May 25, 2021

πŸ’« ~ πŸ’— ('Wednesday’s Total Super Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5ΒΊ Sagittarius') Just Hours Till Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Activations (Meg Benedicte) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: I do like some of the stuff Meg writes about. A random pick among thousands others, but Meg, Portal To Ascension and Co. caught my attention back at Conscious Life Expo with hundreds of well-known spiritual leaders, for a better word. I do not promote any " business opportunity", you all know how expensive David Wilcock's webinars is, with all due respect. Verdensalt (SoTW) makes no money at all on this blog - NOTHING. Not even google adsense og anything. I don't have an income and i don't take money from the State in my country, so why should I charge my readers. It's stupid and common sense, you might add, maybe, but that's NOT why i'm here. I have spend loooots of money on Cobra RM School, Reiki, and many multiple spiritual seminars, conferences and creative self-development courses. I'm my own master now and spend 25 years in banking - so i'm sick and tired of money, that has corrupted almost every single human on Earth... PS: I'm going to a special ceremony in that particular country i'm in tomorrow with my x-girlfriend and a few others. But, because of people are working and long distances between cities and corona, it's not gonna be a face-2-face meet, but on zoom, as usual, which is sad, but that's the way the cookie crumbles (in the moment of now).... |


You may already be sensing the powerful energies of Wednesday’s Total Super Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5ΒΊ Sagittarius. The planetary field is alive and pulsing with Light! This will be the closest supermoon of the year, amplifying intensities in the geomagnetic field. Lunar Eclipses affect the deeper emotional self, initiating inner growth, awareness and new cycles. But first we need to acknowledge old, entrenched patterns and buried emotional trauma surfacing for healing and clearing.

This Eclipse series on the Gemini/Sagittarius nodal axis emphasizes new information, ideas, freedom and balanced communication. Does society remain polarized or choose higher conscious solutions for the greater good? The Super Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and the galactic center, inspires an expanded Heart space for more LOVE! Eclipses are evolutionary gateways that initiate unpredictable change in a very short time. Let’s spread a massive wave of LOVE all around the world!

Wednesday’s a spectacular Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse will be seen over Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, and South-East Asia. Working with Archangel Metatron and Michael, we will travel to the galactic vortex and activate personal healing and planetary intentions for the new timeline.

The Lunar Eclipse is a time of clearing old energy so the new paradigm can anchor in the earth plane. Together we will focus on personal and global Ascension Activations, as we contribute higher frequencies in unity consciousness.

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2021 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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