Beloved Rainbow Scribe Family,
We (Lightworkers) have all been experiencing some of these ascension symptoms in May that included anxiety, full body heat sensation, intermittent pain on the top of scalp that feel like electric shocks, ear pain internally and ringing super loud, aching all over, head pressure, irritability, nauseousness, fatigue, grief, exhaustion, new truths and new perspectives, more creativity, anger, more clarity, emotional sensitivity, dry throat, plugged sinuses, heaviness in the chest, poor digestion, watery blurry eyes, strong bouts of dizziness and weird off balance experiences. More energies coming in June so rest, soak in water, drink lots of water, walk in the forest, slow down and nurture self when you start feeling depleted.
According to my friend Isabelle, the new Haarp technology is being used during high energy days that can create some of these symptoms as well but in her daily work, she has noticed that the negative energies seem to deplete in intensity by the end of one day. She has to clear her field every 3 hours. (She lives in the city.) Also they are using laser beams in areas of the Earth’s grid to disrupt positive energies. Under attack lately is something she calls Universal Earth Grid....I noticed a comment on my Facebook newsfeed this morning that stated the following: “They have started amping up the 5G. I could hear it. There’s another level of listening that will be available to the listeners.” I have noticed these subtle abilities coming online within me as well, but they come and go.
City of Light - credit to the artist who is unknown:
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