Apr 2, 2021

~ πŸ’— (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Planetary Situation Update (Cobra2012) πŸ’• ~ | Blogger: [πŸ‘‰'However, we need to understand that we are clearing millions upon millions of years of cosmic darkness and we can not expect results overnight.' ~ CobraπŸ‘ˆ] ... The most hardcore 'occultist' or "I belong to a cult," has already discovered this new Cobra (RM) report, put out some comments and as you can clearly see, we're not out of the woods yet! Naw, I was just messing with you, guys about the 'cult' thing (or was I?).. Okay! I woke up this morning and saw Cobra's message and I will take one simple and for some, 'insignificant sentence' out in brackets of the report and talk about "cults" and and why we have NOT got our freedom yet and planetary liberation (imagine when Hulk snaps his fingers scene)... Right, I woke up in the middle of the night and thinking "precisely" about that after I listen to the show “Mel K & Charlie Ward Talk RV, QFS , Evergreen” last night and Dr. Charlie Ward was talking about "Clintons" 'and a few weeks time, we will see some MAJOR changes coming out & did Trump mean April 2020 or 2021' blah blah blah, with all due respect... Noooooo, this is NOT the case, sorry... The 'public' will NEVER EVER see anything, before, CIA Operation Mockingbird Deep State Control of the Media, has been taken down and ONE station showing 24/7 nonstop ten days of darkness or light of TRUTH (in my humble opinion) ... SoTW used to be a member of a IT-banker-'cult'. Working (with) "Cisco Systems", IBM and one particular bank(s) and one of EU's BIGGEST (banking) enterprise network every build. 25 years ago I had it all, driven by EGO, MONEY and STATUS. I pushed a button and millions of danish kroner was in my (our) hand the next day to 'projects',... [READ MORE]... |


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear practically all Chimera space fleet and most Chimera underground bases.

Chimera underground bases that are still remaining are much more difficult to clear, as they are connected to the Cabal infrastructure on the surface. The main Chimera underground base under Lake Kivu in Congo with the spider king and queen has not been cleared yet.

The Light forces are also rapidly clearing quantum primary anomaly around the Earth. Quantum primary anomaly is a random quantum field which is preventing Ascended beings from manifesting into the physical realm and thus preventing them directly assisting humanity. The amount of this quantum primary anomaly around Earth was simply enormous, much bigger than expected, and it encompassed the quantum timeline potential for all negative events that might happen. Most of this general anomaly has been cleared in the last two months and most negative event potentials canceled out.

Very small amount of that anomaly extends beyond lunar orbit throughout the solar system and even throughout the whole universe, as until the last planet of darkness is liberated, none of the universe can be completely free. Even one cancerous cell in an otherwise healthy body is too much, and healing needs to happen.[READ MORE] ... | 



...I worked sometimes 10-12 hours a day, Cisco Account Manager, and bank-leaders, gave us everything, movie and concert tickets, parties, expensive dinners, and tours, drinks, woman, you name it... 

I personally got a trip to Singapore, 3 weeks on a 5 star hotel, for 1 hour work in Y2K fear, and an expected call from TV 2 News network, thank god they didn't call, to drunk - been partying like it was 1999 with my danish shipping friend and some danes living in Singapore and my chinese girlfriend... You see (though) I was the "shit" back then, I didn't care about anything (more or less)...    

With 30,000 employees and 9 million banking customers, I thought, being part of a 'team' of 'King of Kings' with Networking, Firewall, OS and Servers, Infrastructure and Enterprise services, in the IT-community, I was feeling Untouchable - until I woke up on day... 
So, what I'm trying to say here is, why in the name of God, did I leave that behind me? I have no longer one single friend from my bank anymore, not one, because what I have become - an unemployed, worthless, junkie for TRUTH and FREEDOM.(there's of course hundred of reasons, but not in this commentary track)... 

You see, the 'Corona Corporation', (Umbrella Corps) for a better word, is a CULT and the pharmaceutical industry, is a CULT. The #Pedogate who protect each other, is a CULT. The Freemasonry or Masonry organization, is s CULT. The Scientology or other religious organizations, is CULTS. The military–industrial complex (MIC) is a CULT. The political community is a CULT. UFO-SSP community is a CULT. Cobra (RM) is a CULT, with all due respect. 

We are sooo desperate to belong to a cult or organisation and finding like-minded friends to avoid being left outside or 'alone' in the cold, outside the 3-D Matrix of Simulation. 

Taken down 'The Cabal' and or the 'Corona Corporation', is NOT something you do overnight, like Cobra is clearly, saying and SoTW truly agree... You be the judge, jury and executioner, as always... |

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