Apr 22, 2021

🤥👨‍💼⚔️ ~ (Surprise, surprise! Would that also mean NATO's special troops remains operative to protect CIA's heroin ratline & PedoGate-factory?) Biden isn’t ending the Afghanistan War, he’s privatizing it: Special Forces, Pentagon contractors, intelligence operatives will remain (PFC) ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "Biden’s claim that he is ending the forever war is misleading. As The New York Times reported, the United States would remain after the formal departure of U.S. troops with a “shadowy combination of clandestine Special Operations Forces, Pentagon contractors and covert intelligence operatives.” Their mission will be to “find and attack the most dangerous Qaeda or Islamic state threats, current and former American officials said.”👈] ... PS: The hidden-agenda-world, never ceases to amaze me... Trump is still President, silly!?!... At least, that is what is said, but in the 3-D matrix of simulation, normal people are still being mislead, like there's no tomorrow... |

2021-04-21 15:00:56 Edward Morgan

JEREMY KUZMAROV, Over 18,000 Pentagon contractors remain in Afghanistan, while official troops number 2,500. Joe Biden will withdraw this smaller group of soldiers while leaving behind US Special Forces, mercenaries, and intelligence operatives — privatizing and downscaling the war, but not ending it. 

On April 14, President Joe Biden announced that he would end the U.S.’s longest war and withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan on the 20th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Over 6,000 NATO troops will also be withdrawn by that time. “War in Afghanistan was never meant to be a multigenerational undertaking,” Biden said during his remarks from the White House Treaty Room, the same location from which President…

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