Aug 19, 2021

🏳️‍⚧️🤘 ~ (Det er bar'...) en mave. Det er bar' pir'. Det er bar' samtykkebaseret voldtægtslov! Det er bar' Me-too Danmark. Det er bar' 'Lives Matter'. Det er bar' en Baphomet-transseksuel, transkønnet, LGBTQ+, singularity, transhuman agenda (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Og Sofie Linde, Helle Thorning og hele socialistkvartetet falder PLADASK for Dr. Leo Lummerkrogs kalapøjser parodi, så vi gennemskuer Deres okkulte rødder... Og SoTW har dybeste respekt for voksne eller børn som er stærkt hæmmet af deres sexualitet og fysisk, som vil skifte køn m.v. Min bedste venner er homoseksuelle. Men der ligger en meget ubehagelig 'agenda' bagved... |



"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality"  and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a  ALOT of work to do there!" ~ Janine

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