Aug 31, 2021

🐦💧🏴‍☠️ ~ ('Dover AFB 11 empty coffins, Neg48 is JFK Jr. or original Q inner C. Mr. T's actually father revealed. 'Movie Ending' still few gut-punching FF ops') WHAT ARE WE SEEING WITH THE DS GLOBAL AGENDA? BTS LOOK AT THE SCRIPT BEING PLAYED - WHAT TO EXPECT! (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: Another misbeliever?... No, I guess that Janine is a bit cautious about RDS is dead or not. She has not read card into him yet, I think... I'm so tired of this "movie" and acc. to Janine there's gonna be some disappointment and a few gut punches yet to come before the "movie or show" will end... |

(SoTW:) "Pelosi Is Holding on to Impeachment Articles to Disrupt the Senate's Investigation into Fisagate" ~ Qmap Proofs / Memes

Janine is a gifted Tarot Reader, psychic counselor, artist and intuitive healer. Since 1991 she has been reading Tarot professionally and teaching related classes and workshops in Calgary, Alberta. Janine has built a following of Tarot enthusiasts and clientele from all walks of life and varied cultural and spiritual backgrounds with her dynamic personal style, enthusiasm and candid approach

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