Apr 23, 2021

πŸ§¬πŸ’‰πŸ™‰ ~ (Antivaccine fear mongering? Nooooo! Listen & Learn) Geert Vanden Bosshe with Del Bigtree: We Must Stop the Vaccination Program Immediately (GAOG) ~ | Blogger: Even my mom, a pensioned 45-year experienced nurse at hospital ER Department, who vaccinated hundreds of danes, told me today - let's not talk about the bad things, anymore, my son... Well, mom, i'm doing my best, but what if we all just STOPPED TALKING about the bad things in the world, who would wake up then? Yeah, my dad got the jab, who's almost 80 years old, still on prescribed drug for congestive heart failure and sometimes, statin medications, of course i'm worried about him. It's my own dad and I can't do anything about it, but i'm human, mom. And no mom, i'm not like all the other anti-vaccine activists, who enjoy a speed, scale, and reach far greater than those of Dr. Bond’s day. Bottom-up networked activism is perhaps driving the spread of anti-vaccine COVID-19 propaganda. But mom, listen to these people, doctors who's screaming and yelling, world medical personnel, comprises military and civilian medical personnel, who's really studying this subject, that goes by the hundreds or thousands. I'm just worried about countries who wants to buy up all unproven dangerous, experimental gene therapy Corona-vaccines by millions and given it out to their own (autoimmune disorder or healthy) citizens, like it's free candy. Not for forget, that some nurses and doctors coming into contact with vaccinated people are experiencing strange blood clot events / bruising / women having miscarriages etc due to the proteins given off by the newly modified DNA of the jabbed ones. Mom, I just care deeply about what will happen right now after 1 shot, and after receiving at least 2 shots, 3-4 shot and after 6-months to 1-year time, when CV-vaccines are the new "normal" given out on a regular basis, in form of injections, pill-based or Inhalation-based vaccination... PS: Of course, I didn't tell her all that, she knows already, but I understand, if she cant take all "bad news" anymore. Me2 sometimes... |


Vaccine creator Geert Vanden Bosshe discusses with Del Bigtree why he sent out a letter to all medical professionals urging them to stop the vaccination program.





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