Jul 26, 2021

πŸ€–πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’»πŸ”‹ ~ ('The Matrix is to see everyone as a battery for EI. Lightworkers not allowed to reunite with twin souls, to prevent access as possible to any feelings of peace and well-being') Evil Intelligence (PFC) ~| Blogger: Yes, I know, PrepareForChange, is heavily involved and is THE American media spokesperson for The Cobra RM, but fortunately, are able to think by themselves and publish guest articles that is not Cobra RM's own ideas and opinions (I wish it is so and so it is)... |


From starlight432.blogspot.com:


This post regards what I will term as Evil Intelligence (EI). EI has many other names as well, including “Demiurge” and “AntiChrist.” These are probably all terms that describe the same Evil. I use the word “Evil” because when abuse reaches a certain extreme, I could not find any other word to use.

Within the mainstream and alternative media, EI is very clever. There were instances in the past when I researched intel from the alternative media, and then the mainstream media debunked this intel. The alternative media intel was engineered to be false by EI in order to make the mainstream media look more credible. There have also been cases when the alternative media intel was true but didn’t give enough specific information, and I was left unable to counter the mainstream media’s debunking. I’ve been made a fool of in this way, making me look like a whack job who didn’t know what I was talking about due to this lack of specific information. EI often sets up situations where there is enough information to make a claim, but not enough information to make a case. If there is enough information to make a case, EI does everything it can to keep the case from reaching the majority of the population.

Furthermore regarding the media, when EI is countered by positive forces in the arena of world events, and matters are improving, the mainstream media omits this positive information. Then, EI gets the mainstream and alternative media to focus too much on negative events that are occurring, encouraging a ‘doom and gloom’ perspective. Both in the mainstream and alternative media, many journalists probably have good intentions, not even realizing they are being manipulated by EI. There are also, however, many journalists in the mainstream and alternative media who know exactly what they are doing, as agents of EI (cabal).
EI is very good at orchestrating negative synchronicities for desired negative outcomes. It’s not always evil people behind the scenes orchestrating negative synchronicities though. Many times, well-meaning people become unknowing assistants to EI. EI makes it as difficult as possible to obtain a ‘mountain eye view,’ resulting in unforeseen manipulation. And, there are many cases when it seems like oneself has a ‘mountain-eye view’ when in fact there are many EI engineered blind spots. The cleverness of EI is often underestimated.

When people are in a state of emotional distress, this makes it much easier for EI to manipulate them. EI knows the power of emotion well, and steers emotion to benefit itself. This can easily be seen in the engineered political conflicts in the US. In the US, people get emotionally engaged in opposing political belief systems, and then passionately fight one another. ‘Divide and conquer’ is definitely a MO of EI. People fight one another instead of uniting against their common enemy, allowing the active agents of EI – the cabal – to remain in power. Countless wars have been fought throughout time, and the majority of them were of course engineered by EI.

In the past, I noticed that when I would be in a peaceful, carefree state of mind, something negative would happen to me. EI was threatened by my peaceful state, as this created a shortage of loosh, and thus EI needed to cause something negative to happen. This is probably also why lightworkers are not allowed to reunite with their twin souls, to prevent as much access as possible to any feelings of peace and well-being.

An interpretation of the movie The Matrix is to see everyone as a battery for EI. EI orchestrates traumas from an early age, and these traumas are used to create conflicts and loosh throughout the rest of one’s life. The frequency, severity, and particular type of programming from traumas experienced in childhood determine the amount of loosh generation throughout adulthood. Traumas can be healed though. Being aware of how childhood traumas cause present conflicts is crucial to removing EI’s influence over one’s own life.

Goddess presence is probably the #1 threat to EI, because Goddess presence cuts off the loosh that maintains EI’s existence. Without enough loosh, EI would starve and be dissolved. Goddess presence heals and makes peace, only allowing war when war is absolutely necessary, but stops all unnecessary wars from happening before they begin. EI, however, starts all wars that are unnecessary, and stops all necessary wars before they begin. For example, there have been countless times when EI stopped the very necessary elimination of top cabal key players.

EI was an experiment in creation that got out of hand. The experiment was perhaps as follows: All-possibility includes anti-possibility. EI is anti-possibility, as its true nature is to ultimately destroy everything, including itself. It’s impossible to be outside of God/Source though. EI will be returned to God/Source. EI’s defeat is guaranteed, and being aware of how it operates is a useful tool to hasten this process.

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