no real backing:
- Global Currency Reset: Meanwhile, with backing of the Chinese Elder’s gold, there were 209 countries of the world which were implementing a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset so as to return each country’s tax monies back to The People.
- By Mon. 25 Oct. the world stock markets, were set to crash. Evergrande, China’s indebted giant property developer, has $300 billion in debt and has missed a series in bond payments. The Real Estate giant will be officially in default if the company does not make good after a 30-day grace period for a missed coupon payment that was due on Sept. 23 and in default on Oct 23 when the grace period for payment ended.
- Because of it’s negative effect on the world economy the Chinese Communist Party’s Bitcoin, which has 0 backing, was set to be destroyed in a global military operation of the Alliance.
Food, Fuel and Goods Crisis:
Record number of container ships waiting to enter ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach. 100 ships are frozen at sea outside the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, making the backlog of cargo ships the worst its ever been, KABC reports Another 45 ships are expected to arrive by Thursday. Sec. of Transport, and Biden lackey, Pete Buttigieg, who recently returned from two months paid paternity leave, called the issue ‘complicated’ and said the government is working with ports, truckers and logistics companies to resolve the supply chain crisis.
Judy Note: In general US ports were owned by private entities, and not necessarily US citizens had control. For instance, the Port of Los Angeles was owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Hundreds of cargo ships have been stranded for weeks off of both US coasts. Truckers claim it was because the big corporations wanted to create shortages so they could up the price of goods. Some cargo won’t make it. Rotting food was said to be on some of the ships.
Nick Fleming: To all of Tier 4, know this: there is no lack — of food, or energy, or of the money to buy these things. There is only the Systemic correction taking place. This Systemic correction is global in scope and lawful for One and all. The protocols chronicled and organized decades ago, refined and maintained by White Hats, champions of many nationalities, all unified with a common goal; are being followed to the letter. The proof of this (WIN/WIN) is being delivered right here on the www, and through the many channels we’ve laid over the years. There’s no holding this back. There’s no keeping the facts hidden, no matter what the C_A shills report. The world as you know it is shifting. It had to be managed this way to stop the take over with their One World Order event. It had to be done this way to guarantee 100% safety for Tier 4 massive generational correction to take place.
We passed the point of no return, and there’s no stopping this rollout from rolling out. How wonderful this rollout will actually be is another personal choice. Personally we can all choose Abundance in all Good Things, for One and all. The best of the best. Now, let’s see evidence leading to this marvelous tipping point, the point where all things become transparent. It’s almost here… the Hallelujah Moment! It’s a personal choice. Make it personal today.
Global Economic Crisis:
China’s indebted giant property developer, Evergrande, was expected to enter default when the grace period for its first missed bond payment ends next Sat. 23 Oct. Within 24 hrs the effect will hit the world’s stock markets. Blackrock with 40% plus of its $9.2 trillion hedge fund, will go into crises and globally the housing bubble will crash. HSBC the British based bank which is heavily overextended in the Chinese housing market, will also be in immediate crises. Evergrande and others will likely then usher in collapse of property and real estate markets, which account for over 30% of the Chinese GDP and worth over $55 trillion dollars.
The Global Military Operation was set to shutdown Bitcoin Mining.
Zim Redemption and/or Currency Exchange Appointment: The following was in my opinion only and could easily change by your appointment time. Official instructions would come with publication of the Secured Website.
In order to redeem Bonds and/or exchange foreign currencies at the higher rates you must go to a Redemption Center within the days allotted for such exchanges/ redemptions.
If you go to a bank they would give you the lower rates as shown on the Forex for that day.
Notification to set appointments at Redemption Centers would come out by way of letters to your email account. Those emails would contain a link to a Secured Website. That Secured Website link would also be published on various Dinar websites as well as be in a Restored Republic via a GCR Update.
To access an appointment at a Redemption Center, go into the Secured Website where it would ask you to verify that you are you, after which you would be given an individual 800 number to call to set your redemption/ exchange appointment.
While you could send the Secured Website link to anyone you wished, your individualized 800 number could only be used by you and only once to set your appointment.
Currency Rates: No one has knowledge of the currency exchange rates for Tier 4B as they would be set just prior to notification.
Zim Rate: We don’t know what the Zim rate was. The UST listed the Zim at a 1:1 for countries other than the US.
The US requires a project for the Zim redemption at the higher rates.
If you had Zim and don’t have a project you could take a “default rate.” No one knows what the “default rate” would be.
If you had a project the rate for your ZIM would be on a sliding scale of from below $.01 to $1.00 depending on the needs of your project, your project presentation and how many years you wished for your payout.
80% of that payout would go to your project and 20% would be for yourself. You would also earn interest on money left at the bank during your payout period, which could be substantial.
If you don’t have projects, and you don’t have Zim, you could ask for Contract Rates on your currency.
Except for seniors over 65, all Zim redemption would be on a payout in the number of years of your choice up to 50 years.
You would be paid interest on your money left at the bank during your payout period for as much as 7% to 8% a year depending on how many years you decided for your payout.
The Dinar and Dong exchange could be used for your project.
You could invest in the International projects and would benefit from that commitment. If you elected to go with International Projects, your team would take it and run with it and you would be hands off.
A Trust Account owns the project(s). Your Exchange/ Redemption Team would be available to help you manage your project. There may be oversight during the first couple of years to determine that you’re actually delivering on your commitment to Humanitarian Work, infrastructure and philanthropy. The TRUST still owns everything.
Presenting a Project: Have around three type-written pages with details of your project(s), describing your intentions, your ability to perform and the amounts you would allocate to it. They are looking at the longevity of your project and how many jobs it would create.
Your currency exchange was a non taxable event. The Zim redemption might have an Estate, Capital Gains and/or Earned Interest Tax. It was advised with the ZIM that you set aside an amount to cover possible taxes.
The UST was going to charge a fee to exchange and to redeem. We don’t know exactly what that would be until we get to the delivery.
A bank fee of $.025 was possibly negotiable.
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