Jul 29, 2021

🥺👉👈 ~ (Situation Update: '35% of Americans work for their Govt') Biden’s WAR on America: Target the nation’s “human infrastructure” with mandatory, deadly gene therapy injections to mass murder all those who keep the country running (NN) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) -- Everyone on Board: Google, Facebook, Netflix and soon every techcompany to follow suit - take the CO_VID-jab OR ELSE... |

©️ Verdensalt.dk SoTW

 Biden using covid vaccines to target "human infrastructure" that runs America

Mike Adams

China’s strategy for defeating America and occupying North America rests on taking down America’s ability to respond to emergencies or defend itself against attacks.

At first glance, a casual observer might think that obvious infrastructure targets might be America’s power grid, telecommunications infrastructure or fuel refineries, but a far more critical piece of infrastructure that’s often overlooked is the "human infrastructure."

Joe Biden is now expected to announce as early as tomorrow that all federal government workers will be forced to accept experimental gene therapy injections that are falsely labeled "vaccines." In addition, the DOJ just declare it "legal" for all private companies across America to force their own employees to take these dangerous, deadly jabs, even without FDA approval or any legitimate long-term safety or efficacy data.

This is not an accident. This is Joe Biden taking orders from Barack Obama and the CCP, both of whom want America to be taken down and dismantled.

See the full story and podcast here. 

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