Sep 20, 2021

👼 ~ 💗 ('Your guidance will be a very calm feeling or knowing.') Own your Own Mind (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW didn't manage to visit Ann Albers in Sedona, but stayed at Sedona Sacred Rocks, A Metaphysical BnB (with Meaghan, C. Mc Cue, Energy Medicine/Horse Medicine Practitioner, Emily, Violeta, Regina and all our sweet Four-legged family). I also visited Rahelio Rodriguez - Mystic Tours.. For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours" and rented a MTB bike and befriended a German from California, going up and down in the red mountains (it's durable)... Expensive place - yeah - but there's so many spiritual enlighten angels living, in that area, for a good reason... Beneath the endless beauty beats a healing heart. Sedona has long been regarded as a place both sacred and powerful. It is a cathedral without walls. It is Stonehenge not yet assembled. People travel from all across the globe to experience the mysterious cosmic forces that are said to emanate from the red rocks, spiritual guides from native American ancestors and energy vortex.. Oh man - I do miss my America - my second home. My past life, the root chakra, and my higher-self told me, I used to live as an American between 1902-1965 and traumatized after a WWII battle in the Pacific, gunned down by a Japanese plane as a sailor on a US naval ship (at least I survived experiencing 2 wars)... |


Trust your Own Guidance

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Hi Dear Friends,

Today the angels remind us to mind our own minds and trust our guidance. I'll share examples of how you can pay more attention to your own inner compass with several little stories to illustrate.

Have a blessed week and if you're inclined, join us for Magical Self Love in Sedona, AZ in just two weeks!
♥ Ann

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are discerning about who you allow into your homes. You lock your cars when you go into a store. You select foods that nourish or comfort you and discard that which is spoiled. In most physical areas of your life, you are careful to discern who and what you allow in. You"mind your matter" very well in most cases.

But do mind your mind? Does it matter to you what you allow to infiltrate your thoughts? If your thoughts were people and your mind was a house, what kind of atmosphere would you like in your mental house? What type of thoughts would you allow in when they come knocking on the door of your attention? In this mental house, you get to choose the thoughts that keep you company.

You are certainly being bombarded these days with the thoughts and opinions of others. You have been trained to "take all opinions into account," and indeed it is conventional human wisdom to do so. Sometimes – for example, when working to create something with a team – it makes sense. However, you would never see a flock of birds sharing ideas and "taking into account" one anothers' opinions about where to migrate. Each follows their inner compass. Sometimes their instincts motivate them to follow one another, and sometimes they are motivated to roost on their own. You would never see anything in the natural world "taking into account" another's opinion. Instead, each beautiful being in the natural universe senses and reads energy feels instinctual and intuitive guidance in response and acts upon that.

Are we saying that you could remain totally independent from other human opinions and still be guided to have a blissful life? Although this is an unlikely scenario – and not even recommended because the contrast provides stimulation and desire – we are saying exactly that dear ones. You have your own inner compass. You have your own connection to the Source. You have the ability to attune to what you wish to experience and therefore the ability to receive your guidance in each moment. So does everyone else. Collectively you are guided, if you listen, to live in harmony with yourself and with those around you.

Where you get yourselves in trouble is when you ignore the still, small voice, the delightful feeling that you want to do something, or the not-so-pleasant feelings that tell you you don't. When you ignore your guidance and take everyone else's opinions "into account" instead of trusting yourself, this is when you become confused, uncertain, insecure, and often, upset! When you are in agreement with your own feelings, you will feel good. You will be guided. You can live and let live. When you are at odds with your own feelings, you will not feel so great, you will miss your guidance or ignore it, and you are likely to want others to change... so you can feel better.

For example, suppose you have a feeling that you want to go to an event, take a trip, or visit someone. You feel great about it. You feel safe. You feel excited. Your God-given guidance is telling you to go for it! Suppose however you turn on the news or have a conversation with someone in fear. Suddenly you are taking their opinions "into account" and now you're not so confident. You don't feel so clear. You want to go but you're not sure you "should." Originally your guidance was crystal clear, but since you let thoughts that were not your own into your mental house, now they are taking over!

Your guidance will be a very calm feeling or knowing. You might hear words in your head, but often something just "feels right" or doesn't. Often guidance feels instinctual, natural, and like the thing you want to do next. Guidance can be a feeling of resistance to doing something you think you "should" do, or a feeling of upset when someone is pressuring you to do or be something you don't want to do or be. (If you were totally secure in your own opinions, you'd listen to them without upset and do what you're guided to do anyway, with no need to justify or validate yourself!)

Dear ones, mind your minds and make sure your minds matter to you. Be discerning about listening to your feelings rather than blindly taking in the thoughts that bombard you. Be honest with yourself about how you feel. Instead of worrying so much about pleasing others, be more concerned about pleasing the Source of Creation that lives and abides in you and guides you – in every moment in time – along the path of greatest joy.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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