Oct 13, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Wake Up Sheeple: Good guys in control of Netflix & 'Inside Job' close to TRUTH like nothing else) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Have you ever wondered who barely runs the world? Inside Job streams October 22, only on Netflix🌟] ...Soooo... We all heard, that Facebook, is now controlled by the "Good Guys", so is Hollyweird, since most of the A-list actors are dead and replaced with CGI. We know about the 500K sealed indictment and some say, 2,7M world-wide VIP/DS/Cabal/DH awaits their arrest...Janine (Sending Ravens) has stated in several videos, that Netflix is now in control of WH and she is NOT the only source. "Inside Job" is about a department that "manage" every single popular "conspiracy theories" that is "real" all rapped up in one cartoon TV-series that are blowing the whistle of truth... What is the hardest concept to wrap your mind around??... Could it be that is difficult to wrap your mind around is the age and size of the universe. 14 billion years old. Wow! And Earth, it's just ONE planet and stars out of trillion-quadrillions... Another concept that is difficult to grasp is the fact, ONE second, we're "controlled" by evil people, AI and aggressive Aliens, the next thing is, that they're all GONE, surrendered to the Good Guys, The Earth Alliance, White Hats and Off-worlders... Well, many are saying PRECIESLY that's happening right now... Are we humans somehow connected to (advanced computer on the Dark Side on the Moon, controlling the Artificial created Saturn Rings), The Veil, Etheric Archon Grid or The Matrix - a electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 13 km (8.6 miles), prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth?... NOMORE... 🤔Oh just to be clear - verdensalt ONCE - truly believe that HU-manity was Soul-Trapped into the existence of a 3-D Matrix of Simulation or illusion (I've call it) that limits our true capacity as humans; encapsulating and prevents humans use of 97% "junk" DNA from a 2-strand double helix to a 12-strand helix, blocking the nurturing of the Etheric Body (release these negative emotions from your memory cells) and hindering the Tachyonic particles reaching Earth, and Sunlight, assisting humans in ascension, health, healing, restoration, and overall well being etc. etc... (As always use your own spiritual discernment)... PS: Anyways, I had myself a really bad experience with 4 people, I considered my friends lately - but that's a story for another time... |

"As we speak, Google, has acquired 120,000 square meters (1.29 million sq ft) of land in Taulov, in Denmark’s Fredericia municipality, while Facebook has bought 212 hectares (523.86 Acres) in Andrup, in the Esbjerg municipality.." ~ SoTW

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